Corrupt Obama Deep State Applied for More than One FISA Warrant to Spy on Trump Team ..

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
<><> weaponizing and politicizing the US intel apparat (setup to protect Americans)
<><> crimes perpetrated by govt employees under color of law to affect the outcome of an election.
<><> investigations stonewalled by the refusal of the criminal FBI and DOJ to produce documents and provide access to witnesses.

Two important products of Congressional investigations:
<><>the 18 Jan 2017 memo declassified by Pres Trump,
<><> the 28 Dec 2018 letter to Sen Mitch McConnell, Acting AG Matthew Whitaker, and DoJ IG Michael Horowitz.

The key facts revealed:
<><> (1) the FBI used, abogus s the factual basis for the FISA applications, info from the Steele dossier, a compilation of anti-Trump info that the FBI had not verified.
<><> Obama's corrupt FBI nevertheless swore to the truth of that info to obtain surveillance warrants on Carter Page, Trump's one-time campaign advisor; and
<><> (2) that in the process of obtaining the search warrants the FBI failed to inform FISA that the Steele dossier was bought and paid for by the DNC and Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.

The Obama admin hand-in-hand with NSA's Susan Rice, asked for and obtained hundreds of “unmaskings,” of US citizens’.....
their communications were intercepted by the FBI and NSA as part of so-called intel operations
Innocent Americans were unmasked, and were used against Trump in the campaign.

<><> Why did the unmaskings even occur, and what information was illegally shared by Rice with Obama and/or Hillary?
<><>What illegal direction did the FBI, the NSA, and other intel agencies take to monitor Trump-related communications?

Outrageously, Democrats have stopped the investigations cold. The most heinous aspect of this Democrat outrage is
that the Obama admin and his factotums ----like Third World tinpot warlords----calculatedly picked over the intel apparat,
set-up to protect the safety and security of Americans, to advance their scurrilous political schemes.


The corrupt FBI apparently applied for more than one FISA warrant to spy on the Trump campaign. We now know from the the transcripts of former and corrupt FBI attorney Lisa Page’s testimony in front of Congress that one of these requests was referred to the as the “Dragon FISA”. We also know that they thought it was a joke.

According to Jeff Carlson at the Epoch Times, the transcripts from former FBI attorney Lisa Page’s testimony in front of Congress refer to a separate FISA warrant the FBI requested related to the Trump – Russia Witch Hunt. This request was referred to as the Dragon FISA which was discussed at some point in the corrupt FBI agent’s testimony –

"his discussion quickly led into another area—an Oct. 18, 2016, email from Strzok containing the subject line “Re: Dragon FISA.”

Page quickly noted that she could not discuss the matter in an unclassified setting—but would be able to discuss the matter with congressional investigators in a classified setting.

The Dragon FISA was referenced in an article by John Solomon in The Hill:

“In one email exchange with the subject line “Crossfire FISA,” Strzok and Lisa Page discussed talking points to get then-FBI Deputy DirectorAndrew McCabe to persuade a high-ranking DOJ official to sign off on the warrant.

Crossfire Hurricane” was one of the code names for four separate investigations the FBI conducted related to Russia matters in the 2016 election.

“At a minimum, that keeps the hurry the F up pressure on him,” Strzok emailed Page on Oct. 14, 2016, less than four weeks before Election Day.

Four days later the same team was emailing about rushing to get approval for another FISA warrant for another Russia-related investigation code-named “Dragon.””

At this point, the potential subject of the ....

Read more at ..
They are becoming more exposed all the time, no matter how hard they try to cover it up-

A House Republican's line of questioning uncovered revelations that in May 2017 senior FBI leadership debated whether President Trump was directed by the Russian government to fire FBI Director James Comey, Fox News has learned.

Contacted by Fox, U.S. Rep. John Ratcliffe, R-Texas, confirmed his questions to former FBI General Counsel James A. Baker uncovered the claims, some of which were first reported Friday by the New York Times.

Ratcliffe called the Baker transcript leak "selective," adding that the full transcript of the Oct. 18 interview, which is undergoing a classification review by the FBI and the Justice Department, reveals "that in May 2017, political bias infected senior FBI leadership, and emotion -- not evidence -- drove their decision making."

A separate source said Baker told investigators the internal FBI debate over the president's decision to fire Comey on May 9, 2017, included personnel who have since left the bureau for cause, retired, or have been demoted.
They are becoming more exposed all the time, no matter how hard they try to cover it up-

A House Republican's line of questioning uncovered revelations that in May 2017 senior FBI leadership debated whether President Trump was directed by the Russian government to fire FBI Director James Comey, Fox News has learned.

Contacted by Fox, U.S. Rep. John Ratcliffe, R-Texas, confirmed his questions to former FBI General Counsel James A. Baker uncovered the claims, some of which were first reported Friday by the New York Times.

Ratcliffe called the Baker transcript leak "selective," adding that the full transcript of the Oct. 18 interview, which is undergoing a classification review by the FBI and the Justice Department, reveals "that in May 2017, political bias infected senior FBI leadership, and emotion -- not evidence -- drove their decision making."

A separate source said Baker told investigators the internal FBI debate over the president's decision to fire Comey on May 9, 2017, included personnel who have since left the bureau for cause, retired, or have been demoted.
Whomever controls the media...controls the narrative.

The media will sweep this all under the rug and bury it.
When are the mods going to move all these bullshit threads to the conspiracy theory section, where they belong? Let the Purge and Dale Smith sit around all day talking about contrails and the deep state, and leave this section less cluttered.
When are the mods going to move all these bullshit threads to the conspiracy theory section, where they belong? Let the Purge and Dale Smith sit around all day talking about contrails and the deep state, and leave this section less cluttered.
If they are ever confirmed to be a conspiracy. You will be waiting forever.
When are the mods going to move all these bullshit threads to the conspiracy theory section, where they belong? Let the Purge and Dale Smith sit around all day talking about contrails and the deep state, and leave this section less cluttered.
Your worship of the federal government/deep state is getting old...
When are the mods going to move all these bullshit threads to the conspiracy theory section, where they belong? Let the Purge and Dale Smith sit around all day talking about contrails and the deep state, and leave this section less cluttered.
If they are ever confirmed to be a conspiracy. You will be waiting forever.
If I was Trump....I'd go after CNN with the FCC.

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