Crap about to hit the fan in Cleveland!!

This is great news and worth celebrating on this memorial day. I know the innocent outstanding cop will. It was foolish to charge him in the deaths of these unarmed feral savages. They were dangerous and a threat to society. They were also disrespecting to white people which is a huge no-no! Judge John O'Donnell made the right decision.

http:// judge excercised white superior intellect in making his decision.

The innocent!

Cleveland cop found innocent in deaths of two suspects amid 137-shot barrage Fox News


How badly would this woman cripple you?

Michelle Obama Packs A Punch In Her Incredible Workout Video

Michelle Obama has nothing to do with this verdict.

That bad, huh........

That's what I figgered....
More out of control tea party thugs.
Just look at the chaos and mayhem!!!




I have a hard time believing this this was justified. I know I support a lot of cops but I normally see good evidence to do so...In this case, I don't.

I don't like blacks but in a civilized society we can't allow murder. We can't as we become no better then the thugs that do bad things to good people.
I can't wait for the teapers to start their race war. Let the streets flow red with teaper blood.

Get me some popcorn.

I thought the Tea Party had all the guns?
So do LEO's. They will kill traitors. You see what they did to the white thugs n Waco...why do you think they wouldn't mow down teapers?

I can't wait. God hates teapers...they will die.

So the white Tea Party will start a race war with the white cops?
You're working with an entire team of doctors, aren't you?
So the teapers will just let white cops shoot them as they fight teaper sedition and violence? What a buffoon!

The white cops are going to shoot white tea party members, to kick off a race war?
You're unusually stupid, even for a liberal.
I can't wait for the teapers to start their race war. Let the streets flow red with teaper blood.

Get me some popcorn.

I thought the Tea Party had all the guns?
So do LEO's. They will kill traitors. You see what they did to the white thugs n Waco...why do you think they wouldn't mow down teapers?

I can't wait. God hates teapers...they will die.

So the white Tea Party will start a race war with the white cops?
You're working with an entire team of doctors, aren't you?
So the teapers will just let white cops shoot them as they fight teaper sedition and violence? What a buffoon!

The white cops are going to shoot white tea party members, to kick off a race war?
You're unusually stupid, even for a liberal.
:lol: Ignorant teapers...the racist teapers are gonna start a race war and the cops are gonna enforce the law...making the streets flow red with teaper blood.
I have a hard time believing this this was justified. I know I support a lot of cops but I normally see good evidence to do so...In this case, I don't.

I don't like blacks but in a civilized society we can't allow murder. We can't as we become no better then the thugs that do bad things to good people.
No one said it was justified. The case against this one cop wasn't proved.
I thought the Tea Party had all the guns?
So do LEO's. They will kill traitors. You see what they did to the white thugs n Waco...why do you think they wouldn't mow down teapers?

I can't wait. God hates teapers...they will die.

So the white Tea Party will start a race war with the white cops?
You're working with an entire team of doctors, aren't you?
So the teapers will just let white cops shoot them as they fight teaper sedition and violence? What a buffoon!

The white cops are going to shoot white tea party members, to kick off a race war?
You're unusually stupid, even for a liberal.
:lol: Ignorant teapers...the racist teapers are gonna start a race war and the cops are gonna enforce the law...making the streets flow red with teaper blood.

If the cops enforce the law, why would they shoot law abiding Tea Party members?
It's more likely the cops would be shooting black thugs.
Like the gentle giant.
So do LEO's. They will kill traitors. You see what they did to the white thugs n Waco...why do you think they wouldn't mow down teapers?

I can't wait. God hates teapers...they will die.

So the white Tea Party will start a race war with the white cops?
You're working with an entire team of doctors, aren't you?
So the teapers will just let white cops shoot them as they fight teaper sedition and violence? What a buffoon!

The white cops are going to shoot white tea party members, to kick off a race war?
You're unusually stupid, even for a liberal.
:lol: Ignorant teapers...the racist teapers are gonna start a race war and the cops are gonna enforce the law...making the streets flow red with teaper blood.

If the cops enforce the law, why would they shoot law abiding Tea Party members?
It's more likely the cops would be shooting black thugs.
Like the gentle giant.
Them too, ya dumb ass teaper.

But you truly are an idiot.
So the white Tea Party will start a race war with the white cops?
You're working with an entire team of doctors, aren't you?
So the teapers will just let white cops shoot them as they fight teaper sedition and violence? What a buffoon!

The white cops are going to shoot white tea party members, to kick off a race war?
You're unusually stupid, even for a liberal.
:lol: Ignorant teapers...the racist teapers are gonna start a race war and the cops are gonna enforce the law...making the streets flow red with teaper blood.

If the cops enforce the law, why would they shoot law abiding Tea Party members?
It's more likely the cops would be shooting black thugs.
Like the gentle giant.
Them too, ya dumb ass teaper.

But you truly are an idiot.

You poor girl.
You should take a nap. Sober up. Read a book. LOL!
CNN is going all in waiting for a riot.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Even have a friggin helicopter dedicated to this...imagine the disappointment if it stays quiet.
CNN is getting pretty pathetic with the coverage...FNC would be doing it too, but they aren't capable of handling breaking news on the weekend.

Yeah they are covering an ISIS attack in Saudi Arabia that killed 20 people +.
Course CNN would rather you didn't know such matters
No riots? Well, it is memorial weekend, probably the rent a thugs are on holiday, and maybe the locals are... doing bar-b-que's or something? ...what /do/ poor people do on holiday weekends? I have absolutely no frame of reference on this (and that bothers me. Must research...)

My circle goes out to the lake to yacht (or four-wheeling if the lake isn't out yet.) I usually worked; I'm a work-a-holic, plus they usually toss in holiday pay heh

Update: my search has turned up nothing but the differences between the two in Christmas presents and how they get there... Is it safe to assume they have a bar-b-que kind of thing, or is that too expensive? Or maybe impossible because of apartment rules? (My husband had an apartment and he had this cute little tiny grill he'd put out in the common yard to grill us a steak on, but some neighbor called the police on him about the "smoke" coming in her open window.)

Ugh... They should be able to at least have a bar-b-que! I'm going to call the local shelter and see if they do one, and see if I can get them to start one if not... Hopefully the store is not sold out of hotdogs and hamburger yet. Happy Memorial Day :)
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I am just wondering why there is so much focus on the few fatalities caused by police, good bad or indifferent. When poor black communities worst enemies are poor black males? Who benefits from ignoring black on black violence? Why play up the racism- cop angle when blacks are tearing them selves apart? We aren't supposed to notice that. And then with the riots...who is the REAL threat? The fault lay not in your stars, but in your self.
I am just wondering why there is so much focus on the few fatalities caused by police, good bad or indifferent. When poor black communities worst enemies are poor black males? Who benefits from ignoring black on black violence? Why play up the racism- cop angle when blacks are tearing them selves apart? We aren't supposed to notice that. And then with the riots...who is the REAL threat? The fault lay not in your stars, but in your self.

True, and if blacks really wanted to direct their anger and rioting at the root of their problems, they would be best served to burn a few city or county Dimocrat party headquarter offices around the country. The Dim party are the ones who have led them down the garden path and taught them to put down their self-pride, and that if they'll have large single parent families they'll get a never ending supply of government assistance.

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