Constant IoT hacking could damage victims pyschologically


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Constant IoT Hacking Could Damage Victims Psychologically

As IoT developers race to deliver the product to the customer, manufacturers often sacrifice security. Piecing together security studies reveals a bleak picture, detailing the serious risks that come with adding connected things to a home network. Damages from attacks launched from the internet of things, however, are not limited to lost privacy or money – they can also damage the psyche, instilling fear in the victim.

Constant IoT Hacking Could Damage Victims Psychologically - Bitdefender

Everything and anything can be hacked!!

Just think of those on the left who seem to believe in their IP keeping them safe, weak minds believe their safety is first in line when it comes to the Government saving them from everything in their gawd damn lives. Those who rely on the Gov. Often live in a fantasy world at every level.

Since it is so, so easy to slap mental illness on someone thanks to the Obama ass wipes, Clinton too they have enable people to labeled with mental illnesses they tech. should have on them.
We're talking logical reasoning such as " Eating healthy" , etc..............Just because some liberal fk mental health counselor tells you you have a mental health issues doesn't mean you do. That's another entirely different issues that of course most trendy liberals won't get. In fact most of your counselors are liberals Hmm go figure.

Any how yeah this could drive someone kooky as they think they turn their heat down, but now it is up.
Or lights were off now they are one. ............Imagine how kooky you will feel when you have to pay for the bill.

All in all if someone wasn't bright enough to think of a hacking scenario they could be labeled with having a mental illness when obviously that wouldn't be the case. It's hard to say who would be so dumb they couldn't think of this situation. The only ones I can think of and they wouldn't be dumb would be someone very old but they still had their sanity of course.

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