Creator of Charging Bull Wall Street Statue not pleased with fearless girl statue


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2010
His main point is that the other work takes his sculpture from his positive intent into a negative. I know people who don't like capitalism don't see the bull as positive, but that is a person's own interpretation of the work. Here another work was placed and it changes the context of the original work without the artist's permission. One would say that without the original work (the bull) the 2nd work (fearless girl" would not have the same meaning it currently has.

For his part, Mr. Di Modica became emotional, explaining later that when he had heard about “Fearless Girl,” his reaction was to go to the site in Lower Manhattan and try to do something to end the face-off between the two statues. “I said, ‘Now I’m going to turn around the bull myself,’” he recalled.

The lawyers said that “Fearless Girl” had subverted the bull’s meaning, which Mr. Di Modica defined as “freedom in the world, peace, strength, power and love.”

Because of “Fearless Girl,” Mr. Siegel said, “‘Charging Bull’ no longer carries a positive, optimistic message,” adding that Mr. Di Modica’s work “has been transformed into a negative force and a threat.”

Of course DiBlasio disregards the artist's statements out of hand...

Mayor Bill de Blasio, who spoke out in support of “Fearless Girl” last month, reiterated its importance on Twitter on Wednesday: “Men who don’t like women taking up space are exactly why we need the Fearless Girl.”
if he feels that strongly he can have his work moved...who owns the bull statue now...was he paid for it? if so...he has given up the right to say where its displayed or what its displayed with....
seems he still owes the bull ...he has tried to sell it but it remains why doesnt he move it...why is he such a snowflake?
i like art i think there should be more ..and government funded but this man is just whining why doesnt he move the bull ..he owns it
if he feels that strongly he can have his work moved...who owns the bull statue now...was he paid for it? if so...he has given up the right to say where its displayed or what its displayed with....

That would kind of remove the content of the girl standing there though, wouldn't it?

That art has no context without his art, and he wasn't consulted about changing the context of his art.
i love when conservatives pretend to be concerned with art and artistic you think the girl statue cannot stand alone? i think you are mistaken hopefully he will move the bull and we will find out
i love when conservatives pretend to be concerned with art and artistic you think the girl statue cannot stand alone? i think you are mistaken hopefully he will move the bull and we will find out

Again, it loses it's context if the bull isn't there, which give credence to the bull artist's claim that the subsequent work changed the intent of his.

And one doesn't have to be a conservative to be interested in this. I have no issue with someone getting their own interpretation of artwork, but this is a specific case of one artist using another's art to provide context for their own, and said context changes the view of the first piece of art from positive to negative.
art can be individual or do realize large art exhibits go on daily...with little regard if any as to how one piece of art effects the other....i do see his point that it does change perception of the bull but then again i never found the bull to be a huge attraction and yes i have seen it ....
art can be individual or do realize large art exhibits go on daily...with little regard if any as to how one piece of art effects the other....i do see his point that it does change perception of the bull but then again i never found the bull to be a huge attraction and yes i have seen it ....

One piece of art next to another can have an influence, but each one does't rely on the other, or make a statement about the other.

Now say if someone took Picaso's "The scream" and put a painting of a laughing clown pointing at it next to it, THEN you have one piece of art deliberately interacting with another, and it would be pretty twisted, with regards to Picaso's intent with "The Scream"

To the artist who made the bull, it represents “freedom in the world, peace, strength, power and love.”

Add the defiant girl in and it becomes a symbol of something she needs to stand against and be defiant of, a far more negative context than what the original artist intended.
galleries group by artist to allow the viewer to see that artists art in discussing sculpture those rules are out the window...

i understand how he feels that it changes the intentions of his works but he cant insist another artist move their art....his option is to move his
In reality the girl can only be fearless if she is packing a 38 caliber pistol somewhere like Annie Oakley did.

In the statue it can only be stuffed in her coochie panties.

I don't see a holster on her anywhere.
The fearless little girl statue belongs on the bottom of the East River, it's fucking trash, bad graffiti

that's better
For the sake of art, this little girl is like painting a mustache on the Mona Lisa and has no business being in the same hemisphere as the charging bull. Put her in some Islamic country
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