Coordinated posting of nonsense protected by zone 1?

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I’m not complaining. I am repeating a suggestion I made previously but now with some more concrete support. I am suggesting to the Admin and the mod staff that they should reconsider the utility of the Zone protection tool they have set up.

Yes. Of course, there are many more important topics and concerns in the world. But we usually just deal with one at a time. 😎
Just think of your avatar when u are tempted to "answer a fool according to his folly" as the Bible puts it (not recommended by same)

Belushi looks like he's thinking

Did I just hear something really, really over the top STUPID?

and like he just is not going to say anything in response to dignify it...


(love Belushi)
I am suggesting to the Admin and the mod staff that they should reconsider the utility of the Zone protection tool they have set up.

The way the Zone Protections work now, and the reason for having or keeping them,
dates back to before they were in place and is an example of how they served their purpose.

They are still abused and neglected at times but the intent was not to beat people to death with them
as much as to provide for an avenue that allowed for Corrective Actions
and created different environments to address concerns expressed by members at the time.

I personally hated the idea, but in attempts to understand,
I just listened to what they were saying instead of trying to figure out how it wasn't going to work.

I am not accusing of you of anything, nor do I suspect you are unfamiliar with any of it,
just expressing that to an extent the Zones served their purpose and will continue to.

if you really found her boring you would ignore...

I do. I don't have time for people who say nada
No. I do find her boring. I consider her a one note symphony with the emphasis on phony. But since she revels in her deceit, boring or not, I enjoy exposing her for it. It’s a pastime. She herself is clearly boring. Her deceit is of more interest.

One shouldn’t scratch a mosquito bite either. But I do. It’s the irritation factor; not so much an interest thing.
No. I do find her boring. I consider her a one note symphony with the emphasis on phony. But since she revels in her deceit, boring or not, I enjoy exposing her for it. It’s a pastime. She herself is clearly boring. Her deceit is of more interest.

One shouldn’t scratch a mosquito bite either. But I do. It’s the irritation factor; not so much an interest thing.
well, aside from that, I now think i understand why you don't appear to like the Zone 1 thing

it's like drawing attn to people who say things that are... what? "wrong"?

i dunno... I still don't entirely get it... But it looks likesome people are being singled out somehow..
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