Cornel West: Democrats Have Delivered Only Disappointment


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Well someone on the left has somewhat of a brain, rolmao...

Cornel West: Democrats Have Delivered Only Disappointment
"The Democratic party has failed us and we have to move on."


Mark Tapson

The Republican Party isn't the only one struggling to find its way out of an identity crisis: now radical leftist academic Cornel West says that the 2016 presidential election was the straw that broke the Democratic Party's back and that "the time has come to bid farewell to a moribund party that lacks imagination, courage and gusto."

Writing for the UK's leftwing Guardian, West complains that "[a]s the first 100 days of the plutocratic and militaristic Trump administration draw to a close, one truth has been crystal clear: the Democratic party lacks the vision, discipline and leadership to guide progressives in these turbulent times."

Well, he's right. As the most corrupt, cynical politician in American history, inveterate liar and Alinsky protégé Hillary Clinton -- whom West calls "a Wall Street-connected and openly militaristic candidate with little charisma" -- may have been the leader the Democratic Party deserved, but she clearly was not the one to lead the Party to victory. And her vision was not shared beyond the coastal elites so eager to make history again with our first woman President (because our first black President worked out so well).


So West's answer to a failed Democratic Party is to build upon the same radical elements which have alienated average Americans and pushed them toward Donald Trump. Good luck with that.

Cornel West: Democrats Have Delivered Only Disappointment

My fav pic of west...
Yep, between this guy and Perez the commiecrats are in real trouble, give me a few years and I'll work up a tear.

Democratic policies built this nation into the most powerful nation on earth. Fuck you savage man.
How many times do I have to call you a moron, WAKE UP...:2up:


Take it easy on Matthew. No one gave him a coloring book or puppy to hold after the election.



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