cops force pepper spray down the throats of UC davis students

The people who know they have been purchased by the people who steal our elections
(CNN) -- Under pressure to resign, the chancellor of the University of California, Davis, established a task force Saturday to look into an incident where a police officer sprayed seated protesters with pepper spray at point blank range.

Linda Katehi told CNN's Don Lemon that she considered the police action on Friday "unacceptable," but stressed she has no plans to step down.

"We really want to look into this very carefully and take action ... make sure that it will never happen again on our campus," she said.

California university launches inquiry into pepper spray of protesters -
I was just sitting here and thinking after reading the word, PIGS. I'm starting to wonder what percentage of these Shitters are from parents who were those batshit crazy hippies from the 60's and 70's??? Who the hell talks like that??
(CNN) -- Under pressure to resign, the chancellor of the University of California, Davis, established a task force Saturday to look into an incident where a police officer sprayed seated protesters with pepper spray at point blank range.

Linda Katehi told CNN's Don Lemon that she considered the police action on Friday "unacceptable," but stressed she has no plans to step down.

"We really want to look into this very carefully and take action ... make sure that it will never happen again on our campus," she said.

California university launches inquiry into pepper spray of protesters -

That's what they get from cutting class and not staying in the dorms studying. Cry babies.
(CNN) -- Under pressure to resign, the chancellor of the University of California, Davis, established a task force Saturday to look into an incident where a police officer sprayed seated protesters with pepper spray at point blank range.

Linda Katehi told CNN's Don Lemon that she considered the police action on Friday "unacceptable," but stressed she has no plans to step down.

"We really want to look into this very carefully and take action ... make sure that it will never happen again on our campus," she said.

California university launches inquiry into pepper spray of protesters -

That's what they get from cutting class and not staying in the dorms studying. Cry babies.

Are they wrong to protest when elections are stolen from them?

They sure do whine a lot. Maybe that's when they think they'll get something for nothing. The should have been out looking for a job. No sympathy from me.

They have a job, and they are doing it well.

God bless OWS.
Willful victim-hood fosters scorn more than much of anything else.

If they are shooting for scorn, then they are doing well.
I'd say the OWS thugs should've received this "welcome" whereas this incident might be overboard with the police losing their job and the school paying out the nose, and up their nose literally.
Wall Street ran a $516 trillion dollar derivatives Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy, and NO ONE WENT TO JAIL FOR IT.

But if you protest against this fact....

Wall Street ran a $516 trillion dollar derivatives Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy, and NO ONE WENT TO JAIL FOR IT.

But if you protest against this fact....
Those with more than two brain cells know that breaking the law has ramifications.

Those who want to be willful victims, will get scorn more than any sympathy.
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Wall Street ran a $516 trillion dollar derivatives Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy, and NO ONE WENT TO JAIL FOR IT.

But if you protest against this fact....
Those with more than two brain cells know that breaking the law has ramifications.

Those who want to be willful victims, will get scorn more than any sympathy.
Didn't you know that the left is well versed in Victimology?
Only because republicans can not refute the facts so they pretend they dont exsist
With that sort of price tag on tuition, damn straight I would want the cops to clear out those infringing on my access to buildings I paid dearly to have access.

But, the OWS have 'special' rights, don't they?


Exactly. They are not 'protesting' they are blocking entrance to a service which others have paid good money for.

The elections have been stolen , the people are having to take to the streets to defend our democracy from those hwo purchased the republican party and are now trying to purchase the rest of this country outright.

and who do you defend?

Hey dimwit, Obama spent 730,000,000 dollars of special interest money to John McCain's 150,000,000.......... who purchased the election? How many dead people vote for Democrats every election? Chicago is legendary for it's crooked democrat elections, look at the current mayor, he wasn't a citizen of Chicago. To blame Republicans as you do without also accusing democrats, illustrates what a partisan hack you are ......... not that we needed any further proof that you and all "progressive'' imbeciles are hypocrites.

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