cops force pepper spray down the throats of UC davis students

Okay I have refrained from saying much on this topic since I posted my thoughts on it originally, but think this is worth mentioning. One of the reasons I admired these young kids for voicing their opinion is that they are choosing to exercise their rights given to them and paid for by the sacrifice of many generations old and young. Having said that, my daughter who is a college student has participated in these protests and this is what I tell her, to exercise your freedoms is a wonderful thing and you should voice your opinions regardless of who agrees with you or disagrees with you, however do so in a manner that brings respect upon yourself and the point your trying to get across. These young people involved in OWS are for the most part decent kids who have every right to exercise their freedoms and take part in the very nation in which they live. In a lot of way's I have more respect for that than someone who would sit on the sidelines and watch and do nothing for their country and let everyone else shoulder the burden of this nation. Having said that, the Police Oiificers are some of the very people who guard those freedoms here at home and in some cases die for them both here and wearing the uniform of their nation, so if one wishes to exercise a voice and express it and have it heard, then perhaps the best way to go about that is not to disrespect some of the very people who guard those freedoms? Sure there are bad people in every profession as well as mixed in with these kids , so rather than focus on the whole , perhaps we point out the bad one's and not condemn everyone for the actions of a few.
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Exactly. They are not 'protesting' they are blocking entrance to a service which others have paid good money for.

The elections have been stolen , the people are having to take to the streets to defend our democracy from those hwo purchased the republican party and are now trying to purchase the rest of this country outright.

and who do you defend?

Hey dimwit, Obama spent 730,000,000 dollars of special interest money to John McCain's 150,000,000.......... who purchased the election? How many dead people vote for Democrats every election? Chicago is legendary for it's crooked democrat elections, look at the current mayor, he wasn't a citizen of Chicago. To blame Republicans as you do without also accusing democrats, illustrates what a partisan hack you are ......... not that we needed any further proof that you and all "progressive'' imbeciles are hypocrites.

Was it illegal?


Is the decades long republican court documented history of voter suppression illegal?

Okay I have refrained from saying much on this topic since I posted my thoughts on it originally, but think this is worth mentioning. One of the reasons I admired these young kids for voicing their opinion is that they are choosing to exercise their rights given to them and paid for by the sacrifice of many generations old and young. Having said that, my daughter who is a college student has participated in these protests and this is what I tell her, to exercise your freedoms is a wonderful thing and you should voice your opinions regardless of who agrees with you or disagrees with you, however do so in a manner that brings respect upon yourself and the point your trying to get across. These young people involved in OWS are for the most part decent kids who have every right to exerise their freedoms and take part in the very nation in which they live. In a lot of way's I have more respect for that than someone who would sit on the sidelines and watch and do nothing for their country and let everyone else shoulder the burden of this nation. Having said that, the Police Oiificers are some of the very people who guard those freedoms here at home and in some cases die for them both here and wearing the uniform of their nation, so if one wishes to exercise a voice and express it and have it heard, then perhaps the best way to go about that is not to disrespect some of the very people who guard those freedoms? Sure there are bad people in every profession as well as mixed in with these kids , so rather than focus on the whole , perhaps we point out the bad one's and not condemn everyone for the actions of a few.

I commend you for the mostly objective post. However, when are the whole of the participants following the rules of the protest? Are they getting their permit to assemble and rally? Are they paying for their permits as the Tea Party did? Are they following the rules of the parks by refraining from camping in areas not allowed? Are they intentionally closing down ports and interfering others from going to their JOBS?

Are participants kicking out protestors that are not following the laws by vandalizing, damaging city property, stealing and assaulting? I would question my son if he would join such a group. You are known by the "friends" you keep.

When the OWS starts following the laws, perhaps they will garner the respect you would like to see them have.
(CNN) -- Under pressure to resign, the chancellor of the University of California, Davis, established a task force Saturday to look into an incident where a police officer sprayed seated protesters with pepper spray at point blank range.

Linda Katehi told CNN's Don Lemon that she considered the police action on Friday "unacceptable," but stressed she has no plans to step down.

"We really want to look into this very carefully and take action ... make sure that it will never happen again on our campus," she said.

California university launches inquiry into pepper spray of protesters -

That's what they get from cutting class and not staying in the dorms studying. Cry babies.

Are they wrong to protest when elections are stolen from them?

Can you answer me Jackson?
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Ahhh, a picture of you and your mother.

We all know you aren't James Bond or even look like him, so change the picture....clown.

Wall Street ran a $516 trillion dollar derivatives Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy, and NO ONE WENT TO JAIL FOR IT.

But if you protest against this fact....

Letter of Transmittal


Voting Irregularities in Florida During the 2000 Presidential Election


Letter of Transmittal


The President
The President of the Senate
The Speaker of the House of Representatives


The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights held public hearings in Tallahassee on January 11–12, 2001, and in Miami on February 16, 2001. The purpose of the hearings was to investigate allegations that Florida voters were prevented from casting ballots or that their ballots were not counted in the November 2000 presidential election. The Commission initiated this investigation after it received allegations of widespread voter disenfranchisement in Florida. The Commission is authorized—and obligated—to investigate claims of deprivations that are “a result of any pattern or practice of fraud,” or that infringe on the right of citizens “to vote and have votes counted.”

The Commission’s investigation sought to determine whether isolated or systematic practices and/or policies by governmental entities denied eligible Florida citizens their right to vote. The investigation focused on who was responsible for making the critical decisions regarding resource allocations for Election Day activities, the reasons these decisions were made, and the effect these judgments had on specific communities.

During the hearings, the Commission received testimony from more than 100 witnesses, including the governor, the secretary of state, the attorney general, a representative of DBT Online (the company involved in state-sponsored removal of felons from Florida’s voter registration lists), the director of the Florida Division of Elections, the general counsel of the Florida Elections Commission, and the co-chairperson and executive director of the Select Task Force on Election Procedures, Standards and Technology established by the governor. Additional testimony was also heard from current and former Florida state and county officials, including county supervisors of elections, county commission officials, and law enforcement personnel as well as experts on election reform issues, election laws and procedures, and voting rights. Registered Florida voters also testified on the obstacles they encountered when attempting to participate in the November election. Both hearings included an open session in which the public was invited to testify about election procedures or personal voting experiences in the November election.

The report generated by the hearings, Voting Irregularities in Florida During the 2000 Presidential Election, concludes that many eligible Florida voters were, in fact, denied their right to vote, with the disenfranchisement disproportionately affecting African Americans. The report also contains recommendations, stressing that any electoral reform must include clear guidance, responsibility and accountability measures that include effective monitoring, and adequate resources to ensure meaningful implementation of these recommendations.

How many votes did Bush win by in florida?

Who was the govenor at the time?
It was bad all the miltary votes
were not counted

Of course Papa Obama won years later
and if anyone should not be President
it would be him
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how long do the pigs think people will sit back and take it? Once a few cops are shot at and treated how they treat protestors then the real revolution will occur

I'm confused. I always thought UC Davis was a University in the United States of America. That obviously cannot be the case. So which country is UC Davis in ?
The sprayed them...They did not force pepper spray down anyone's throats. Get a grip on reality.

It was projected a couple of inches from their faces.

You just love facism huh?

Sprayed in their faces.... not forced down their throats.

The Police Officer did force one protesters mouth open and pepper spayed his mouth. It took a few minutes for him to get sick, but when he did he violently threw up gobs of blood.
First time or second
Bush won both times as the Constitution allows
I know the Left finds the Constitution inconvenient at times
but the rule of law was maintained

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