Cringe discussion of DEI on The Chris Wallace Show

I strongly disagree that when a minority is included, there "will always be a question as to why". That's a racist assumption, and it has nothing to do with leftist demands for inclusion.
That notion was also brought up by a person who is arguing your side of this.

I don't understand the tactics, and I don't understand the goal. I'm the first to admit that. Me, I'd like to see racial differences become a thing of the past.

What I certainly CAN see is how these tactics have panned out. And it's clear to me that they have resulted in massive resentment and the rise of Trumpism. That's not what I would consider a positive result. And when I do something that doesn't work, I admit that I've probably done things wrong, and I look at alternative ideas.
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Blacks will begin to solve racial problems when they start taking ownership of the problem and take steps to solve it.

The first step is to lower the OOW birthrate to something half-way respectable. No group of people who, as a whole, has a 72% illegitimacy rate is going to get rid of their problems without changing that first. It is associated with lower educational attainment, higher crime rates, and higher poverty rates.

I love how the idiots and the uninformed blame black people for racial discrimination. I suppose you think that women are raped because of the way they dress too.

You have a chicken and egg problem. Which came first OWW pregnancy, or higher rates of poverty, crime, and lower educational attainment in minority communities???? It's not out of wedlock pregnancies that are the problem.

Given the rape of black women by their white masters, and the number of children that produced, the separation and sale of families, and the mass incarceration of young black males under "Zero Tolerance" drug policies, only an idiot blames black people for OWW pregnancies.

The bald fact is that there were ALWAYS higher rates of povery, crime and lower education attainment in minority communities, and that ALL of these problems have DECREASED since the 1960's and 1970's when OWW rates much lower than they are today, and "shotgun weddings" were the normal response to unwed pregnancy.

"Before the 1970s, unmarried mothers kept few of their babies. Today they put only a few up for adoption because the stigma of unwed motherhood has declined. The transformation in attitudes was captured by the New York Times in 1993: “In the old days’ of the 1960s, ’50s, and ’40s, pregnant teenagers were pariahs, banished from schools, ostracized by their peers or scurried out of town to give birth in secret.” Today they are “supported and embraced in their decision to give birth, keep their babies, continue their education, and participate in school activities.” Since out-of-wedlock childbearing no longer results in social ostracism, literally and figuratively, shotgun marriage no longer occurs at the point of the shotgun."

That notion was also brought up by a person who is arguing your side of this.

I don't understand the tactics, and I don't understand the goal. I'm the first to admit that. Me, I'd like to see racial differences become a thing of the past.

What I certainly CAN see is how these tactics have panned out. And it's clear to me that they have resulted in massive resentment and the rise of Trumpism. That's not what I would consider a positive result. And when I do something that doesn't work, I look at alternative ideas.

I agree with everything you've said here. But as for solutions, I have few ideas.

What few people know, and it's certainly not something the industry publically talks about, but the growth of "staffing agencies" in the 70's and 80's was one way of getting around anti-discrimination laws. The agency prescreens all applicants so that employers never receive applications from minorities, or any other people the employer doesn't want.

When I first moved to Toronto, I worked for an employment agency briefly, to find what jobs were in demand and how I could make the most money possible. That's when and why I became a law clerk. It was the most in-demand job there was. I was never unemployed and I made top money thereafter.

A firm cannot be accused of racial discrimination in hiring if no minority applicants apply for a job. I actually had one HR guy say to me "Don't send me any black people". When I started working there, I couldn't underwtand why a big firm with an HR department, paid us 10% of their first year's salary when they had employees they paid to do the same job we did. It didn't take long to find out why.
I agree with everything you've said here. But as for solutions, I have few ideas.

What few people know, and it's certainly not something the industry publically talks about, but the growth of "staffing agencies" in the 70's and 80's was one way of getting around anti-discrimination laws. The agency prescreens all applicants so that employers never receive applications from minorities, or any other people the employer doesn't want.

When I first moved to Toronto, I worked for an employment agency briefly, to find what jobs were in demand and how I could make the most money possible. That's when and why I became a law clerk. It was the most in-demand job there was. I was never unemployed and I made top money thereafter.

A firm cannot be accused of racial discrimination in hiring if no minority applicants apply for a job. I actually had one HR guy say to me "Don't send me any black people". When I started working there, I couldn't underwtand why a big firm with an HR department, paid us 10% of their first year's salary when they had employees they paid to do the same job we did. It didn't take long to find out why.
Fucking bizarre, but I guess not a surprise.

We have a long way to go.
Yes you do, because you never use the word "incompetence" when it comes to white men.

It doesn't even cross your mind.

Sir, that's the definition of white supremacy.
Incompetence isn't restricted to white men. What a weird notion.

Maybe you have some fabricated calculations about competence percentages based on skin color, but I don't.
Incompetence isn't restricted to white men. What a weird notion.

Maybe you have some fabricated calculations about competence percentages based on skin color, but I don't.
You keep stating things I never stated or suggested.

When I say, "white men are also incompetent" you hear "only white men are incompetent."

Do you see where the problem originates?
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That one lady who is "infuriated" is complaining about something the Left created. When a minority is included, there will always be a question as to why. THAT'S BECAUSE THE LEFT DEMANDED THE INCLUSION IN THE FIRST PLACE. Exactly what were they expecting when they dropped standards and made immutable characteristics like race and gender a higher priority than merit?

This is a great example of the crap that turns people off about the Left.

Wow, we agree on something. Now, if you could only set aside your cultish hatred of all things Trump and come to the realization that left-wing policies like this and many others are by far and away the most destructive forces in our country and will ultimately lead to our downfall.
Blacks will begin to solve racial problems when they start taking ownership of the problem and take steps to solve it.

The first step is to lower the OOW birthrate to something half-way respectable. No group of people who, as a whole, has a 72% illegitimacy rate is going to get rid of their problems without changing that first. It is associated with lower educational attainment, higher crime rates, and higher poverty rates.
Lisa, your uneducated ass doesn't know the difference between correlation and causation nor can you differentiate between marriage rates and parental participation.
You keep stating things I never stated or suggested.

When I say, "white men are also be incompetent" you hear "only white men are incompetent."

Do you see where the problem originates from?
You're taking this off into tangents that don't matter. That conversation fixes or advances nothing.

If this is all on someone else, just keep doing what you're doing, then. It's really working out super great!

You're taking this off into tangents that don't matter. That conversation fixes or advances nothing.

If this is all on someone else, just keep doing what you're doing, then. It's really working out super great!

How come you never argue, "what about Black resentment?"
You're taking this off into tangents that don't matter. That conversation fixes or advances nothing.

If this is all on someone else, just keep doing what you're doing, then. It's really working out super great!

No, I'm responding to your ignorant racist rhetoric and this is where it took us.

What doesn't matter?
White males are 36 percent of the population, they should not have 70-80 percent of any position.

What percentage of NBA and NFL players are black? Do you think that is wrong or right? Those hiring these players are predominantly white. What makes you think that those whites are the exception to the rule, meaning they hire the best candidates while other whites in hiring positions do not? It is illogical. It couldn’t possibly have anything to do with the fact that business leaders typically hire employees that make them the most money, ergo, are the most qualified, could it?
That notion was also brought up by a person who is arguing your side of this.

I don't understand the tactics, and I don't understand the goal. I'm the first to admit that. Me, I'd like to see racial differences become a thing of the past.
Do you mean you'd like to see racist sentiments become a thing of the past or socio-economic inequalities because the majority of your concern seems to be centered on how white people feel and re-act to efforts to address those inequalities.

If you want to have a serious discussion about addressing those issues my honest opinion is that I don't believe DEI policies are the right way to go. I also don't necessarily think they're the wrong way to go. I think that at this moment in time that small move towards addressing those inequalities are about the best we can hope out of white people, politically and socially, for the time being. Real solutions are going to have to come in the form of closing the financial wealth gap that exists between white and black families and communities. Being forced to allow black people into these spaces isn't going to translate in to influence because the only real influence in this society is derived from wealth.
What I certainly CAN see is how these tactics have panned out. And it's clear to me that they have resulted in massive resentment and the rise of Trumpism.
Just like how just the talk of maybe not expanding slavery to new territories ultimately resulted in the Civil War. You have to fight racists Mac. They're not going to concede because you ask them nicely.
That's not what I would consider a positive result. And when I do something that doesn't work, I admit that I've probably done things wrong, and I look at alternative ideas.
The Democratic party's problem it that it doesn't have a unified objective. The white right does. Some of us, want to fight racists and some like you want to placate them. It's shame that we have to fight you and them at the same time but such is life. :dunno:
Lisa, your uneducated ass doesn't know the difference between correlation and causation nor can you differentiate between marriage rates and parental participation.
The studies linking poverty, crime, and poor educational attainment are focused on the OOW rate. The higher the rate, the worse the outcome for the kids. Period.

Your uneducated ass just refuses to admit that the 72% OOW rate is the cause of a lot of problems among blacks. Grow up and take some responsibility. Excuses and denial don’t help you.

Neither does blaming whitey.

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