Could robots do the shitty jobs


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Could Robots do the shitty jobs and society would than take some of the profit in taxing the corporations enough to have an basic income for anyone that isn't capable of doing the advance jobs available. Maybe for people that can they would be able to take a few years off to enjoy life would also be a option.

It seems to me that we're heading in this direction anyways and it is the most moral to take care of the little guy. Work shouldn't be seen as it was in the 18th or 19th century as our tech is advanced enough to allow for totally different ideas.

Could it work?

At the very least the basics like healthcare, food and shelter shouldn't be life or death.
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Could robots do the shitty jobs?

Eliminating idiotic Internet posters should be their first assignment.

Could Robots do the shitty jobs and society would than take some of the profit in taxing the corporations enough to have an basic income for anyone that isn't capable of doing the advance jobs available. Maybe for people that can they would be able to take a few years off to enjoy life would also be a option.

It seems to me that we're heading in this direction anyways and it is the most moral to take care of the little guy. Work shouldn't be seen as it was in the 18th or 19th century as our tech is advanced enough to allow for totally different ideas.

Could it work?

At the very least the basics like healthcare, food and shelter shouldn't be life or death.
You aren't too quick on the uptake are you? Machines are designed to eliminate the need for the person who did that given task. Now let me ask you this... What do you do, with things you no longer need?
Could Robots do the shitty jobs and society would than take some of the profit in taxing the corporations enough to have an basic income for anyone that isn't capable of doing the advance jobs available. Maybe for people that can they would be able to take a few years off to enjoy life would also be a option.

It seems to me that we're heading in this direction anyways and it is the most moral to take care of the little guy. Work shouldn't be seen as it was in the 18th or 19th century as our tech is advanced enough to allow for totally different ideas.

Could it work?

At the very least the basics like healthcare, food and shelter shouldn't be life or death.

I think life is a balance. Too much water and you die, too little water, and you die.

If you have a situation where too many people don't need to work, then what's the point of existing?
"My father lost his job to technology. They built a machine that could do everything my father did, only better. The worst part is, my mother went out and bought one."

-- Woody Allen
Do you ask this question because you are tired of working at the recycling plant?
Could Robots do the shitty jobs and society would than take some of the profit in taxing the corporations enough to have an basic income for anyone that isn't capable of doing the advance jobs available. Maybe for people that can they would be able to take a few years off to enjoy life would also be a option.

It seems to me that we're heading in this direction anyways and it is the most moral to take care of the little guy. Work shouldn't be seen as it was in the 18th or 19th century as our tech is advanced enough to allow for totally different ideas.

Could it work?

At the very least the basics like healthcare, food and shelter shouldn't be life or death.

I think life is a balance. Too much water and you die, too little water, and you die.

If you have a situation where too many people don't need to work, then what's the point of existing?

Family, Friends, innovation and self betterment time. ;)

People would have the time to seek more education and consider ways to make more money overall.
Could Robots do the shitty jobs and society would than take some of the profit in taxing the corporations enough to have an basic income for anyone that isn't capable of doing the advance jobs available. Maybe for people that can they would be able to take a few years off to enjoy life would also be a option.

It seems to me that we're heading in this direction anyways and it is the most moral to take care of the little guy. Work shouldn't be seen as it was in the 18th or 19th century as our tech is advanced enough to allow for totally different ideas.

Could it work?

At the very least the basics like healthcare, food and shelter shouldn't be life or death.

I think life is a balance. Too much water and you die, too little water, and you die.

If you have a situation where too many people don't need to work, then what's the point of existing?

Family, Friends, innovation and self betterment time. ;)
Exactly... That's exactly what the owners of these machines will do. Hell... That's why they made them in the first place. If you think these things were made for the benefit of useless people; your an even bigger idiot than I gave you credit for.
Could Robots do the shitty jobs and society would than take some of the profit in taxing the corporations enough to have an basic income for anyone that isn't capable of doing the advance jobs available. Maybe for people that can they would be able to take a few years off to enjoy life would also be a option.

It seems to me that we're heading in this direction anyways and it is the most moral to take care of the little guy. Work shouldn't be seen as it was in the 18th or 19th century as our tech is advanced enough to allow for totally different ideas.

Could it work?

At the very least the basics like healthcare, food and shelter shouldn't be life or death.

I think life is a balance. Too much water and you die, too little water, and you die.

If you have a situation where too many people don't need to work, then what's the point of existing?

Family, Friends, innovation and self betterment time. ;)

People would have the time to seek more education and consider ways to make more money overall.

Why would you need to improve yourself if there's not reason to, because you can't get a job?
Could Robots do the shitty jobs and society would than take some of the profit in taxing the corporations enough to have an basic income for anyone that isn't capable of doing the advance jobs available..
1) great libcommie idea!!! a permanent and growing welfare class on top of the one we already have! It would give the libcommies even more incentive for Marxist class warfare.
Could Robots do the shitty jobs and society would than take some of the profit in taxing the corporations enough to have an basic income for anyone that isn't capable of doing the advance jobs available..

of course tools and robots help corporations earn more money. Imagine making everything by hand? We would all be dirt poor. So, when tools and robots enable corporations to earn more money they must pass it on to us, not to new welfare queens, in form of lower prices or competitors will and thus they will be driven out of business.

A new tax on profits from tools and robots, when our corporations already face the highest taxes in world, is soviet at best and beyond absurd but a perfectly good liberal idea.
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Could Robots do the shitty jobs and society would than take some of the profit in taxing the corporations enough to have an basic income for anyone that isn't capable of doing the advance jobs available. Maybe for people that can they would be able to take a few years off to enjoy life would also be a option.

It seems to me that we're heading in this direction anyways and it is the most moral to take care of the little guy. Work shouldn't be seen as it was in the 18th or 19th century as our tech is advanced enough to allow for totally different ideas.

Could it work?

At the very least the basics like healthcare, food and shelter shouldn't be life or death.

I think life is a balance. Too much water and you die, too little water, and you die.

If you have a situation where too many people don't need to work, then what's the point of existing?

Family, Friends, innovation and self betterment time. ;)

People would have the time to seek more education and consider ways to make more money overall.
Bullshit. Without jobs lazy ass humans will spend all their free time on porn sites or posting stupid shit on the internet. Such as you do way too freaking much.
Technology has had the opposite desired effect turning a generation into mindless groupthink drooling trolls. The term idiot box has never been more relevant.
Could Robots do the shitty jobs and society would than take some of the profit in taxing the corporations enough to have an basic income for anyone that isn't capable of doing the advance jobs available. Maybe for people that can they would be able to take a few years off to enjoy life would also be a option.

It seems to me that we're heading in this direction anyways and it is the most moral to take care of the little guy. Work shouldn't be seen as it was in the 18th or 19th century as our tech is advanced enough to allow for totally different ideas.

Could it work?

At the very least the basics like healthcare, food and shelter shouldn't be life or death.

Something is going to have to change, the size of the population compared to the jobs available in the future is a road to oblivion. As automation takes millions of jobs human beings are not going to just die. The change is on the horizon and it will be a fundamental shift in human society. Perhaps something like a rotating work force. These 1 million people work at this job for six months, then another million take over that job and the first million are off for six months. Some way that everyone still works in the dwindling number of jobs.

If you consider an 'employment' tax on corporations so those without permanent work would have year round income, those people would spend that money on goods provided by the same companies so the money would be in a continuous loop from the company to the people to the company. It actually sounds like the company store set up where people live in housing provided by the company and pay rent, buy their food and clothing from the company store, and it is a circular micro-economy.

Whatever the solution will be is going to have to be figured out sooner than later. Robots are now being fitted with 'muscles' that can lift 1000 times their own weight. "Protovision, we have you now". "No, we have you."

I also feel that their should be a federal "union" mandate for all workers that do work. They should have the power to get a larger portion of the pie.
Several decades ago British socialist workers unionized just about every job on the island. Manufacturing quality fell into the toilet and the price of everything went sky high. Then the various unions started going on strike over every nitpicking thing they could think of. The British economy became moribund and factories and businesses closed.

That is when the Japanese started importing their products at cheaper prices. They captured a large share of the market. The unemployment rate of the British workers went off the charts and has never recovered. .... :cool:
Something is going to have to change, the size of the population compared to the jobs available in the future is a road to oblivion

totally wrong and 100% illiterate of course. The USA and Red China have all the jobs they need despite population size and always growing use of tools and robots!!! 1+1=2
If robots take over the shitty jobs, Republicans won't be qualified for anything!

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