Cory Booker's epic speech honoring fallen police officers proves that Democrats are the party of defending the police, not defunding

So your idea of supporting LEO is to end qualified immunity so they can be personally sued & weakening their unions?

And I guess all the times the Dems actually called for defunding police is also more proof how much they support police
You are such a lightweight feather, blowing whichever way the wind blows

I'm not sure you understand what ending qualified immunity would do. It needs stopped.
Good luck finding cops if you end qualified immunity. You want me to be charged with crimes for acting within the scope of my duties? Nah, go fuck yourself.
Good luck finding cops if you end qualified immunity. You want me to be charged with crimes for acting within the scope of my duties? Nah, go fuck yourself.

If the police can legally violate the law, all should be able to so I'm good either way. Make them accountable to the laws just the same as the people or do away with them.
If the police can legally violate the law, all should be able to so I'm good either way. Make them accountable to the laws just the same as the people or do away with them.
Do you even understand what qualified immunity is and why it's so important for law enforcement? Kinda seems like you have no idea what you're talking about.
Do you even understand what qualified immunity is and why it's so important for law enforcement? Kinda seems like you have no idea what you're talking about.

It's been discussed here many times.
It's been discussed here many times.
Qualified immunity is a shield for law enforcement acting in good faith and within the scope of their duties. Sometimes shit goes wrong and it isn't the fault of the officer because they were just doing what they were trained to do. In those situations you can only go after the agency, and that's perfectly reasonable. I would quit my job immediately if qualified immunity ended. I'm not going to be held liable for doing what I was trained to do.
Qualified immunity is a shield for law enforcement acting in good faith and within the scope of their duties.

Violating a persons constitutional protections is never acting in good faith.

Sometimes shit goes wrong and it isn't the fault of the officer because they were just doing what they were trained to do.

Which is many times the problem and something that badly needs addressed.

In those situations you can only go after the agency, and that's perfectly reasonable. I would quit my job immediately if qualified immunity ended. I'm not going to be held liable for doing what I was trained to do.

Violating a persons constitutional protections is never acting in good faith.

Which is many times the problem and something that badly needs addressed.

If you violate a person's rights you will not be protected by qualified immunity, dumbass. You're ignorant, and so is anybody else that doesn't understand why this is an awful idea. Qualified immunity is extremely important for cops trying to do the right thing.
We have discussed it here many times.

Here the family might finally get to sue but it took years.

He died after a cop kneeled on his neck for 14 minutes. Now, his family can finally sue.

What this says is that the tide is turning on Qualified Immunity.

Court Denies Qualified Immunity To Cops Who Beat An Innocent Man To Death

Simply trying to end bad policing.
Ending qualified immunity is different than making sure dirty cops aren't protected by qualified immunity. I am all for bad cops not getting protected and going to prison. Ending qualified immunity would be very bad for good cops too though. I am telling you we will stop going to work.
Ending qualified immunity is different than making sure dirty cops aren't protected by qualified immunity. I am all for bad cops not getting protected and going to prison. Ending qualified immunity would be very bad for good cops too though. I am telling you we will stop going to work.

It's not the threat you think it is.
It's not the threat you think it is.
If you're talking about ending qualified immunity then yes, it is. Qualified immunity is what protects us from crazy messed up situations that we did our best in and tried to perform our duties in. Cops are only people and the law needs to keep them safe in that respect.
On June 8th 2020, Cory Booker, Kamala Harris, Karen Bass, and others introduced the Justice in Policing Act. This would’ve ended qualified immunity, weakened police unions, and made other necessary reforms. Republicans blocked it, and continue to till this day.
It's clear this group cares more about lenancy for criminals than protecting law enforcement officers. What person in their right mind would advocate to remove protections from law enforcement, with the immediate effect to expose officers to lawsuits and directly impacting their willingness to carry out their job responsibilities or to make critical split second decisions? The answer - the trifecta of idiocy: Cory Booker, Kamala Harris and Karen Bass - actions speak louder than words.
On June 8th 2020, Cory Booker, Kamala Harris, Karen Bass, and others introduced the Justice in Policing Act. This would’ve ended qualified immunity, weakened police unions, and made other necessary reforms. Republicans blocked it, and continue to till this day.

Meanwhile, Democrats continue wanting to let everyone out of jail, increasing crime everywhere.
It's clear this group cares more about lenancy for criminals than protecting law enforcement officers. What person in their right mind would advocate to remove protections from law enforcement, with the immediate effect to expose officers to lawsuits and directly impacting their willingness to carry out their job responsibilities or to make critical split second decisions? The answer - the trifecta of idiocy: Cory Booker, Kamala Harris and Karen Bass - actions speak louder than words.
I think they just don't understand the ramifications of their actions because they're ignorant about the job.

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