Criminal Co-Conspirator FBI Agent Srtzok's Security Clearance Revoked - Booted From FBI Building


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
AG Sessions: Peter Strzok was escorted out
of the FBI because he lost his security clearance

John Sexton Jun 21, 2018 6:41 PM

“it is possible that escorting him out meant
that the inspector general’s Russia investigation
is going to be brutal for him”




AG Sessions: Peter Strzok was escorted out of the FBI because he lost his security clearance
Rosenstein is on the political 'death watch' list, as articles for his Impeachment -- due to his chosen criminal Obstruction of Justice - intentional CONTINUED illegal non-compliance of Congressional subpoenas -- have already been drafted and are just waiting to be submitted.
Rosenstein is on the political 'death watch' list, as articles for his Impeachment -- due to his chosen criminal Obstruction of Justice - intentional CONTINUED illegal non-compliance of Congressional subpoenas -- have already been drafted and are just waiting to be submitted.

Sheila Jackson Lee spills the beans.

The bed wetters have been convinced Trump was going to fall because of all these investigations.


Looks like the only ones losing anything are leftist sociopaths at the FBI and DOJ.

These guys are awfully good at covering their asses and destroying any incriminating evidence. So, I wouldn't count on future IG Reports finding much in the way of actionable evidence that would lead to a conviction. Against Strzok or Rosenstein or anyone else. Sad, but that's the way it is: pissants go to jail but these guys mostly skate.
Strozk, Comey, Yates, Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Clinton, Obama and McCabe should have known better than to do Vladimir Putin's bidding. Same with Lynch, Jarret, Powers, and Rice.

If there is any justice in this world, and we want to preserve Democracy, there should be trials held for these people like at Nuremberg.
15 Obama FBI & DOJ officials have been fired, demoted, or are under Criminal Investigation Right Now.

There will be more. Unlike Hitler's COUP in Germany, this Democrat Plot failed.
“My take is that it is possible that escorting him out meant that the inspector general’s Russia investigation is going to be brutal for him,” the former official told Fox News. “If you’re the subject or mentioned by name in an OIG report, they typically show you the parts of the report that relate to you.”

The official added: “At the end of the day, one of the drafts of the next inspector general report is making its way around and the findings are alarming to the FBI.”…

The former official also speculated the Strzok’s escort out of the building could be related to a loss of security clearance, or even the findings of personal texts or emails from Strzok and Page that the inspector general was not able to obtain.
Strozk, Comey, Yates, Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Clinton, Obama and McCabe should have known better than to do Vladimir Putin's bidding. Same with Lynch, Jarret, Powers, and Rice.

If there is any justice in this world, and we want to preserve Democracy, there should be trials held for these people like at Nuremberg.

They're doing marx's bidding.

They also need to face the same punishments.

AG Sessions: Peter Strzok was escorted out
of the FBI because he lost his security clearance

John Sexton Jun 21, 2018 6:41 PM

“it is possible that escorting him out meant
that the inspector general’s Russia investigation
is going to be brutal for him”


View attachment 200293

It is a crime to have a bad opinion of Trump. The banana republic is here. This sounds like retaliation to me.

Amazing how Kushner was able to handle classified material without a security clearance. That despite the fact that Kushner hid things on his security paperwork.

The IG report states that no politics was involved in the decision.


AG Sessions: Peter Strzok was escorted out of the FBI because he lost his security clearance
Rosenstein is on the political 'death watch' list, as articles for his Impeachment -- due to his chosen criminal Obstruction of Justice - intentional CONTINUED illegal non-compliance of Congressional subpoenas -- have already been drafted and are just waiting to be submitted.

Maybe we should have a DOJ investigation pf Congress. Specifically how information in a active CRIMINAL investigation was leaked less than 2 hours after it was given to Congress. The only reason they want it is to pass it on to Trump. That is not oversight. That is obstruction of justice.
Strozk, Comey, Yates, Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Clinton, Obama and McCabe should have known better than to do Vladimir Putin's bidding. Same with Lynch, Jarret, Powers, and Rice.

If there is any justice in this world, and we want to preserve Democracy, there should be trials held for these people like at Nuremberg.

If there is any justice in the world and we want to preserve democracy, the stars of a Nuremberg style trial should be Trump, Sessions and others in the Trump Administration.
They should be prosecuted. For being the worst super secret double agents ever. How could they let all that damning evidence against the anointed one get leaked to the public by the FBI?

What kind of cohorts were these two lovers anyway?
Rosenstein is on the political 'death watch' list, as articles for his Impeachment -- due to his chosen criminal Obstruction of Justice - intentional CONTINUED illegal non-compliance of Congressional subpoenas -- have already been drafted and are just waiting to be submitted.

Maybe we should have a DOJ investigation pf Congress. Specifically how information in a active CRIMINAL investigation was leaked less than 2 hours after it was given to Congress. The only reason they want it is to pass it on to Trump. That is not oversight. That is obstruction of justice.
Eisenstein has already tried to intimidate Congress with that threat. The little shit has balls, I will give him that.... either that or he is just plain stupid, committing the crime of obstruction of justice by refusing to comply with a congressional subpoena and threatening Congress when they demand he actually comply and hand over documents...

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