Could Trump Actually Deport 11 Million People?

This is an absurd diaspora created by the UN to change our country into the country of everyone, but. We either stop the assault or redefine the United States of America as an non sovereign nation of the UN.
Why are you blaming the UN instead of the US Chamber of Commerce for the problem of illegal immigration?

Because the diaspora is a UN Initiative, not an American one. The proof is that our country is not the only country that is suffering under their agenda. As in case you haven't noticed, we are riding ourselves of RINOS as well.
Ohhhh the melodrama.

In a thread started by a lefty that OPENS with a Godwin, you have the nerve to complain of melodrama?


Liberals: All the self awareness of a turnip.
The comparison to Nazism is well founded so your accusations is invalid besides being asinine.
There is plenty of blame to go around.

Point is, time to fix it.

Pedro Go Home!
What will you do when that doesn't happen?

What will you do if it does?

If it doesn't happen I will be very angry, and this country will continue to go down the tubes.

So, what will you do if it does?
There is plenty of blame to go around.

Point is, time to fix it.

Pedro Go Home!
What will you do when that doesn't happen?

What will you do if it does?

If it doesn't happen I will be very angry, and this country will continue to go down the tubes.

So, what will you do if it does?

Since you fear to answer.

I think that no matter how well it goes and how much it proves your hysterical fears to be stupid, you leftists will lie and lie and lie to try to make the LIe, eventually the History of the event.

And you will delude yourself that that was true.
This is an absurd diaspora created by the UN to change our country into the country of everyone, but. We either stop the assault or redefine the United States of America as an non sovereign nation of the UN.
Why are you blaming the UN instead of the US Chamber of Commerce for the problem of illegal immigration?

Because the diaspora is a UN Initiative, not an American one. The proof is that our country is not the only country that is suffering under their agenda. As in case you haven't noticed, we are riding ourselves of RINOS as well.
Ohhhh the melodrama.

In a thread started by a lefty that OPENS with a Godwin, you have the nerve to complain of melodrama?


Liberals: All the self awareness of a turnip.
The comparison to Nazism is well founded so your accusations is invalid besides being asinine.

How is it "well founded?"
This is an absurd diaspora created by the UN to change our country into the country of everyone, but. We either stop the assault or redefine the United States of America as an non sovereign nation of the UN.
Why are you blaming the UN instead of the US Chamber of Commerce for the problem of illegal immigration?

Because the diaspora is a UN Initiative, not an American one. The proof is that our country is not the only country that is suffering under their agenda. As in case you haven't noticed, we are riding ourselves of RINOS as well.
Ohhhh the melodrama.

In a thread started by a lefty that OPENS with a Godwin, you have the nerve to complain of melodrama?


Liberals: All the self awareness of a turnip.
The comparison to Nazism is well founded so your accusations is invalid besides being asinine.

Because being sent home to live in Mexico is the same as being sent to a Death Camp to be killed and cremated.

no! it was inferred by the founders .
it's even in the constitution ,

Ninth Amendment to the United States Constitution
The Ninth Amendment to the United States Constitution addresses rights, retained by the people, that are not specifically enumerated in the Constitution. It is part of the Bill of Rights.

asshat fails again!

"by the People"?

Which people is that? THe American People?

Mexicans are not part of the America People.

Fuck you.
So there are no Mexican-Americans?
Fuck yourself, it's the only thing you are good at.

Your Strawman is your issue, not mine.

My point stands as you were unable to dispute it.

Fuck you .

The exact opposite of fail.

Your Strawman is your issue, not mine.

My point stands as you were unable to dispute it.

"by the People"?

Which people is that? THe American People?

Mexicans are not part of the America People.

Fuck you .
Yes they are they were here long before your ancestors stopped shitting in the streets.
if Trump abides by the constitotion all 11 million people must be retained, then go before an immigration judge before they are deported .. last time I read there was a 4-6 month waiting period right now ... multiply that times 11 million and he should have the country cleaned up in 30 years or so .... then you have the cost of keeping them retained + cost of the trial + the cost of transporting them..

at best it's a recession, and possible depression...

in reality


Where in the constitution does it say that a mexican has a right to a trial before they are deported?

He added that any president can rescind an executive order of a predecessor. But the judge pointed out that every undocumented immigrant that Trump intends to deport would be entitled to a hearing and an appeal.

The hearing will take 5 minutes, and they can appeal it from Mexico.

There is nothing, not one thing, zero, about your opinions which mirror a real American.

That can't be true since I am a real American. How do the views of a servile boot licking authoritarian government toady who wants to open the flood gates to foreigners from third world countries mirror the views of real Americans?

Eisenhower was a socialist dupe who positively harmed this country and decreased the freedoms we formerly enjoyed. Only a statist bootlicker would admire him.

The cost to recruit, background check, train line staff and supervisors is enormous; the salary and benefits would be huge and the time to do all of this would be years, not months. Trump is a demagogue, what he promises is impossible; he is also a charlatan for he has no idea how stupid his promises actually are.

BTW, each deportee is entitled to legal counsel and due process, which takes time; the detention of so many people requires lodging, feeding, medical care and supervision. Thus more administrative judges will need to be hired, more defense lawyers and more US Attorneys, more US Marshals and the care of children, many of whom will be US Citizens will further impact the final cost, in terms of dollars and human misery. Only callous jerks and fools believe Trump and hope he pulls off the impossible.

No, if you do not have a birth certificate, you are not eligible to work, get a driver's license or welfare benefits. If you can't prove that you are here legally, none of those things would be available. They would have no other choice but to leave. Afterall, they got here on their own and they can leave on their own.

Aliens without a work visa are working today and have been working and will continue to work, drive cars and obtain medical treatment without a birth certificate today, tomorrow and years into the future. They have a choice, and working for cash / under the table saves them from paying taxes and their employer from paying payroll taxes and providing benefits or prevailing wages. Self deportation was simply a Romney fantasy.

Mmm, why?

Why? Why not! Go to the Home Depot in any state and see how many without birth certificates get jobs from home owners and contractors.

If you are capable, and really wonder "why?", post why not in the form of a rebuttal. Being a smart ass doesn't make you smart, just an ass.

Because if we had ICE that was doing it's jobs, illegals would be afraid to hang out at Home Depot looking for illegal work for fear of being picked up and deported.

And illegal would be employers would be afraid to try to hire potential undercover cops.

Trump wins, puts some one in charge of ICE that actually wants to get the job done and we can do that.


That is why not.

Hanging out in front of Home Depot is probable cause for authorities to demand proof of citizenship?

Don't give up your day job to become an attorney, Correll....
Why are you blaming the UN instead of the US Chamber of Commerce for the problem of illegal immigration?

Because the diaspora is a UN Initiative, not an American one. The proof is that our country is not the only country that is suffering under their agenda. As in case you haven't noticed, we are riding ourselves of RINOS as well.
Ohhhh the melodrama.

In a thread started by a lefty that OPENS with a Godwin, you have the nerve to complain of melodrama?


Liberals: All the self awareness of a turnip.
The comparison to Nazism is well founded so your accusations is invalid besides being asinine.

Because being sent home to live in Mexico is the same as being sent to a Death Camp to be killed and cremated.


These douche bags equate Mexico with Nazi death camps, and they claim that we're the ones in this debate are the bigots.
No, if you do not have a birth certificate, you are not eligible to work, get a driver's license or welfare benefits. If you can't prove that you are here legally, none of those things would be available. They would have no other choice but to leave. Afterall, they got here on their own and they can leave on their own.

Aliens without a work visa are working today and have been working and will continue to work, drive cars and obtain medical treatment without a birth certificate today, tomorrow and years into the future. They have a choice, and working for cash / under the table saves them from paying taxes and their employer from paying payroll taxes and providing benefits or prevailing wages. Self deportation was simply a Romney fantasy.

Mmm, why?

Why? Why not! Go to the Home Depot in any state and see how many without birth certificates get jobs from home owners and contractors.

If you are capable, and really wonder "why?", post why not in the form of a rebuttal. Being a smart ass doesn't make you smart, just an ass.

Because if we had ICE that was doing it's jobs, illegals would be afraid to hang out at Home Depot looking for illegal work for fear of being picked up and deported.

And illegal would be employers would be afraid to try to hire potential undercover cops.

Trump wins, puts some one in charge of ICE that actually wants to get the job done and we can do that.


That is why not.

Hanging out in front of Home Depot is probable cause for authorities to demand proof of citizenship?

Don't give up your day job to become an attorney, Correll....

Anyone who hires these people without checking their immigration status is committing a crime. Arresting them will quickly put a stop to the practice.
if Trump abides by the constitotion all 11 million people must be retained, then go before an immigration judge before they are deported .. last time I read there was a 4-6 month waiting period right now ... multiply that times 11 million and he should have the country cleaned up in 30 years or so .... then you have the cost of keeping them retained + cost of the trial + the cost of transporting them..

at best it's a recession, and possible depression...

in reality


Where in the constitution does it say that a mexican has a right to a trial before they are deported?

He added that any president can rescind an executive order of a predecessor. But the judge pointed out that every undocumented immigrant that Trump intends to deport would be entitled to a hearing and an appeal.

The hearing will take 5 minutes, and they can appeal it from Mexico.

There is nothing, not one thing, zero, about your opinions which mirror a real American.

That can't be true since I am a real American. How do the views of a servile boot licking authoritarian government toady who wants to open the flood gates to foreigners from third world countries mirror the views of real Americans?
You are only an American is the broadest definition.
Your definition of a real American is as twisted as the Nazi version of a good Germany or a good klansmen.
"by the People"?

Which people is that? THe American People?

Mexicans are not part of the America People.

Fuck you.
So there are no Mexican-Americans?
Fuck yourself, it's the only thing you are good at.

Your Strawman is your issue, not mine.

My point stands as you were unable to dispute it.

Fuck you .

The exact opposite of fail.

Your Strawman is your issue, not mine.

My point stands as you were unable to dispute it.

"by the People"?

Which people is that? THe American People?

Mexicans are not part of the America People.

Fuck you .
Yes they are they were here long before your ancestors stopped shitting in the streets.

Mexicans who entered this country illegally were not in this country before my ancestors ANYTHING.

You are grouping all ethnic "mexicans" together and giving Mexican citizens a moral claim to US territory based on borders that were changed over a century ago.

YOur reasoning is utter nonsense.
Where in the constitution does it say that a mexican has a right to a trial before they are deported?

He added that any president can rescind an executive order of a predecessor. But the judge pointed out that every undocumented immigrant that Trump intends to deport would be entitled to a hearing and an appeal.

The hearing will take 5 minutes, and they can appeal it from Mexico.

There is nothing, not one thing, zero, about your opinions which mirror a real American.

That can't be true since I am a real American. How do the views of a servile boot licking authoritarian government toady who wants to open the flood gates to foreigners from third world countries mirror the views of real Americans?
You are only an American is the broadest definition.
Your definition of a real American is as twisted as the Nazi version of a good Germany or a good klansmen.

What's wrong with my definition?
Aliens without a work visa are working today and have been working and will continue to work, drive cars and obtain medical treatment without a birth certificate today, tomorrow and years into the future. They have a choice, and working for cash / under the table saves them from paying taxes and their employer from paying payroll taxes and providing benefits or prevailing wages. Self deportation was simply a Romney fantasy.

Mmm, why?

Why? Why not! Go to the Home Depot in any state and see how many without birth certificates get jobs from home owners and contractors.

If you are capable, and really wonder "why?", post why not in the form of a rebuttal. Being a smart ass doesn't make you smart, just an ass.

Because if we had ICE that was doing it's jobs, illegals would be afraid to hang out at Home Depot looking for illegal work for fear of being picked up and deported.

And illegal would be employers would be afraid to try to hire potential undercover cops.

Trump wins, puts some one in charge of ICE that actually wants to get the job done and we can do that.


That is why not.

Hanging out in front of Home Depot is probable cause for authorities to demand proof of citizenship?

Don't give up your day job to become an attorney, Correll....

Anyone who hires these people without checking their immigration status is committing a crime. Arresting them will quickly put a stop to the practice.

And if the lefties are worried about how much it would cost to arrest and imprison them we could alternatively fine the shit out of them and make the Deportation Program some what self financing.
Mmm, why?

Why? Why not! Go to the Home Depot in any state and see how many without birth certificates get jobs from home owners and contractors.

If you are capable, and really wonder "why?", post why not in the form of a rebuttal. Being a smart ass doesn't make you smart, just an ass.

Because if we had ICE that was doing it's jobs, illegals would be afraid to hang out at Home Depot looking for illegal work for fear of being picked up and deported.

And illegal would be employers would be afraid to try to hire potential undercover cops.

Trump wins, puts some one in charge of ICE that actually wants to get the job done and we can do that.


That is why not.

Hanging out in front of Home Depot is probable cause for authorities to demand proof of citizenship?

Don't give up your day job to become an attorney, Correll....

Anyone who hires these people without checking their immigration status is committing a crime. Arresting them will quickly put a stop to the practice.

And if the lefties are worried about how much it would cost to arrest and imprison them we could alternatively fine the shit out of them and make the Deportation Program some what self financing.

I doubt that would work since most of them don't have any money.
Mmm, why?

Why? Why not! Go to the Home Depot in any state and see how many without birth certificates get jobs from home owners and contractors.

If you are capable, and really wonder "why?", post why not in the form of a rebuttal. Being a smart ass doesn't make you smart, just an ass.

Because if we had ICE that was doing it's jobs, illegals would be afraid to hang out at Home Depot looking for illegal work for fear of being picked up and deported.

And illegal would be employers would be afraid to try to hire potential undercover cops.

Trump wins, puts some one in charge of ICE that actually wants to get the job done and we can do that.


That is why not.

Hanging out in front of Home Depot is probable cause for authorities to demand proof of citizenship?

Don't give up your day job to become an attorney, Correll....

Anyone who hires these people without checking their immigration status is committing a crime. Arresting them will quickly put a stop to the practice.

And if the lefties are worried about how much it would cost to arrest and imprison them we could alternatively fine the shit out of them and make the Deportation Program some what self financing.

You can start with my gardener. He drives a 1977 Ford pickup, and gets his clothes from Goodwill, but I'm sure he has millions stashed away.....
He added that any president can rescind an executive order of a predecessor. But the judge pointed out that every undocumented immigrant that Trump intends to deport would be entitled to a hearing and an appeal.

The hearing will take 5 minutes, and they can appeal it from Mexico.

There is nothing, not one thing, zero, about your opinions which mirror a real American.

That can't be true since I am a real American. How do the views of a servile boot licking authoritarian government toady who wants to open the flood gates to foreigners from third world countries mirror the views of real Americans?
You are only an American is the broadest definition.
Your definition of a real American is as twisted as the Nazi version of a good Germany or a good klansmen.

What's wrong with my definition?
Asked and answered.
Next stupid deflection. ..
Why? Why not! Go to the Home Depot in any state and see how many without birth certificates get jobs from home owners and contractors.

If you are capable, and really wonder "why?", post why not in the form of a rebuttal. Being a smart ass doesn't make you smart, just an ass.

Because if we had ICE that was doing it's jobs, illegals would be afraid to hang out at Home Depot looking for illegal work for fear of being picked up and deported.

And illegal would be employers would be afraid to try to hire potential undercover cops.

Trump wins, puts some one in charge of ICE that actually wants to get the job done and we can do that.


That is why not.

Hanging out in front of Home Depot is probable cause for authorities to demand proof of citizenship?

Don't give up your day job to become an attorney, Correll....

Anyone who hires these people without checking their immigration status is committing a crime. Arresting them will quickly put a stop to the practice.

And if the lefties are worried about how much it would cost to arrest and imprison them we could alternatively fine the shit out of them and make the Deportation Program some what self financing.

I doubt that would work since most of them don't have any money.

I was thinking the would be employERS.
Why? Why not! Go to the Home Depot in any state and see how many without birth certificates get jobs from home owners and contractors.

If you are capable, and really wonder "why?", post why not in the form of a rebuttal. Being a smart ass doesn't make you smart, just an ass.

Because if we had ICE that was doing it's jobs, illegals would be afraid to hang out at Home Depot looking for illegal work for fear of being picked up and deported.

And illegal would be employers would be afraid to try to hire potential undercover cops.

Trump wins, puts some one in charge of ICE that actually wants to get the job done and we can do that.


That is why not.

Hanging out in front of Home Depot is probable cause for authorities to demand proof of citizenship?

Don't give up your day job to become an attorney, Correll....

Anyone who hires these people without checking their immigration status is committing a crime. Arresting them will quickly put a stop to the practice.

And if the lefties are worried about how much it would cost to arrest and imprison them we could alternatively fine the shit out of them and make the Deportation Program some what self financing.

You can start with my gardener. He drives a 1977 Ford pickup, and gets his clothes from Goodwill, but I'm sure he has millions stashed away.....

He gets arrested and deported.

You get the shit fined out of YOU.

How much do you have that could go to the cause?
The hearing will take 5 minutes, and they can appeal it from Mexico.

There is nothing, not one thing, zero, about your opinions which mirror a real American.

That can't be true since I am a real American. How do the views of a servile boot licking authoritarian government toady who wants to open the flood gates to foreigners from third world countries mirror the views of real Americans?
You are only an American is the broadest definition.
Your definition of a real American is as twisted as the Nazi version of a good Germany or a good klansmen.

What's wrong with my definition?
Asked and answered.
Next stupid deflection. ..

Nope. According to your ilk, enforcing our immigration laws means you aren't a real American. That doesn't pass the laugh test.
There is nothing, not one thing, zero, about your opinions which mirror a real American.

That can't be true since I am a real American. How do the views of a servile boot licking authoritarian government toady who wants to open the flood gates to foreigners from third world countries mirror the views of real Americans?
You are only an American is the broadest definition.
Your definition of a real American is as twisted as the Nazi version of a good Germany or a good klansmen.

What's wrong with my definition?
Asked and answered.
Next stupid deflection. ..

Nope. According to your ilk, enforcing our immigration laws means you aren't a real American. That doesn't pass the laugh test.


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