Covid Waiver & Release


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
I, [print name], hereby voluntarily choose to enter this [workplace, church, theater, restaurant, etc.], knowing the health risks that entry entails. I, for myself, my heirs, successors, insurers, representatives, and assigns, hereby waive the right to sue or to seek damages in any other manner from any proprietor, operator, landowner, manager, or employee of this facility, based on any claim of injury, sickness, or death relating to contraction of the so-called "Corona Virus." And I hereby release any and all of the aforesaid entities and persons from any damages of any kind and nature whatsoever that might arise out of my contraction of any disease directly or indirectly related to the Corona Virus.

_________________________________ (Seal)
_________________________________ Witness
Date signed: ____________________________

Now can I come into your fucking establishment?
..anti-American NPR had more than a few stories on how businesses might be sued by workers or customers:
..if you are afraid of getting it--don't go---but don't expect any unemployment
You pussy.

No, wait! That was an ad hominem attack.

You refuse to acknowledge that ALL who enter the establishment do so voluntarily, thus assuming the risk of catching Cooties. So to the extent that I am assuming the risk of infecting others, it is entirely mutual, in addition to being voluntarily.

And don't give me any of that bullshit about the employees not having the choice to decline. We all have that choice.

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