COP21 - PARIS CONCLAVE CANCELED..? Due to security concerns.


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
COP21 - PARIS CONCLAVE CANCELED..? Due to security concerns..

Who could not see this one coming..

Citing over 6 individual, yet coordinated, attacks on French soil and within the same city scheduled to host the COP-21 Conclave, questions about Frances ability to support and defend the upcoming conference are hitting the attendee states delegates and turning them into potential no shows...

The Conference was doomed to failure anyway with the majority of its members balking on any new agreements. This is just an easy out to keep the socialist power grab from being shown the fraudsters that they are.

CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, FOX and ABC are all carrying stories with questions..

Should COP-21 be Canceled?
It's going on as scheduled, with more security.

I beg to differ, With continuing attacks in and around Paris authorities can not guarantee the safety of the delegates or their staff as was published today in many French newspapers. It is not clear if it will proceed or not at this point.
No, it's entirely clear that it's proceeding.

Other than you, there doesn't appear to be anyone on the planet pushing your conspiracy theory. I don't even see PSI or Hockey Schtick stooping that low. So did you just make it up yourself, or did somebody feed the crazy theory to you?

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