Contradiction; why I don't talk against Hamas

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Senior Member
Jun 21, 2018
From another thread -

My post.
the problem is that the Israelis DENY their "abuse" OR really CRIMES. THE PALESTINIANS ADMIT TO THEIRS.

Yep. That's it. Everyone knows murder is wrong. Even if it's done "for your country or people. Can murder be justified? I think sometimes yes. But the MAIN thing. Is the ADMITTING. WHY would I come here moaning about Hamas' crimes when I know that everyone knows and half the words calls them offcially "terrorists" - so we agree they are terrorists.

But the Israelis are terroriaing and blandly denying it. That's the problem. Honesty is necessary to solve this conflict. If you want to go on lying don't come and tell me you "want to have peace" cuz we all know you don't give a shit.
Funny thing is that Israel pretty much encouraged and started Hamas in order to counter Arafat. And we helped with that. It's the darndest thing. We were okay with it back then because it served its purpose. Then Palestine turns around and elects Hamas because, you know, we like to teach people to be democrats all over the world. Ha. Not okay all of a sudden.
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Classic Louie tactic. Create multiple threads and make multiple references to those threads.
Funny thing is that Israel prety much encouraged and started Hamas in order to counter Arafat. It's the darndest thing. We were okay with it back then because it served its purpose. Then Palestine turns around and elects Hamas because, you know, we like to teach democracy all over the world. Ha. Not okay all of a sudden.
And in english that meanss.....?
From another thread -

My post.
the problem is that the Israelis DENY their "abuse" OR really CRIMES. THE PALESTINIANS ADMIT TO THEIRS.

Yep. That's it. Everyone knows murder is wrong. Even if it's done "for your country or people. Can murder be justified? I think sometimes yes. But the MAIN thing. Is the ADMITTING. WHY would I come here moaning about Hamas' crimes when I know that everyone knows and half the words calls them offcially "terrorists" - so we agree they are terrorists.

But the Israelis are terroriaing and blandly denying it. That's the problem. Honesty is necessary to solve this conflict. If you want to go on lying don't come and tell me you "want to have peace" cuz we all know you don't give a shit.


Are you oblivious?

In 2014, three Israeli students were kidnapped, and murdered. Admitting it? When you say that you 'admit' something, it implies you are telling that what you did was true and wrong.

They did not say what they did was wrong. In fact, the Palestinians were running around holding up three fingers in a salute to the murder of kids.




Admitting to doing something evil, in praise of it, is not 'admitting fault'.

Now compare that to Israel.

Court upholds sentences of Israelis who murdered Palestinian teen


The Supreme Court rejected the appeals of three Jewish extremists convicted of brutally murdering an East Jerusalem teenager in 2014, upholding their convictions and prison sentences and saying they had “emerged from a dark tunnel of racism, ignorance and hate.”​

You don't see Jews exchanging gifts, and celebrating this these guys going to prison, from Israeli courts. And by the way, the only reason these guys attacked and killed this Palestinian kid, is because the Pales killed 3 of their kids. They didn't attack first. They were a reaction.

I'm sorry, but you are completely... almost insanely, wrong on this.
Funny thing is that Israel pretty much encouraged and started Hamas in order to counter Arafat. And we helped with that. It's the darndest thing. We were okay with it back then because it served its purpose. Then Palestine turns around and elects Hamas because, you know, we like to teach people to be democrats all over the world. Ha. Not okay all of a sudden.
The Muslim brotherhood is where it’s founding is from.
From another thread -

My post.
the problem is that the Israelis DENY their "abuse" OR really CRIMES. THE PALESTINIANS ADMIT TO THEIRS.

Yep. That's it. Everyone knows murder is wrong. Even if it's done "for your country or people. Can murder be justified? I think sometimes yes. But the MAIN thing. Is the ADMITTING. WHY would I come here moaning about Hamas' crimes when I know that everyone knows and half the words calls them offcially "terrorists" - so we agree they are terrorists.

But the Israelis are terroriaing and blandly denying it. That's the problem. Honesty is necessary to solve this conflict. If you want to go on lying don't come and tell me you "want to have peace" cuz we all know you don't give a shit.


Are you oblivious?

In 2014, three Israeli students were kidnapped, and murdered. Admitting it? When you say that you 'admit' something, it implies you are telling that what you did was true and wrong.

To admit.
b : to concede as true or valid
  • admitted making a mistake
: to make acknowledgment—used with to
  • admitted to having doubts
Funny thing is that Israel pretty much encouraged and started Hamas in order to counter Arafat. And we helped with that. It's the darndest thing. We were okay with it back then because it served its purpose. Then Palestine turns around and elects Hamas because, you know, we like to teach people to be democrats all over the world. Ha. Not okay all of a sudden.
The Muslim brotherhood is where it’s founding is from.
Which one?

Which one? You tell me...
Funny thing is that Israel pretty much encouraged and started Hamas in order to counter Arafat. And we helped with that. It's the darndest thing. We were okay with it back then because it served its purpose. Then Palestine turns around and elects Hamas because, you know, we like to teach people to be democrats all over the world. Ha. Not okay all of a sudden.
The Muslim brotherhood is where it’s founding is from.
Which one?

Which one? You tell me...
Funny thing is that Israel pretty much encouraged and started Hamas in order to counter Arafat. And we helped with that. It's the darndest thing. We were okay with it back then because it served its purpose. Then Palestine turns around and elects Hamas because, you know, we like to teach people to be democrats all over the world. Ha. Not okay all of a sudden.
The Muslim brotherhood is where it’s founding is from.
Which one?

There are many. I really don't know - you're the one referring. Now I have to assume you don't know for a fact where they came from.
Many? Really? There is only one original Muslim Brotherhood which originated in Egypt.
Which one? You tell me...
Funny thing is that Israel pretty much encouraged and started Hamas in order to counter Arafat. And we helped with that. It's the darndest thing. We were okay with it back then because it served its purpose. Then Palestine turns around and elects Hamas because, you know, we like to teach people to be democrats all over the world. Ha. Not okay all of a sudden.
The Muslim brotherhood is where it’s founding is from.
Which one?

There are many. I really don't know - you're the one referring. Now I have to assume you don't know for a fact where they came from.
The Muslim brotherhood is where it’s founding is from.

Sure, they were Islamists. I'm not debating otherwise. But Isreal pushed the Islamists against the Palestine Liberation Organization (again, to counter Arafat) which, of course, established ''Hamas'' back in the 80s.

It was Prime Minister Golda Meir who wanted to counter Arafat's Fatah movement which he did by using Ahmed Yassin's Islamic Charity Association and this was encouraged by the Israeli military authority. And by the early 90s there were hundreds of mosques set up in Gaza. Repression followed. Chiefly toward Arafat's Fatah but also the left leaning Palestinians.

So. Islamists, yes. But up until then there was no Hamas.

I suppose I should clarify what Fatah means for the benefit of the casual passer-by. That was Arafat's Movement for the National Liberation of Palestine.
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