Correcting the Laughable Self-Delusions of Left-Wingers


Gold Member
Feb 6, 2014
When you read the posts of Left-wingers it is unmistakable they dwell and wallow in self-delusions in almost very aspect of American affairs. It's so bad it is hard to even know where to begin correcting the record.

Maybe REAGAN is a place to start?

Libs on Reagan: he's the father of "trickle-down" economics and they still blame him for Obama's failures today
FACTS: SO MANY Democrats voted for Reagan's policies in congress the term Reagan Democrat was coined to describe them. Reagan's margin of popular-vote percentage of 9% and 18% dwarf Obama's 3% and 7% popular vote victory margins

it is a given on the Left that Republicans are racist.

Libs say Republicans are hopelessly racist

REALITY: the Left enslaved Black people in a cycle of government dependence that spanned generations, destroyed the Black nuclear family, rendered Black fathers useless, which led to near genocidal rates of Black on Black homicide
Pandering White Progressives of the 1960's wanted to "help" Black people (for votes) but didn't necessarily want to live among them. So they conducted social science experiments on Black people; warehousing them in "projects", with devastating consequences to Black people of course
When you read the posts of Left-wingers it is unmistakable they dwell and wallow in self-delusions in almost very aspect of American affairs. It's so bad it is hard to even know where to begin correcting the record.

Maybe REAGAN is a place to start?

Libs on Reagan: he's the father of "trickle-down" economics and they still blame him for Obama's failures today
FACTS: SO MANY Democrats voted for Reagan's policies in congress the term Reagan Democrat was coined to describe them. Reagan's margin of popular-vote percentage of 9% and 18% dwarf Obama's 3% and 7% popular vote victory margins
Only the first term, by his second he lost much of us Reagan democrats...

it is a given on the Left that Republicans are racist.

Libs say Republicans are hopelessly racist

REALITY: the Left enslaved Black people in a cycle of government dependence that spanned generations, destroyed the Black nuclear family, rendered Black fathers useless, which led to near genocidal rates of Black on Black homicide

Yep, while those on the right merely watched and did nothing at all. You have a Republican House and a Republican Senate, can you reference even one bill that would correct the deficiencies that you write about?


it is a given on the Left that Republicans are racist.

Libs say Republicans are hopelessly racist

REALITY: the Left enslaved Black people in a cycle of government dependence that spanned generations, destroyed the Black nuclear family, rendered Black fathers useless, which led to near genocidal rates of Black on Black homicide
Amazing what you can force people to do, without doing anything at all.....Just ask the poor white trash..
When you read the posts of Left-wingers it is unmistakable they dwell and wallow in self-delusions in almost very aspect of American affairs. It's so bad it is hard to even know where to begin correcting the record.

Maybe REAGAN is a place to start?

Libs on Reagan: he's the father of "trickle-down" economics and they still blame him for Obama's failures today
FACTS: SO MANY Democrats voted for Reagan's policies in congress the term Reagan Democrat was coined to describe them. Reagan's margin of popular-vote percentage of 9% and 18% dwarf Obama's 3% and 7% popular vote victory margins
Only the first term, by his second he lost much of us Reagan democrats...
He won 49 states in his second election. And he won with 11 million more votes than he got in 1980.

Biggest landslide in history.

it is a given on the Left that Republicans are racist.

Libs say Republicans are hopelessly racist

REALITY: the Left enslaved Black people in a cycle of government dependence that spanned generations, destroyed the Black nuclear family, rendered Black fathers useless, which led to near genocidal rates of Black on Black homicide

Yep, while those on the right merely watched and did nothing at all. You have a Republican House and a Republican Senate, can you reference even one bill that would correct the deficiencies that you write about?

ok here is an example of what i'm speaking of:
if the Left cant dictate, ignorantly, the parameters of the debate; they can't function.
it is because your policies toward Black people were designed more f votes than actually helping people that they failed. Yet you cant admit that, uch less admit progressive is a failure; so you continue to stick to the false narrative that these "remedies" are the answer.

"Correcting those "doesn't involved race-based bills that pander, so your premise is a false narrative
When Reagan took office, America had just been through Vietnam, Watergate, the disastrous Carter Administration, 444 days of the Iranian hostage crisis, the near nuclear meltdown of Three Mile Island, and was experiencing double digit inflation. Meanwhile, the Soviet Union had a death grip on Eastern Europe and had invaded Afghanistan. And all this had followed a decade of race riots, assassinations, and domestic terrorism far, far worse than we see today.

Dark, dark, dark days.

Then along came Reagan. Cheery, optimistic, bursting with solutions to our problems. He would be crucified by the GOP of today for not being a hateful whiner and for his willingness to work with Democrats.

When Reagan took office in January 1981, unemployment was 7.5%. At the end of his first term, in January 1985, it was 7.3% and falling. At the end of his second term in January 1989, it was 5.4%.

In the aggregate, Reagan's tax cuts were greater than his tax increases. He had the courage to admit his tax cuts were too deep, and he rolled them back a little.

Reagan also worked with his political opponents to reform the tax code and to reform welfare. He eliminated a great many tax expenditures that benefited the wealthy.

He also had the guts to stand firm on raising interest rates to end the runaway inflation he inherited, even though he was being attacked from all sides for doing so. But he was right and he saved the economy.

In January 1981, inflation stood at 11.8 percent. In January 1989, inflation was at 4.7 percent.

Reagan had balls. Huge balls of steel. He ramped up our defense posture in a big way. "Peace through strength."

This ramping up scared the bejeesus out of the obsequious lefties who felt we should suck the USSR's dick so as not to piss them off. There were protests all over Western Europe by the longhairs.

One of my favorite bands, Genesis, made a video called "Land of Confusion" which encapsulates the pants wetting of the liberals. The video portrayed Reagan as a guy who was going to get us all killed.

The libbies were wrong.

By esclating the arms race, Reagan broke the USSR's bank. They couldn't keep up.

You see, Reagan knew something. He knew the USSR's defense posture was all a huge sham. They were nowhere near the big badass they had the commie symps in the West believing they were.

Reagan had inside information to the contrary, and he had the balls to act on it.

So, yeah, Reagan spent money like crazy. Yes he did. But he did it to break the USSR. And it worked.

And when he was all done, America was great again. We were not the depressed, whimpering, cloudy nation the Carter years had made us.

No retard will ever convince me Reagan was nothing other than one of our greatest Presidents.
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When you read the posts of Left-wingers it is unmistakable they dwell and wallow in self-delusions in almost very aspect of American affairs. It's so bad it is hard to even know where to begin correcting the record.

Maybe REAGAN is a place to start?

Libs on Reagan: he's the father of "trickle-down" economics and they still blame him for Obama's failures today
FACTS: SO MANY Democrats voted for Reagan's policies in congress the term Reagan Democrat was coined to describe them. Reagan's margin of popular-vote percentage of 9% and 18% dwarf Obama's 3% and 7% popular vote victory margins
Only the first term, by his second he lost much of us Reagan democrats...
He won 49 states in his second election.
the poster above is also a perfect example of the self-delusions of the Left; pretty much all he can manage is to post spoon-fed propaganda from far left sites.

in reality you can easily rebut his propaganda with sources from both the left and right

im referring to poster Tyrone Slothrop of course
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Those Marines had been ordered into Lebanon by President Ronald Reagan as a part of an international peacekeeping force following the June 1982 Israeli invasion of that country and the Palestine Liberation Organization’s withdrawal.

Making an already-dangerous situation even more hazardous, theMarines were under strict presidential orders not to load their weapons— this, so that they would appear as peacekeepers and not as armed belligerents in the conflict and despite the fact that they were moving into a war zone.

Realistically,they had become “sitting ducks”from the moment they entered Beirut. And as a result oftheir absurd orders,when the explosives-laden truck sped toward their doomed barracks,the two unarmed guards had no way of stopping it.

PDF Marines Barracks Beirut 1983 Bombing Defense Department Report

it is a given on the Left that Republicans are racist.

Libs say Republicans are hopelessly racist

REALITY: the Left enslaved Black people in a cycle of government dependence that spanned generations, destroyed the Black nuclear family, rendered Black fathers useless, which led to near genocidal rates of Black on Black homicide

Yep, while those on the right merely watched and did nothing at all. You have a Republican House and a Republican Senate, can you reference even one bill that would correct the deficiencies that you write about?

ok here is an example of what i'm speaking of:
if the Left cant dictate, ignorantly, the parameters of the debate; they can't function.
it is because your policies toward Black people were designed more f votes than actually helping people that they failed. Yet you cant admit that, uch less admit progressive is a failure; so you continue to stick to the false narrative that these "remedies" are the answer.

"Correcting those "doesn't involved race-based bills that pander, so your premise is a false narrative

So Republicans never pursue policies that will get them votes?

Are you sure about that?
He would be crucified by the GOP of today for not being a hateful whiner and for his willingness to work with Democrats

Um...yeah. It's Republicans who won't work with Democrats, that's the problem. What a partisan Democrat you are, pathetic. You just carry their water for them

it is a given on the Left that Republicans are racist.

Libs say Republicans are hopelessly racist

REALITY: the Left enslaved Black people in a cycle of government dependence that spanned generations, destroyed the Black nuclear family, rendered Black fathers useless, which led to near genocidal rates of Black on Black homicide

Yep, while those on the right merely watched and did nothing at all. You have a Republican House and a Republican Senate, can you reference even one bill that would correct the deficiencies that you write about?

ok here is an example of what i'm speaking of:
if the Left cant dictate, ignorantly, the parameters of the debate; they can't function.
it is because your policies toward Black people were designed more f votes than actually helping people that they failed. Yet you cant admit that, uch less admit progressive is a failure; so you continue to stick to the false narrative that these "remedies" are the answer.

"Correcting those "doesn't involved race-based bills that pander, so your premise is a false narrative

Hardly, it is the sum of the problem. If you cannot offer a single bill whether it passed or not, then it is your words that are a false premise. We either have a problem with blacks in this country or we do not. I offer that if you haven't done a single thing to address the issue either it is a false narrative or simply not a problem at all.
When Reagan took office, America had just been through Vietnam, Watergate, the disastrous Carter Administration, 444 days of the Iranian hostage crisis, the near nuclear meltdown of Three Mile Island, and was experiencing double digit inflation. Meanwhile, the Soviet Union had a death grip on Eastern Europe and had invaded Afghanistan. And all this had followed a decade of race riots, assassinations, and domestic terrorism far, far worse than we see today.

Dark, dark, dark days.

Then along came Reagan. Cheery, optimistic, bursting with solutions to our problems. He would be crucified by the GOP of today for not being a hateful whiner and for his willingness to work with Democrats.

When Reagan took office in January 1981, unemployment was 7.5%. At the end of his first term, in January 1985, it was 7.3% and falling. At the end of his second term in January 1989, it was 5.4%.

In the aggregate, Reagan's tax cuts were greater than his tax increases. He had the courage to admit his tax cuts were too deep, and he rolled them back a little.

Reagan also worked with his political opponents to reform the tax code and to reform welfare. He eliminated a great many tax expenditures that benefited the wealthy.

He also had the guts to stand firm on raising interest rates to end the runaway inflation he inherited, even though he was being attacked from all sides for doing so. But he was right and he saved the economy.

In January 1981, inflation stood at 11.8 percent. In January 1989, inflation was at 4.7 percent.

Reagan had balls. Huge balls of steel. He ramped up our defense posture in a big way. "Peace through strength."

This ramping up scared the bejeesus out of the obsequious lefties who felt we should suck the USSR's dick so as not to piss them off. There were protests all over Western Europe by the longhairs.

One of my favorite bands, Genesis, made a video called "Land of Confusion" which encapsulates the pants wetting of the liberals. The video portrayed Reagan as a guy who was going to get us all killed.

The libbies were wrong.

By esclating the arms race, Reagan broke the USSR's bank. They couldn't keep up.

You see, Reagan knew something. He knew the USSR's defense posture was all a huge sham. They were nowhere near the big badass they had the commie symps in the West believing they were.

Reagan had inside information to the contrary, and he had the balls to act on it.

So, yeah, Reagan spent money like crazy. Yes he did. But he did it to break the USSR. And it worked.

And when he was all done, America was great again. We were not the depressed, whimpering, cloudy nation the Carter years had made us.

No retard will ever convince me Reagan was nothing other than one of our greatest Presidents.

Reagan was one of our worst presidents. He made fiscal irresponsibility politically acceptable.
But why would Reagan's administration do something as risky as facilitating a massive cocaine trafficking operation? Why would Reagan's clique do that to ...

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