Couple receives bill for missed wedding


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009

Wedding guests receive bill for missed meals

A couple of weeks ago a Minnesota woman was getting ready to go to a wedding with her husband when she received a call from her mom who was supposed to watch her children.
"She called at the last minute and had something come up and said 'I can't make it,' " said Jessica Baker. Since the invitation said no children, that meant no wedding.
This week, Baker received a bill for the dinner they didn't have.
"You've got to be kidding me," she said with a smile. "It listed, we would have had two herb crusted walleye and then there was also a service and tax charge."
The total came to $75.90.
If the guests who did eat their meals were also charged, then it would be fair.

The meals cost the same to the couple either way.
the lady should send a card with $24.10 and write a note "we were going to give you a hundred dollar gift but reconsidered after receiving your [tacky] bill. consider our meals eaten, congratulations."

The couple has to pay in advance for all meals. Non-attendees mean the wedding costs more than it should have

No shows should offer to pay
Gaudy and lame. I would lose that person's phone number forever.
Gaudy and lame. I would lose that person's phone number forever.

I actually liked Val's idea lol but yeah that would be one less friend in my life.

Also, I'd give them condolences on being so poor that they had to worry about $75 on the heels of getting married.
To me, a wedding is one thing and a reception where the food is eaten is another. If kids were not allowed at the reception either then I don't believe that the lady who couldn't be there owes a thing if the people in charge were going to make the event that challenging for her to even attend in the first place. It wasn't like she set out to rip them off on purpose. If they are going to set certain rules, then they should be willing to deal with any possible consequences that may occur because of those rules.

God bless you and her always!!!

The couple has to pay in advance for all meals. Non-attendees mean the wedding costs more than it should have

No shows should offer to pay

It would be a nice gesture for the no show to offer to pay, but sending them a bill is just dumb.

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