Corey to Harvard; 'Fire Dershowitz or I'll sue you!'


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Dershowitz: Zimmerman prosecutor threatened to sue Harvard | Fox News

When Alan Dershowitz blasted the prosecutor in the George Zimmerman-Trayvon Martin case, she went straight to his boss at Harvard Law School to complain, according to the legal legend.

Angela Corey, the state attorney who charged Zimmerman with second-degree murder in the fatal shooting of the unarmed teen, threatened to sue the law school and Dershowitz for libel and slander during a “40-minute rant,” according to Dershowitz. The "Reversal of Fortune" lawyer — who has said Corey overreached with the charge against Zimmerman — told he hopes the attorney for Florida's Fourth Judicial Circuit Court follows through.

“It’s certainly professional to respond, but by calling the dean and threatening to sue the school, which she knows she cannot do, is unprofessional,” Dershowitz told “I would welcome a lawsuit from Corey. It would give me a chance to prove what an awful thing she did.”

Dershowitz, who penned a column for Newsmax revealing Corey's call to the school, said he’s received “a lot” of letters of support.

Corey’s “beef,” Dershowitz wrote, pertained to his criticism of the state attorney’s filing of a “misleading affidavit” to support the second-degree murder charge against Zimmerman in the death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.

“When the communications official explained to her that I have a right to express my opinion as ‘a matter of academic freedom,’ and that Harvard has no control over what I say, she did not seem to understand,” Dershowitz wrote. “She persisted in her nonstop whining, claiming that she is prohibited from responding to my attacks by the rules of professional responsibility — without mentioning that she has repeatedly held her own press conferences and made public statements throughout her career

Dershowitz does NOT back off from bluffing water buffalo like Corey.

I wish he would loan Boener one of his testicles to use while the House is in session.
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Angela Corey, the state attorney who charged Zimmerman with second-degree murder in the fatal shooting of the unarmed teen, threatened to sue the law school and Dershowitz for libel and slander during a “40-minute rant,” according to Dershowitz. The "Reversal of Fortune" lawyer — who has said Corey overreached with the charge against Zimmerman — told he hopes the attorney for Florida's Fourth Judicial Circuit Court follows through.

The problem is that, in order to save face and prove Dershowitz wrong , XXXX Corey needs to get a conviction by any means necessary. So, by revoking Mr Z's bond she will torture him until either (a) he cops a plea or (b) one of the jailers or immates comes forward with an affidavit claiming that Mr Z admitted to causing the deadly confrontation.

Angela Corey, the state attorney who charged Zimmerman with second-degree murder in the fatal shooting of the unarmed teen, threatened to sue the law school and Dershowitz for libel and slander during a “40-minute rant,” according to Dershowitz. The "Reversal of Fortune" lawyer — who has said Corey overreached with the charge against Zimmerman — told he hopes the attorney for Florida's Fourth Judicial Circuit Court follows through.

The problem is that, in order to save face and prove Dershowitz wrong , XXXX Corey needs to get a conviction by any means necessary. So, by revoking Mr Z's bond she will torture him until either (a) he cops a plea or (b) one of the jailers or immates comes forward with an affidavit claiming that Mr Z admitted to causing the deadly confrontation.


I think yo just hit the nail on the head. Forcing GZ to plea is the only hope she has left to not being the latest Nifong.
I jumped the gun early on and paraised Corey as a competent attorney.

Then I read the affidavit.
I doubt Dooshwhiz's version of events.

But then again, Corey is a Republican so who knows?

A very conservative Republican, unlike Dershowitz, the legal commentator. I'll wait to see if the Dean comments. Dershowitz is always looking for media attention. A very liberal legal media hound is now a good guy to the right, who adore a criminal defendant like Zimmerman, as they reject a conservative prosecutor for doing her job. Consistency is not an attribute of Vichy Americans.
I doubt Dooshwhiz's version of events.

But then again, Corey is a Republican so who knows?

A very conservative Republican, unlike Dershowitz, the legal commentator. I'll wait to see if the Dean comments. Dershowitz is always looking for media attention. A very liberal legal media hound is now a good guy to the right, who adore a criminal defendant like Zimmerman, as they reject a conservative prosecutor for doing her job. Consistency is not an attribute of Vichy Americans.

Is 'Vichy Americans' your new buzz phrase?

And.... what does this '.... adore a criminal defendant like Zimmerman...' mean? You do know Zimmerman has not been found guilty of anything, right? In America, we have this process.... innocent until proven guilty.... it may be different to this 'Vichy America' that you appear to live in.
I doubt Dooshwhiz's version of events.

But then again, Corey is a Republican so who knows?

A very conservative Republican, unlike Dershowitz, the legal commentator. I'll wait to see if the Dean comments. Dershowitz is always looking for media attention. A very liberal legal media hound is now a good guy to the right, who adore a criminal defendant like Zimmerman, as they reject a conservative prosecutor for doing her job. Consistency is not an attribute of Vichy Americans.

Was Heinrich Himmler a conservative prosecutor ?

I doubt Dooshwhiz's version of events.

But then again, Corey is a Republican so who knows?

A very conservative Republican, unlike Dershowitz, the legal commentator. I'll wait to see if the Dean comments. Dershowitz is always looking for media attention. A very liberal legal media hound is now a good guy to the right, who adore a criminal defendant like Zimmerman, as they reject a conservative prosecutor for doing her job. Consistency is not an attribute of Vichy Americans.

Is 'Vichy Americans' your new buzz phrase?

And.... what does this '.... adore a criminal defendant like Zimmerman...' mean? You do know Zimmerman has not been found guilty of anything, right? In America, we have this process.... innocent until proven guilty.... it may be different to this 'Vichy America' that you appear to live in.

Yes, of course I know Zimmerman has not been convicted, that rarely stops the extremist right from wanting punishment upon ARREST. The avid support of an accused killer is surprising, very rare among conservatives; must be the "circumstances". The extremist right brought the words VICHY Americans to mind.
The left has been demanding the arrests of people who disagree with them for years. Corey has reduced herself to the level of the actress who asked obama to fire the police officer who arrested her.
I've seen a lot of commentary on this whole episode, but I find it curious that Dershowitz claims to have such an intimite knowledge of the conversation between Corey and the Harvard Comm's officer. Was it recorded? He says that Corey did not seem to understand... Based on what? Dershowitz did not hear the conversation, and is only relying on what was told to him.

Regardless, this prosecutor seems to have her head up her ass. The charge is simply not warranted and will definitely lose at trial. A lesser charge or a general homicide charge might have been more appropriate and could facilitate a guilty plea to save face. And if she seriously threatened a defamation suit she needs to go after whatever institution gave her a law degree and demand a refund.
I doubt Dooshwhiz's version of events.

But then again, Corey is a Republican so who knows?

Why? Does he have a history of claiming prosecutors tried to harass him? I don't recall him saying anything like this before.
A very conservative Republican, unlike Dershowitz, the legal commentator. I'll wait to see if the Dean comments. Dershowitz is always looking for media attention. A very liberal legal media hound is now a good guy to the right, who adore a criminal defendant like Zimmerman, as they reject a conservative prosecutor for doing her job. Consistency is not an attribute of Vichy Americans.

Is 'Vichy Americans' your new buzz phrase?

And.... what does this '.... adore a criminal defendant like Zimmerman...' mean? You do know Zimmerman has not been found guilty of anything, right? In America, we have this process.... innocent until proven guilty.... it may be different to this 'Vichy America' that you appear to live in.

Yes, of course I know Zimmerman has not been convicted, that rarely stops the extremist right from wanting punishment upon ARREST. The avid support of an accused killer is surprising, very rare among conservatives; must be the "circumstances".

The 'circumstances' being that GZ is being tried for simply preventing a thug from killiong him, and that the gun-grabbing fascists are trying to use him as the poster child of a bad CCW holder.

The extremist right brought the words VICHY Americans to mind.

Then you have a pretty fucked up mind.

The Vichy were a bunch of pro-fascist surrender monkeys, and I dont know a single conservative like that.

You really should stop with all the unwarranted assertions, straw man arguments and clouds bullshit. You're starting to sound like RDean.
I doubt Dooshwhiz's version of events.

But then again, Corey is a Republican so who knows?

A very conservative Republican, unlike Dershowitz, the legal commentator. I'll wait to see if the Dean comments. Dershowitz is always looking for media attention. A very liberal legal media hound is now a good guy to the right, who adore a criminal defendant like Zimmerman, as they reject a conservative prosecutor for doing her job. Consistency is not an attribute of Vichy Americans.

Is 'Vichy Americans' your new buzz phrase?

And.... what does this '.... adore a criminal defendant like Zimmerman...' mean? You do know Zimmerman has not been found guilty of anything, right? In America, we have this process.... innocent until proven guilty.... it may be different to this 'Vichy America' that you appear to live in.

She has repeatedly claimed he is guilty of murder, she routinely calls him a killer in her rants and started at least 2 threads where she insisted he was guilty. Then when called on it she usually backs off and posts a claim that he is innocent till proven guilty.

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