Criminal aliens that assaulted police in NYC and released without bail are arrested in Arizona.


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Who is insane and in a cult? People who think no bail for assault a police officer is good, like in NY? Or Arizona, who arrests people for immigration violations.


They should not be deported just to cross the border again illegally….they should be held in prison until adjudication.

It is amazing one can beat up a cop in NYC and get $0 bail and no jail time and may leave the state.

Fucker is wearing the same Kobe shirt. Kinda funny.


All for politics. So bizarre.
The entire stoiry is insane, which matches your border. It is also amazing how.little coverage BBC and even Canadas CBC give this issue. That is how desperate some are in their belief that Trump will be bad for our countries (elite). It is astonishing how short sighted the are and illustrates just how desperate our economies are that they are this short sighted.
The entire stoiry is insane, which matches your border. It is also amazing how.little coverage BBC and even Canadas CBC give this issue. That is how desperate some are in their belief that Trump will be bad for our countries (elite). It is astonishing how short sighted the are and illustrates just how desperate our economies are that they are this short sighted.

Every other nation on earth wants to the US to be weak.

That is why they do not like Trump. He wanted NATO STATES TO PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE. THEY WERE NOT.

The rest of the world wants to see America collapse…of course they want Biden as POTUS.

They should not be deported just to cross the border again illegally….they should be held in prison until adjudication.

It is amazing one can beat up a cop in NYC and get $0 bail and no jail time and may leave the state.

Fucker is wearing the same Kobe shirt. Kinda funny.


All for politics. So bizarre.

They should throw their asses in jail for interstate flight to avoid prosecution and identity theft. The left NY using assumed names.

It is amazing one can beat up a cop in NYC and get $0 bail and no jail time and may leave the state.
People who think no bail for assault a police officer is good, like in NY? Or Arizona, who arrests people for immigration violations.
he left NY using assumed names.

Seems to be some uninformed grievances to hyperventilate about?

Here is what the NY prosecutors office said....on last night's news: (and I paraphrase)....

The three whose mugshots were shown on TV could not definitively be identified as any of the masked attackers. They were not arrested at the scene so could not be specifically identified. That is plausible given what I saw of the melee. There was a lot of kineticism going on in that attack by masked or hard to see clearly rapidly moving attackers.
And the only one of that pack who was captured at the scene...and thus could be definitively identified..... and who sits in jail now is the one wrestled to the ground by the policeman. He was not able to run away.

Now, should any citizen be outraged by that attack? Well, hell yes. Certainly, New York citizens are.
But, in America, we cannot prosecute someone who we cannot definitively prove he was, in fact, an attacker.

So those three blokes in the mugshot were released. And they promptly lit out for Arizona. And Arizona was able to arrest them on unrelated charges. A good thing. You can bet a New York detective or prosecutor will make a call to Arizona to offer some, ummm ....'background'. And if one of the three snitches on the others....then I'll bet NY will want those blokes back to face NY justice.

BTW......there are photos or video captures illustrating other attackers and those are being distributed to law enforcement and the public. Hopefully, someone will turn in one or more of the attackers. THEN ..... the DA has something to go on. An identity linked to an individual. And perhaps justice will be served and those identified individuals can be apprehended.

They should not be deported just to cross the border again illegally….they should be held in prison until adjudication.

It is amazing one can beat up a cop in NYC and get $0 bail and no jail time and may leave the state.

Fucker is wearing the same Kobe shirt. Kinda funny.


All for politics. So bizarre.
We need to get rid of biden and close the border with mexico to illegals

They should not be deported just to cross the border again illegally….they should be held in prison until adjudication.

It is amazing one can beat up a cop in NYC and get $0 bail and no jail time and may leave the state.

Fucker is wearing the same Kobe shirt. Kinda funny.


All for politics. So bizarre.
They are not the same ones in NYC that were arrested by Arizona.
Someone pointed out that it was a waste of time to deport him since its so easy for bad people to enter the country illegally

That observation inevitably leads to the need for border security that we will never get under biden
We will never get the guards because they GOP wants to fuck around before they do it.

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