Could the US turn into a fascist state?


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2014

Here's an interesting video. Apparently they made a film about it too, called "Lesson Plan"

Literally Trump, especially, but not exclusively in the US right now, is giving people something that is akin to what this teacher gave these students. Clearly on a different level, Trump is not a fascist, he's a narcissist, he's an egomaniac, but he doesn't seem to be ideological at all. But he could get there, if he were younger.

However, the person who picks up the pieces of Trump, the next Trumper, could be the next fascist.

Here's an interesting video. Apparently they made a film about it too, called "Lesson Plan"

Literally Trump, especially, but not exclusively in the US right now, is giving people something that is akin to what this teacher gave these students. Clearly on a different level, Trump is not a fascist, he's a narcissist, he's an egomaniac, but he doesn't seem to be ideological at all. But he could get there, if he were younger.

However, the person who picks up the pieces of Trump, the next Trumper, could be the next fascist.

I think this story is fiction
most young people that spit out the word "Fascism" do not even know wtf it is. Its a trendy invective that brainwashed and PRIVILEGED white kids use to insult somebody that actually has the ability to think. There isnt much difference between Communism, Fascism or socialism as they are all Left wing ideologies.

Here's an interesting video. Apparently they made a film about it too, called "Lesson Plan"

Literally Trump, especially, but not exclusively in the US right now, is giving people something that is akin to what this teacher gave these students. Clearly on a different level, Trump is not a fascist, he's a narcissist, he's an egomaniac, but he doesn't seem to be ideological at all. But he could get there, if he were younger.

However, the person who picks up the pieces of Trump, the next Trumper, could be the next fascist.

March 21, 2023

Eight Startling and Uncomfortable Ways the Democrat Party Emulates the Nazi Party​

By Steve McCann

The Democrat Party has been a stain on the nation since its founding in 1828 by a virulently racist president, Andrew Jackson. It was the party of slavery and the Confederacy, it initiated racial segregation by legislating and brutally enforcing Jim Crow laws. It unabashedly aligned with and supported the Ku Klux Klan for over nine decades, thus promoting antisemitism, religious persecution and xenophobia. Over the past sixty-years the Party has embraced and promulgated cultural Marxism which espouses the transformation of traditional American culture and society. The Party has succeeded in undermining the family structure and religious freedom as well as mainstreaming abortions up to the point of birth and what was once considered deviancy.

The Democrat party’s two most exalted figureheads are the fervently racist Woodrow Wilson who set the Party on the path of undermining the Constitution in order to remold the United States into a “modern administrative state” (i.e., socialist) and Franklin Roosevelt who was enamored with and utilized Fascist principles in his “New Deal” thus permanently embedding them in the Party’s psyche.
An unemotional examination of the underlying philosophies and the tactics the Nazi Party used to gain and maintain power reveals not just the common impulse to weaponize the judiciary to eradicate one’s political opponents (e.g., Donald Trump) but numerous other similarities between the Nazis and the Democrat party that cannot be ignored. Here are eight uncomfortable dimensions of that resemblance.
First, racial and ethnic division was a central component of Nazi political strategy and philosophy. The Nazi Party was the most racially obsessed political party in human history. Today’s Democrat party is second only to the Nazi Party in their racial obsession. Every piece of legislation, every accusation against their opponents, every aspect of American society, even weather and climate are framed in imaginary racism.

The Nazi Party’s obsession focused on their perverted belief in the inferiority and superiority of the races or ethnicities. This opened the door for blaming a specific ethnic group for all the problems facing their country. The Democrat party is claiming the root cause of virtually all problems facing this nation is “systemic racism” as theoretically instigated by one particular race.

The Nazis used “fake news,” as does the Democrat party, in order to slice and dice the populace into identity groups and then promulgate grievance-riddled policies aimed at these manufactured factions in order to foment anger at a previously isolated group. Which for the Nazis were the Jews; and for the Democrat Party, white heterosexual Christians and Jews.
Some states are testing the fascist waters but there does not seem to be the kind of widespread fear and loathing it takes to make people trade their freedom for the illusion of security as yet.

March 21, 2023

Eight Startling and Uncomfortable Ways the Democrat Party Emulates the Nazi Party​

By Steve McCann

The Democrat Party has been a stain on the nation since its founding in 1828 by a virulently racist president, Andrew Jackson. It was the party of slavery and the Confederacy, it initiated racial segregation by legislating and brutally enforcing Jim Crow laws. It unabashedly aligned with and supported the Ku Klux Klan for over nine decades, thus promoting antisemitism, religious persecution and xenophobia. Over the past sixty-years the Party has embraced and promulgated cultural Marxism which espouses the transformation of traditional American culture and society. The Party has succeeded in undermining the family structure and religious freedom as well as mainstreaming abortions up to the point of birth and what was once considered deviancy.

The Democrat party’s two most exalted figureheads are the fervently racist Woodrow Wilson who set the Party on the path of undermining the Constitution in order to remold the United States into a “modern administrative state” (i.e., socialist) and Franklin Roosevelt who was enamored with and utilized Fascist principles in his “New Deal” thus permanently embedding them in the Party’s psyche.
An unemotional examination of the underlying philosophies and the tactics the Nazi Party used to gain and maintain power reveals not just the common impulse to weaponize the judiciary to eradicate one’s political opponents (e.g., Donald Trump) but numerous other similarities between the Nazis and the Democrat party that cannot be ignored. Here are eight uncomfortable dimensions of that resemblance.
First, racial and ethnic division was a central component of Nazi political strategy and philosophy. The Nazi Party was the most racially obsessed political party in human history. Today’s Democrat party is second only to the Nazi Party in their racial obsession. Every piece of legislation, every accusation against their opponents, every aspect of American society, even weather and climate are framed in imaginary racism.

The Nazi Party’s obsession focused on their perverted belief in the inferiority and superiority of the races or ethnicities. This opened the door for blaming a specific ethnic group for all the problems facing their country. The Democrat party is claiming the root cause of virtually all problems facing this nation is “systemic racism” as theoretically instigated by one particular race.

The Nazis used “fake news,” as does the Democrat party, in order to slice and dice the populace into identity groups and then promulgate grievance-riddled policies aimed at these manufactured factions in order to foment anger at a previously isolated group. Which for the Nazis were the Jews; and for the Democrat Party, white heterosexual Christians and Jews.
The left repented, the right...moved in and took their spot.

Here's an interesting video. Apparently they made a film about it too, called "Lesson Plan"

Literally Trump, especially, but not exclusively in the US right now, is giving people something that is akin to what this teacher gave these students. Clearly on a different level, Trump is not a fascist, he's a narcissist, he's an egomaniac, but he doesn't seem to be ideological at all. But he could get there, if he were younger.

However, the person who picks up the pieces of Trump, the next Trumper, could be the next fascist.

When the Democrats stole the 2020 election and weaponized the Federal government against opposition we saw that ship pretty much sail away, didn't we?

Here's an interesting video. Apparently they made a film about it too, called "Lesson Plan"

Literally Trump, especially, but not exclusively in the US right now, is giving people something that is akin to what this teacher gave these students. Clearly on a different level, Trump is not a fascist, he's a narcissist, he's an egomaniac, but he doesn't seem to be ideological at all. But he could get there, if he were younger.

However, the person who picks up the pieces of Trump, the next Trumper, could be the next fascist.

Ten years ago I would have laughed. No way. Not here.

Here's an interesting video. Apparently they made a film about it too, called "Lesson Plan"

Literally Trump, especially, but not exclusively in the US right now, is giving people something that is akin to what this teacher gave these students. Clearly on a different level, Trump is not a fascist, he's a narcissist, he's an egomaniac, but he doesn't seem to be ideological at all. But he could get there, if he were younger.

However, the person who picks up the pieces of Trump, the next Trumper, could be the next fascist.

Whenever liberalism-progressivism (Woke-ness) goes too far beyond societal norms, there is always a greatly increased risk (and need for?) right-wing reaction.

And it is the fate of lib-progs (Woke-ass twits) that they ALWAYS go too far eventually... they delude themselves about the risks associated with their agenda.

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