Zone1 Critical Race Theory

It's not black history, it's American history. No one is saying the focus of teaching history be on racism or slavery, only that those subjects be discussed as accurately and thoroughly as possible.

As far as the "they already know" argument, Americans remain amongst the most ignorant of any industrialized country in the world, so don't assume that anyone knows anything, especially in regards to history.
Whites in the United States are not responsible for the fact that American Negroes usually are less prosperous than we are. We are responsible for the fact that American Negroes are usually more prosperous than most Negroes in black majority, black run countries. We are not pushing Negroes down; we are lifting them up. Their weight is getting hard to bare.
Americans weren't British slaves. "Manifest Destiny" was a real thing.
My ancestors were not free on July 4, 1776 and they lived here. They were American slaves. Manifest Destiny was a white delusion.
Just like the Republican health care plan you want CRT removed and replaced with absolutely nothing. Seems my original opinion of you was 100% accurate.
He doesn't know what CRT iis.
My ancestors were not free on July 4, 1776 and they lived here. They were American slaves. Manifest Destiny was a white delusion.
Your ancestors in the United States were better off than Negro slaves in sub Saharan Africa. Negro slaves in sub Saharan Africa were sometimes the victims of cannibalism and human sacrifices.

Your ancestors were not enslaved by whites. They were enslaved by blacks, and sold to whites. Until whites developed modern medicine, whites could not enter the interior of sub Saharan Africa because we lacked resistances to sub Saharan African diseases.
Your ancestors in the United States were better off than Negro slaves in sub Saharan Africa. Negro slaves in sub Saharan Africa were sometimes the victims of cannibalism and human sacrifices.

Your ancestors were not enslaved by whites. They were enslaved by blacks, and sold to whites. Until whites developed modern medicine, whites could not enter the interior of sub Saharan Africa because we lacked resistances to sub Saharan African diseases.
Nice attempt at trying to minimize and rationalize slavery, but of course, it is a massive fail to anyone with a clue.

You're lucky many of your fellow posters don't have one.
Nice attempt at trying to minimize and rationalize slavery, but of course, it is a massive fail to anyone with a clue.

You're lucky many of your fellow posters don't have one.
How is he minimizing slavery by pointing out that blacks in Africa were the ones who enslaved their own people - and then sold them like a piece of farm equipment. Let’s not minimize the role that Africans played in all this.
Nice attempt at trying to minimize and rationalize slavery, but of course, it is a massive fail to anyone with a clue.

You're lucky many of your fellow posters don't have one.
By no means do I justify slavery. The slave trade was the worst mistake European settlers in the Americas made. In the United States only a small minority of whites could afford slaves. In slave states family farms could not compete with plantations. Nearly every skilled trade and profession paid more in free states than in slave states.
My ancestors were not free on July 4, 1776 and they lived here. They were American slaves. Manifest Destiny was a white delusion.
Manifest Destiny contributed to the debate over slavery, to the Civil War, and the end of slavery. Also, what was termed "Manifest Destiny" was foretold three thousand years earlier in the Bible. It was God's plan all along. And although it took awhile the black man has benefitted from it as well. Compare the condition of the American blacks to the Africans today.
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Calling something what it is, is merely descriptive.
You called me a "dimwitted bigot" when I correctly pointed out that Americans remain some of the dumbest human beings in the industrialized, first world countries. You clutched your pearls and recoiled in horror.

But I'm correct in being "merely descriptive."
How is he minimizing slavery by pointing out that blacks in Africa were the ones who enslaved their own people - and then sold them like a piece of farm equipment. Let’s not minimize the role that Africans played in all this.
Native Americans did the same thing, but it was not industrialized, it was the result of tribal warfare. Europeans industrialized it and made it profitable for Africans.
There was a huge uproar over CRT being taught in our schools, and almost no one could even describe what CRT would encompass, assuming it was ever being taught in the first place (it wasn't)

So if you're wondering what CRT would look like, it would probably look something like this:

View attachment 796650
That's not crt. And whites were also slaves and were lynched. There was redlining and deed restrictions on whites also. Don't be McRetard.

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