Crappy-looking US uniforms

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I remember when they first brought Marpat on board.

They showed the contrast in how well a job it did of camouflage from old uniforms. The stuff just vanishes. And it is reversible and both types work great.

The old british army uniform looked great. Made an easy target to shoot at too.
tiger stripe, stop rip cotton , the best.


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if uniforms still won wars ie British Redcoacts - we woukl sttill be speaking English...............
if uniforms still won wars ie British Redcoacts - we woukl sttill be speaking English...............

And the nazi's would have their jackboots on your neck. Are you trolling? I'm starting to think the drum circle and a bong is better place for you than the military thread. Hell, I don't even post in the miliitary thread. WTF?
Uniforms, or more specifically, fatigues, are just another tool of war. They aren't supposed to look pretty, their original purpose was to conceal. Now that technology has advanced, and the enemy has a broad range of optical magnification lenses/equipment, the original purpose of camouflage is redundant, so a soldier can no longer rely on his or her camouflaged fatigues to conceal them from the enemy.

Its modern purpose is actually intimidation, and the current standard-issue US military fatigues do that perfectly. It makes them stand-out as professional soldiers. What would you have them do, stroll around Kandahar dressed as Gen. Custer, perhaps?

No, ginscpy, like the Taliban, you've wandered into a situation totally unprepared. You've exposed yourself to a superior force. You're dead.

In future, I advise that you don't embark on a course of structured antagonism halfway through a bottle of Jack Daniels. And for the love of God, go back to school. Your inability to structure a sentence and spell is, quite frankly, a national embarrassment to Great Britain.
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Camouflage bothers you? Perhaps you never saw a Military dress uniform. I think Clinton created the Black Beret so that every member of the US Army could feel like a Special Forces Green Beret and they were made in China at first (still?) but they don't look that bad. Semper Fi to the Marines who didn't change.
Camouflage bothers you? Perhaps you never saw a Military dress uniform. I think Clinton created the Black Beret so that every member of the US Army could feel like a Special Forces Green Beret and they were made in China at first (still?) but they don't look that bad. Semper Fi to the Marines who didn't change.

The black beret was made the head gear for all soldiers, which had previously only been warn by the 75th Ranger Regiment. Other units have berets too, Airborne units wear a maroon beret, etc.

That happened in November 2001 due to Shinseki and Bush was President. Next to a patrol cap, berets suck and are useless for anything other than a dress uniform.

As for the OP (to anyone concerned); he's trolling. He likes to come on here and try and piss of people by attacking veterens (of all people) for whatever reason. I don't know, maybe he gets off on it.

Check out his previous thread on Viet Nam, etc.
Camouflage bothers you? Perhaps you never saw a Military dress uniform. I think Clinton created the Black Beret so that every member of the US Army could feel like a Special Forces Green Beret and they were made in China at first (still?) but they don't look that bad. Semper Fi to the Marines who didn't change.

Douche bag Shinseki decided in 2000 to remove the black beret from exclusive Ranger batt. use, and give it to the general army in 2001 which he did, there by ensuing to an extent to cut down on elitism with the by product of looking like European armies, so we are all just one big happy happy leveled force.

He was then petitioned heavily and yes he remembered oops, Rangers are still an elite outfit so we'll let them have a distinct beret again....the dumb fuc should have just given the brown beret to the army in general and let us keep the black, he didn't think of that because he never thought it through, and understand there would be push back....typical, the higher up you go the less connected with the troops and more PC one gets.
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I am not sure, but I find it hilarious that I have actually seen DEP'ers argue over which branch has the best looking. I guess it does matter a lot, I mean, if a enemy is gawking at you trying to control his lust, he can't shoot you. :boobies:
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I am not sure, but I find it hilarious that I have actually seen DEP'ers argue over which branch has the best looking. I guess it does matter a lot, I mean, if a enemy is gawking at you trying to control his lust, he can't shoot you. :boobies:

I am not sure if that was supposed to make sense?:eusa_eh:
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