Constituents Flood Another GOP Congressman’s Town Halls And Angrily Confront Him


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

One woman shouted that Rep. Tom Reed (R-N.Y.) was spreading “misinformation.”

Constituents of Rep. Tom Reed (R-N.Y.) flooded two town hall meetings on Saturday to confront and boo the congressman over the GOP’s vows to repeal the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, and strip public funding from Planned Parenthood.

One event was supposed to take place in a senior center, but it moved outside because so many people showed up.

Attendees loudly booed Reed when he said he did not support public funds for Planned Parenthood.

“I do not support taxpayer-funded paying of abortion,” Reed said, prompting boos. A woman in the front of the crowd immediately fact-checked his remark.

“You, an elected official, [are] giving misinformation,” she said. “Right now, our taxes do not pay for abortions. They pay for mammograms, they pay for birth control.”

“Planned Parenthood, less than 3 percent of the services they provide is abortion. And none of that 3 percent is funded by you,” she added.

Indeed, the Hyde Amendment, passed in 1976 by Congress, prohibits the use of public funds to pay for abortions, so there is no “taxpayer-funded paying of abortion.”

The constituents also booed loudly when Reed offered details on what a replacement for Obamacare could look like. They jeered when he called the Affordable Care Act a “failing system” and suggested that a new system would give more Americans health savings accounts. Most Americans can’t afford to put aside the money required for these accounts.

The crowd chanted in unison, “How can the poor get savings accounts?”

When Reed said this could be fixed simply by growing the economy, the crowd booed loudly again.

At a second town hall meeting later in the day, Reed said Americans would get tax credits to pay for health insurance, according to the Buffalo News. When the audience asked how those credits would be used, Reed replied, “That is something we’re still working on.”

The angry confrontations have prompted some Republicans to cancel town hall appearances altogether.

More: Constituents Flood Another GOP Congressman's Town Halls And Angrily Confront Him

Yes, Rep. Reed was clearly trying to spread misinformation. Thankfully, the crowd set him straight on the facts.
Yawn....any idea who's behind this LaKooKoo? Get off the left loon sites and you'll soon find out

You idiots on the left STILL haven't figured out why Trump won, have you? America is sick of this shit
I repeat from the OP:

Attendees loudly booed Reed when he said he did not support public funds for Planned Parenthood.

“I do not support taxpayer-funded paying of abortion,” Reed said, prompting boos. A woman in the front of the crowd immediately fact-checked his remark.

“You, an elected official, [are] giving misinformation,” she said. “Right now, our taxes do not pay for abortions. They pay for mammograms, they pay for birth control.”

“Planned Parenthood, less than 3 percent of the services they provide is abortion. And none of that 3 percent is funded by you,” she added.

Indeed, the Hyde Amendment, passed in 1976 by Congress, prohibits the use of public funds to pay for abortions, so there is no “taxpayer-funded paying of abortion.”
I repeat from the OP:

Attendees loudly booed Reed when he said he did not support public funds for Planned Parenthood.

“I do not support taxpayer-funded paying of abortion,” Reed said, prompting boos. A woman in the front of the crowd immediately fact-checked his remark.

“You, an elected official, [are] giving misinformation,” she said. “Right now, our taxes do not pay for abortions. They pay for mammograms, they pay for birth control.”

“Planned Parenthood, less than 3 percent of the services they provide is abortion. And none of that 3 percent is funded by you,” she added.

Indeed, the Hyde Amendment, passed in 1976 by Congress, prohibits the use of public funds to pay for abortions, so there is no “taxpayer-funded paying of abortion.”

Nobody but a left loon gives a shit....repeat all you want, loon
We should all be pressing all elected officials in this manner; get back out and participate, whatever your views.
It be nice if soros ran out of money eventually.

The favourite alt-right fiction: people are only protesting because Soros put them up to it. None of my friends who are protesting are in the pay of George Soros. Nor are any of the people they are protesting with.

It's easy for you to pretend the opposition to Trump isn't real, by saying Soros is behind it, but it is very real. And it's going to increase as his policies begin to affect the working poor who voted for him.
It be nice if soros ran out of money eventually.

The favourite alt-right fiction: people are only protesting because Soros put them up to it. None of my friends who are protesting are in the pay of George Soros. Nor are any of the people they are protesting with.

It's easy for you to pretend the opposition to Trump isn't real, by saying Soros is behind it, but it is very real. And it's going to increase as his policies begin to affect the working poor who voted for him.

Agreed, but again, the entire system operates in this way, not just "one" side/party.

Anyone who dares question whether the emperor is smartly dressed or not must be shut down.
Yawn....any idea who's behind this LaKooKoo? Get off the left loon sites and you'll soon find out

You idiots on the left STILL haven't figured out why Trump won, have you? America is sick of this shit

Yes, I do know why Trump won!

I learned a new term today from my retired teacher roommate. She referred to Trump supporters as Educable Mentally Retarded (EMR). OMG, that is so true!

What is the definition of Educable Mentally Retarded?
Yawn....any idea who's behind this LaKooKoo? Get off the left loon sites and you'll soon find out

You idiots on the left STILL haven't figured out why Trump won, have you? America is sick of this shit

Trump won the EC vote because fools like you believe demagogues and charlatans. Trump does not have a mandate, he lost by + or - 3 million votes, most of the votes by people with a college education and an IQ of three or more digits.

More and more two-digit people like you are starting to understand that the Obamacare they hate, and the Patient Protecton Affordable Care Act they like, are one and the same.
I do hope those leftist thugs understand that their paychecks are taxable and that they're keeping good records. After all, Obama's "militaried" IRS is now under new management.......

One woman shouted that Rep. Tom Reed (R-N.Y.) was spreading “misinformation.”

Constituents of Rep. Tom Reed (R-N.Y.) flooded two town hall meetings on Saturday to confront and boo the congressman over the GOP’s vows to repeal the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, and strip public funding from Planned Parenthood.

One event was supposed to take place in a senior center, but it moved outside because so many people showed up.

Attendees loudly booed Reed when he said he did not support public funds for Planned Parenthood.

“I do not support taxpayer-funded paying of abortion,” Reed said, prompting boos. A woman in the front of the crowd immediately fact-checked his remark.

“You, an elected official, [are] giving misinformation,” she said. “Right now, our taxes do not pay for abortions. They pay for mammograms, they pay for birth control.”

“Planned Parenthood, less than 3 percent of the services they provide is abortion. And none of that 3 percent is funded by you,” she added.

Indeed, the Hyde Amendment, passed in 1976 by Congress, prohibits the use of public funds to pay for abortions, so there is no “taxpayer-funded paying of abortion.”

The constituents also booed loudly when Reed offered details on what a replacement for Obamacare could look like. They jeered when he called the Affordable Care Act a “failing system” and suggested that a new system would give more Americans health savings accounts. Most Americans can’t afford to put aside the money required for these accounts.

The crowd chanted in unison, “How can the poor get savings accounts?”

When Reed said this could be fixed simply by growing the economy, the crowd booed loudly again.

At a second town hall meeting later in the day, Reed said Americans would get tax credits to pay for health insurance, according to the Buffalo News. When the audience asked how those credits would be used, Reed replied, “That is something we’re still working on.”

The angry confrontations have prompted some Republicans to cancel town hall appearances altogether.

More: Constituents Flood Another GOP Congressman's Town Halls And Angrily Confront Him

Yes, Rep. Reed was clearly trying to spread misinformation. Thankfully, the crowd set him straight on the facts.

They're not constituents, their organized protesters. Hell here in TX organizers are scheduling meetings and then inviting congresscritters, sometimes with as little as 2 working days notice, I guess ignorant regressives don't realize a congressmans time is scheduled weeks in advance.
I repeat from the OP:

Attendees loudly booed Reed when he said he did not support public funds for Planned Parenthood.

“I do not support taxpayer-funded paying of abortion,” Reed said, prompting boos. A woman in the front of the crowd immediately fact-checked his remark.

“You, an elected official, [are] giving misinformation,” she said. “Right now, our taxes do not pay for abortions. They pay for mammograms, they pay for birth control.”

“Planned Parenthood, less than 3 percent of the services they provide is abortion. And none of that 3 percent is funded by you,” she added.

Indeed, the Hyde Amendment, passed in 1976 by Congress, prohibits the use of public funds to pay for abortions, so there is no “taxpayer-funded paying of abortion.”

Then why don't they separate their abortions services into a separate entity with it's own facilities?
It be nice if soros ran out of money eventually.

The favourite alt-right fiction: people are only protesting because Soros put them up to it. None of my friends who are protesting are in the pay of George Soros. Nor are any of the people they are protesting with.

It's easy for you to pretend the opposition to Trump isn't real, by saying Soros is behind it, but it is very real. And it's going to increase as his policies begin to affect the working poor who voted for him.

You can bet the organizers are paid.
Then why don't they separate their abortions services into a separate entity with it's own facilities?

Are other medical agencies (gynecological practices, hospitals, medical clinics) required to establish separate entities to be eligible for reimbursement for non-abortion related MedicAid/MedicCare services?

No on believes that these are his constituents, not even you. Stop your lying.

One woman shouted that Rep. Tom Reed (R-N.Y.) was spreading “misinformation.”

Constituents of Rep. Tom Reed (R-N.Y.) flooded two town hall meetings on Saturday to confront and boo the congressman over the GOP’s vows to repeal the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, and strip public funding from Planned Parenthood.

One event was supposed to take place in a senior center, but it moved outside because so many people showed up.

Attendees loudly booed Reed when he said he did not support public funds for Planned Parenthood.

“I do not support taxpayer-funded paying of abortion,” Reed said, prompting boos. A woman in the front of the crowd immediately fact-checked his remark.

“You, an elected official, [are] giving misinformation,” she said. “Right now, our taxes do not pay for abortions. They pay for mammograms, they pay for birth control.”

“Planned Parenthood, less than 3 percent of the services they provide is abortion. And none of that 3 percent is funded by you,” she added.

Indeed, the Hyde Amendment, passed in 1976 by Congress, prohibits the use of public funds to pay for abortions, so there is no “taxpayer-funded paying of abortion.”

The constituents also booed loudly when Reed offered details on what a replacement for Obamacare could look like. They jeered when he called the Affordable Care Act a “failing system” and suggested that a new system would give more Americans health savings accounts. Most Americans can’t afford to put aside the money required for these accounts.

The crowd chanted in unison, “How can the poor get savings accounts?”

When Reed said this could be fixed simply by growing the economy, the crowd booed loudly again.

At a second town hall meeting later in the day, Reed said Americans would get tax credits to pay for health insurance, according to the Buffalo News. When the audience asked how those credits would be used, Reed replied, “That is something we’re still working on.”

The angry confrontations have prompted some Republicans to cancel town hall appearances altogether.

More: Constituents Flood Another GOP Congressman's Town Halls And Angrily Confront Him

Yes, Rep. Reed was clearly trying to spread misinformation. Thankfully, the crowd set him straight on the facts.
The crowd chanted in unison, “How can the poor get savings accounts?”

The GOP has a very simple answer for that question. It goes like this:

Fuck the poor.

One woman shouted that Rep. Tom Reed (R-N.Y.) was spreading “misinformation.”

Constituents of Rep. Tom Reed (R-N.Y.) flooded two town hall meetings on Saturday to confront and boo the congressman over the GOP’s vows to repeal the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, and strip public funding from Planned Parenthood.

One event was supposed to take place in a senior center, but it moved outside because so many people showed up.

Attendees loudly booed Reed when he said he did not support public funds for Planned Parenthood.

“I do not support taxpayer-funded paying of abortion,” Reed said, prompting boos. A woman in the front of the crowd immediately fact-checked his remark.

“You, an elected official, [are] giving misinformation,” she said. “Right now, our taxes do not pay for abortions. They pay for mammograms, they pay for birth control.”

“Planned Parenthood, less than 3 percent of the services they provide is abortion. And none of that 3 percent is funded by you,” she added.

Indeed, the Hyde Amendment, passed in 1976 by Congress, prohibits the use of public funds to pay for abortions, so there is no “taxpayer-funded paying of abortion.”

The constituents also booed loudly when Reed offered details on what a replacement for Obamacare could look like. They jeered when he called the Affordable Care Act a “failing system” and suggested that a new system would give more Americans health savings accounts. Most Americans can’t afford to put aside the money required for these accounts.

The crowd chanted in unison, “How can the poor get savings accounts?”

When Reed said this could be fixed simply by growing the economy, the crowd booed loudly again.

At a second town hall meeting later in the day, Reed said Americans would get tax credits to pay for health insurance, according to the Buffalo News. When the audience asked how those credits would be used, Reed replied, “That is something we’re still working on.”

The angry confrontations have prompted some Republicans to cancel town hall appearances altogether.

More: Constituents Flood Another GOP Congressman's Town Halls And Angrily Confront Him

Yes, Rep. Reed was clearly trying to spread misinformation. Thankfully, the crowd set him straight on the facts.
The crowd chanted in unison, “How can the poor get savings accounts?”

The GOP has a very simple answer for that question. It goes like this:

Fuck the poor.

Yeah, spontaneous outpouring from constituents have practiced prepared chants.

You liberals are so fucking dishonest, you can't even see how transparent you are.
Then why don't they separate their abortions services into a separate entity with it's own facilities?

Are other medical agencies (gynecological practices, hospitals, medical clinics) required to establish separate entities to be eligible for reimbursement for non-abortion related MedicAid/MedicCare services?


Name the ones that do on premises elective abortions.
No on believes that these are his constituents, not even you. Stop your lying.
Depends on where they are. For instance, in Salt Lake City, where they were chanting "do your job", no way can you find an entire building of liberals with zero conservatives. And when the people came out, they told reporters they voted for Trump. So they are all liars?

Believe it or not, Not every conservative will "shut up and sit down" when told to by their political leaders.

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