Conservatives Who Deny Racial Difference

If you don't think joyce there is a cowardly racist piece of shit, then you don't know what it means.

From what I've seen, you're just as bigoted as he is.

You don't see very clearly, but go ahead and provide and example if you can.

20/10 vision. I see perfectly.

The examples are in just about every post you write.

You are devoted to your own opinions and prejudices and you treat those with differing opinions with intolerance.
Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And, but for the interference with his arrangement, there would be no cause for such marriage. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix.

Judge Leon Bazile, Circuit Court of Caroline County, Virginia.

What about this is factually incorrect? God -- or evolution, take your pick -- did in fact separate races by CONTINENT. The first race-mixing was SLAVERY... was that a good idea?

Nothing about it IS factually correct.
He states God created people, but without proof that is not a fact.
God did not place them, people moved, migrated and spread as they saw fit.
There is no way to defend racial purity because it never existed and certainly doesn't now.
There is only one race, the human race (though some may be prepared to create a category for certain ways of thinking).
Nobody is equal to anybody else.

So the entire issue of whether Blacks are equal to Whites sort of misses the whole question.

We ought to be equal under the law simply because that is how we claim we want our society to act..

Beyond that?

Equality is a silly notion when applied to judging differnt persons, different races, different ethnics or to any other realm of judging persons one can contrive..

We ALL know that we are not the equal of anybody else, do we not?

Today you are you
That is truer than true
There is no one alive
Who is you-er than you.

Dr Seuss

Nobody is equal to anybody else.

So the entire issue of whether Blacks are equal to Whites sort of misses the whole question.

We ought to be equal under the law simply because that is how we claim we want our society to act..

Beyond that?

Equality is a silly notion when applied to judging differnt persons, different races, different ethnics or to any other realm of judging persons one can contrive..

We ALL know that we are not the equal of anybody else, do we not?"

We may not be the same as anyone else. We may be unique.

Equal does not mean identical. We can have two boards of equal length, but different characteristics (oak and pine). Both work the same as a shelf. They are equally 'shelflike'. A Forest Gump and an Albert Einstein would be equally human.

We have different words for different things in order to nuance meaning. Thus, we can be equal without being identical. Women are equal to men (or superior, if you want my opinion), though obviously different in an abundance of ways. In fact, if you want a baby, men are definitely woefully lacking.

Socially and legally, equality is a good thing. The 'superior' exploiting the 'lowly' may be more common, but that is another situation that demands other vocabulary.
From what I've seen, you're just as bigoted as he is.

You don't see very clearly, but go ahead and provide an example if you can.

20/10 vision. I see perfectly.

The examples are in just about every post you write.

You are devoted to your own opinions and prejudices and you treat those with differing opinions with intolerance.

Pay attention, little missy. I told you to provide an example. Now get to it. Don't make me tell you again.
THERE ARE racial differences.

There. I admitted it.

Upon study and reflection I think we have to all agree that black people tend to have darker skin pigmentation.

I know. It's shocking. But somebody has to speak the truth.
And once again joyce the PATHETIC FUCKING COWARD demonstrates what a hopeless idiot he is.

Speaking of cowards, take a look at the video above........ the ultimate coward is the asswipe that sucker punches someone ........especially a women......I'm sure there are white, hispanic, asian, etc. assholes that sucker punch others, I just haven't seen the videos like I have seen from people that wear their pants like this clown. It got that shit Trevon killed. I work around enough racist from every race to know what the word means and unlike you, I don't cheapen the meaning by throwing it around so much. You learned real well from the Chief racist of the land.....barak hussein osama.

But you're not a racist 'cause you work with blacks right?

I put my life in the hands of Black guys all day long....don't think twice about it... I tend to judge people on what they can their character........hate to disappoint you. There are a ton of white people I dislike, what does that make me?

I like the diversity in skin color, eye shape and everything else that makes humans from around the world look different from each other.....makes life a hell of a lot more interesting. You , on the other hand, aren't the least bit are very predictable though.
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To me, this is a pretty dangerous breed.

I'm sure that rational, thinking people do seem pretty dangerous to a craven idiot like you. But then, just about everything inspires fear in you, you pathetic fucking coward.

How much courage does it take to sit behind your keyboard and post insults like that? :confused:

You are not making a favorable impression on anyone any reasonable person would want to impress. You are demonstrating that you have nothing of value to contribute to a serious discussion of an important issue.


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To me, this is a pretty dangerous breed.

I'm sure that rational, thinking people do seem pretty dangerous to a craven idiot like you. But then, just about everything inspires fear in you, you pathetic fucking coward.

How much courage does it take to sit behind your keyboard and post insults like that? .

The question is, how much of a fucking pussy do you have to be that you are so terrified of any person who looks superficially different from you that you spend your every waking hour obsessed with the notion that the 'races' must be separated at all costs?

Oh, and fuck you.

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