Conservatives used to care about community. What happened?

Conservatives never really embraced 'community'.

Conservatives want the poor poorer and the rich richer. Every policy that effects that situation that they advocate advances that cause.

You have that backwards.
It's Dem's policies who have kept the poor poorer called welfare checks.
It's Dem's policies who have helped the rich get richer.
Socialism always destroys the middle class.

Yeah..because without those checks..they would be another part of the community.

The dead part.

Which is what you guys want.

Death for people you don't like.
I see no lib can put their money where their mouth is in my challenge. Apparently they've done nothing personally to better their own community and are waiting for hand outs from me.

What challenge?

I'm not even employed at the moment..and I still give to charity.

Did so yesterday.
This is the biggest load of laughable crap, I've seen in a long time.

It was written by a liberal (that's OBVIOUS) and AS USUAL, the liberal now tells what what HE THINKS conservatism used to be and SHOULD BE NOW.

But notice what he thinks it so "terrible." INDIVIDUALITY! Can't have that. It should be a "balance" between the collective!

Now Rush talks about this all the time. How liberals see compromise. They never see it as liberals compromising THEIR beliefs with conservatism. Oh no!

No, conservatives MUST compromise THEIR BELIEFS.

This is just more of the same, and as usual, with the paid, er I mean volunteer op, it's just another cut and paste opinion piece that has no facts and no value.

Yawn! Move on people. Nothing to see here. HO HUM!


I agree with you.
Perfect example is Senator Harry Reid, very liberal.
He is sitting on 30 plus house bills because he says they are all tea party ideas and that the tea party is too radical, and he will not allow the bills to be passed.
There is 23% of the nation who say they are tea party. That means other Americans had to vote for them too, in order to have gotten elected in 2011.
Reid is holding the bills up, because he won't allow compromise or even discussions on the House bills,based on what he thinks is radicals rather the people's votes.
How insane is that? He thinks that only tea party people, voted in the newest 87 House of representatives.

And what is the TEA Party? Citizens from acroos the political spectrum that have had it with Government intrusion and government's spending us poor with no accountability.

In short? Dingy Harry Reid is against the citizens AND responsibility .

The tea party started because of a mortgage bailout that never happened.

They are just fine and dandy with banks seizing people's long as it ain't theirs..
I agree with you.
Perfect example is Senator Harry Reid, very liberal.
He is sitting on 30 plus house bills because he says they are all tea party ideas and that the tea party is too radical, and he will not allow the bills to be passed.
There is 23% of the nation who say they are tea party. That means other Americans had to vote for them too, in order to have gotten elected in 2011.
Reid is holding the bills up, because he won't allow compromise or even discussions on the House bills,based on what he thinks is radicals rather the people's votes.
How insane is that? He thinks that only tea party people, voted in the newest 87 House of representatives.

And what is the TEA Party? Citizens from acroos the political spectrum that have had it with Government intrusion and government's spending us poor with no accountability.

In short? Dingy Harry Reid is against the citizens AND responsibility .

The tea party started because of a mortgage bailout that never happened.

They are just fine and dandy with banks seizing people's long as it ain't theirs..

Govt doesn't build strength in communities. All they do is cause strife in communities. It is up to us on individual levels to better our lives and surroundings. If you sit around waiting for the govt to do it for you, you deserve the misery you dwell in.
I agree with you.
Perfect example is Senator Harry Reid, very liberal.
He is sitting on 30 plus house bills because he says they are all tea party ideas and that the tea party is too radical, and he will not allow the bills to be passed.
There is 23% of the nation who say they are tea party. That means other Americans had to vote for them too, in order to have gotten elected in 2011.
Reid is holding the bills up, because he won't allow compromise or even discussions on the House bills,based on what he thinks is radicals rather the people's votes.
How insane is that? He thinks that only tea party people, voted in the newest 87 House of representatives.

And what is the TEA Party? Citizens from acroos the political spectrum that have had it with Government intrusion and government's spending us poor with no accountability.

In short? Dingy Harry Reid is against the citizens AND responsibility .

The tea party started because of a mortgage bailout that never happened.

They are just fine and dandy with banks seizing people's long as it ain't theirs..

Tea Party started because of the Health Care Bill
I always find it amusing when someone post a opinion about conservatives written by a hardcore liberal there was no bias or slant in that piece sheesh. I might as well post a article about liberals by Michelle Malkin it would be about as fair and unbiased as this was.
And what is the TEA Party? Citizens from acroos the political spectrum that have had it with Government intrusion and government's spending us poor with no accountability.

In short? Dingy Harry Reid is against the citizens AND responsibility .

The tea party started because of a mortgage bailout that never happened.

They are just fine and dandy with banks seizing people's long as it ain't theirs..


Speak for yourself.

[ame=]Rick Santelli and the "Rant of the Year" - YouTube[/ame]
Govt doesn't build strength in communities. All they do is cause strife in communities. It is up to us on individual levels to better our lives and surroundings. If you sit around waiting for the govt to do it for you, you deserve the misery you dwell in.

Indeed. The best thing Government can do to govern is to not at all outside thier original intent.
I always find it amusing when someone post a opinion about conservatives written by a hardcore liberal there was no bias or slant in that piece sheesh. I might as well post a article about liberals by Michelle Malkin it would be about as fair and unbiased as this was.

You'd be late to the party.

Many here have it covered.
And what is the TEA Party? Citizens from acroos the political spectrum that have had it with Government intrusion and government's spending us poor with no accountability.

In short? Dingy Harry Reid is against the citizens AND responsibility .

The tea party started because of a mortgage bailout that never happened.

They are just fine and dandy with banks seizing people's long as it ain't theirs..

Tea Party started because of the Health Care Bill

It started because Obama was elected.
Well it existed as a tiny thing before that, but that was the massive growth factor.
Largely populated by Beckists and Palintologists.
The tea party started because of a mortgage bailout that never happened.

They are just fine and dandy with banks seizing people's long as it ain't theirs..

Tea Party started because of the Health Care Bill

It started because Obama was elected.
Well it existed as a tiny thing before that, but that was the massive growth factor.
Largely populated by Beckists and Palintologists.

That's part of it..they didn't like the fact a black guy got the job.

But it was Rick and the Saudi controlled FOX that got it going.
Conservatives never really embraced 'community'.

Conservatives want the poor poorer and the rich richer. Every policy that effects that situation that they advocate advances that cause.

You have that backwards.
It's Dem's policies who have kept the poor poorer called welfare checks.
It's Dem's policies who have helped the rich get richer.
Socialism always destroys the middle class.

Yeah..because without those checks..they would be another part of the community.

The dead part.

Which is what you guys want.

Death for people you don't like.

Again projection.......I love pointing it out everytime. Whose death do we want? Liberals are waaaay more harsh and mean than conservatives. TeaParty is a fun gathering, people get together, celebrate their country and then you have Occupy wallstreet, shit on the roads, riots, littering (a no no for liberals...well for non liberals, liberals never abide by their own rules, that's for the common people, not the edjumacated elites), obcenties galore and lots and lots of volence....dont forget the violence. Yeah those violent teapartiers.
And liberals want the death of babies that are inconvienent (now that's a truth, and together we can call it an inconvienent truth!!!!!!!!)
I just have a question sallow, why do democrats never want to help those welfare people?
Why dont they encourage them to get a job and get off welfare? how many generations have to be using welfare before you notice a pattern?

I'm thinking the democrats like people on welfare because they own them. And they scare them into saying the republicans will take away those welfare checks if you dont vote for us.....not that that EVER happens.....naaaaaaaa
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Tea Party started because of the Health Care Bill

It started because Obama was elected.
Well it existed as a tiny thing before that, but that was the massive growth factor.
Largely populated by Beckists and Palintologists.

That's part of it..they didn't like the fact a black guy got the job.

But it was Rick and the Saudi controlled FOX that got it going.

You're a race hustler. Stop it.
The tea party started because of a mortgage bailout that never happened.

They are just fine and dandy with banks seizing people's long as it ain't theirs..

Tea Party started because of the Health Care Bill

It started because Obama was elected.
Well it existed as a tiny thing before that, but that was the massive growth factor.
Largely populated by Beckists and Palintologists. stared with ObamaCare, as there was the same with Hillary Care..
as for the rest of what you posted, pathetic
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