Could U.S. leave NATO in exchange for ending Ukraine War?


Platinum Member
Aug 13, 2019
Maybe Russia leaves some or all of its current territory in Ukraine, too. :dunno: That could possibly be negotiated. Trump's comment that he could end the war in 24 hours made me think this might be the most likely avenue for that. The U.S. could still do whatever it wants regarding defending European countries, while maybe it strikes a sense of urgency into Europe to take care of itself. I'm curious to read people's thoughts on that.
How about this deal? Lets tell Putin he has 30 days to remove his army from Ukraine or the United states will nuke Moscow off the face of the planet 30 seconds after the deadline.
I tend to go for that since it would mean the vaporization of probably all our major cities. Start with DC. Call it Chinese/Russian urban renewal.
Maybe Russia leaves some or all of its current territory in Ukraine, too. :dunno: That could possibly be negotiated. Trump's comment that he could end the war in 24 hours made me think this might be the most likely avenue for that. The U.S. could still do whatever it wants regarding defending European countries, while maybe it strikes a sense of urgency into Europe to take care of itself. I'm curious to read people's thoughts on that.
Interesting idea, I'll give you that. :113:
Maybe Russia leaves some or all of its current territory in Ukraine, too. :dunno: That could possibly be negotiated. Trump's comment that he could end the war in 24 hours made me think this might be the most likely avenue for that. The U.S. could still do whatever it wants regarding defending European countries, while maybe it strikes a sense of urgency into Europe to take care of itself. I'm curious to read people's thoughts on that.
It’s funny you actually believe that the sycophants in charge of our foreign policy right now want to end the war.
How about this deal? Let’s tell Putin he has 30 days to remove his army from Ukraine or the United states will nuke Moscow off the face of the planet 30 seconds after the deadline. We're not fucking around anymore.
^^ wow.

This is why leftwingers and batshit crazy genderqueer people need to stay away from government and foreign policy.

Yea, let’s start a nuclear war with Russia. I’m sure that will work out just fine.
It’s funny you actually believe that the sycophants in charge of our foreign policy right now want to end the war.
We'd love to end the War,

Putin's army leaves the whole country, including the territory he invaded in 2014, and Russia pays every dime to rebuild what he destroyed in the Ukraine, and Putin pays reparations to the Ukrainian people for their loved ones deaths, and Putin turns over the Russians who committed war crimes...

Is a starter.... :)
Maybe Russia leaves some or all of its current territory in Ukraine, too. :dunno: That could possibly be negotiated. Trump's comment that he could end the war in 24 hours made me think this might be the most likely avenue for that. The U.S. could still do whatever it wants regarding defending European countries, while maybe it strikes a sense of urgency into Europe to take care of itself. I'm curious to read people's thoughts on that.
Nope. Russia could pull out and pay reparations, but US still won't pull out of NATO.
It’s funny you actually believe that the sycophants in charge of our foreign policy right now want to end the war.
I definitely don't think that. I'm just trying to gauge opinions on this particular concept.
We'd love to end the War,

Putin's army leaves the whole country, including the territory he invaded in 2014, and Russia pays every dime to rebuild what he destroyed in the Ukraine, and Putin pays reparations to the Ukrainian people for their loved ones deaths, and Putin turns over the Russians who committed war crimes...

Is a starter.... :)

Well, he isn’t leaving the country. Anyone with half a brain knew Russia would not, and will not tolerate NATO in Ukraine.

So stop pretending you are for ending the war. The Washington Establishment has wanted this war for a long time. Now they got it, you really think they want to end it? How dumb are you?
Yea, let’s start a nuclear war with Russia. I’m sure that will work out just fine.
Amazing isn't it? These people are so disconnected from reality that they seem to believe we're invulnerable from nukes OR that somehow, we'll deploy some magic to keep Russia from retaliating. I think we're witnessing the implosion of reality because of Leftist media's propaganda efforts along with their dumbing down of our country. If the nukes fly, I just hope to live long enough to hear it reported that DC is a glowing crater...
Maybe Russia leaves some or all of its current territory in Ukraine, too. :dunno: That could possibly be negotiated. Trump's comment that he could end the war in 24 hours made me think this might be the most likely avenue for that. The U.S. could still do whatever it wants regarding defending European countries, while maybe it strikes a sense of urgency into Europe to take care of itself. I'm curious to read people's thoughts on that.
That would reenforce the fact that America under Joey Xi Bai Dung is weak and must retreat. Just look at the alliances te CCP as made during the Bai Dung administration. Saudia Arabia, Russia, and Iran.
^^ wow.

This is why leftwingers and batshit crazy genderqueer people need to stay away from government and foreign policy.

Yea, let’s start a nuclear war with Russia. I’m sure that will work out just fine.
That will however end Prog agendas.
Maybe Russia leaves some or all of its current territory in Ukraine, too. :dunno: That could possibly be negotiated. Trump's comment that he could end the war in 24 hours made me think this might be the most likely avenue for that. The U.S. could still do whatever it wants regarding defending European countries, while maybe it strikes a sense of urgency into Europe to take care of itself. I'm curious to read people's thoughts on that.
I don't think appeasing Russia in any way is a good idea.
No. This is an asinine idea in the extreme. There is absolutly no reason we would end our defensive agreements with other nation as a response to them actually being needed.

All Russia did was prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that NATO is still necessary. It's very existence is a counterbalance to prevent war. If you think that Russia attacked Ukraine because NATO's existence or something NATO was doing then you are just flatly incorrect. NATO is the one thing that forces Russia to hold back.
Maybe Russia leaves some or all of its current territory in Ukraine, too. :dunno: That could possibly be negotiated. Trump's comment that he could end the war in 24 hours made me think this might be the most likely avenue for that. The U.S. could still do whatever it wants regarding defending European countries, while maybe it strikes a sense of urgency into Europe to take care of itself. I'm curious to read people's thoughts on that.
Xi will broker a peace deal. Biden has made the US a rounding error whose only real use is to fund the Ukrainian Money Laundering Operation

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