Conservatives Struggle To Explain How Mitt Romney Lost 2012 Presidential Election


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Sabrina Siddiqui

WASHINGTON -- Republicans across the country were shellshocked as President Barack Obama defeated Mitt Romney in Tuesday’s presidential election, finishing the race with 332 electoral votes and winning every battleground state except for North Carolina. The blame game began almost immediately, as Republicans looked to determine how a vulnerable incumbent like Obama had found a pathway to reelection.

The evidence behind the president’s victory points toward a stronger appeal to middle-class Americans, one of the most formidable ground games in the history of politics, and serious failures within the GOP to attract Latino and women voters. But a faction of conservatives were having none of it -- offering up instead a series of explanations for their nominee’s loss, rounded up below:

The Good Stuff: Conservatives Struggle To Explain How Mitt Romney Lost 2012 Presidential Election
I agree with the OP, but here's my take on why Romney lost:

1. He was a severely flawed candidate.

2. He picked a lousy VP.

3. Unpopular agenda.

4. Lies and distortions.

5. Dirty tactics.

6. Voter intimidation.

7. Voter suppression.
Bull, there is no strugle to explain it, he didn't get enough freaking votes. There's your explination.
Bull, there is no strugle to explain it, he didn't get enough freaking votes. There's your explination.

True, but why? Apparently you're as dumb as Karl Rove and Fox News. Yes, facts and truth are scary things...

What you want to play monday morning quarterback now, someone lost, someone won, game over, only idiots give a crap why, you move on to the next game.
Bull, there is no strugle to explain it, he didn't get enough freaking votes. There's your explination.

True, but why? Apparently you're as dumb as Karl Rove and Fox News. Yes, facts and truth are scary things...

What you want to play monday morning quarterback now, someone lost, someone won, game over, only idiots give a crap why, you move on to the next game.

Just move on with no analysis of why you lost to better prepare for the next campaign? Gee...

Here's another reason Romney lost: He didn't have a David Axelrod.
True, but why? Apparently you're as dumb as Karl Rove and Fox News. Yes, facts and truth are scary things...

What you want to play monday morning quarterback now, someone lost, someone won, game over, only idiots give a crap why, you move on to the next game.

Just move on with no analysis of why you lost to better prepare for the next campaign? Gee...

Here's another reason Romney lost: He didn't have a David Axelrod.

The reason Romney lost is he was unwilling to get into the gutter with Maobama and Axelnod. Had he used Moabamas own words against him it would have been a different story. We need to get rid of the ineffective political advisors that have no experience in slimey street fighting. If you commies want to play the charater assination game those tactics can be used on both sides. There use to be honor in a political victory, but none of the campaigns Maobama has been involved in have had any honor, he uses the communist Alinski tactics and will be remembered in history for them. Maobama is nothing but a slimey chicago sewer rat that deserves no respect.
Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted is fast becoming one of the most despised election officials in the country for his many attempts to restrict early voting and throw out legitimate provisional ballots. He’s also alienating federal judges left and right. After Husted issued a last-minute directive that could invalidate thousands of Ohioans’ votes, US District Judge Algenon Marbley did not bother to hide his impatience with the secretary’s hijinks.

More: Judge Blasts Ohio's Last Minute Disenfranchisement Effort: 'I Don't Want To See Democracy Die In The Darkness' | ThinkProgress
Bull, there is no strugle to explain it, he didn't get enough freaking votes. There's your explination.

True, but why? Apparently you're as dumb as Karl Rove and Fox News. Yes, facts and truth are scary things...

What you want to play monday morning quarterback now, someone lost, someone won, game over, only idiots give a crap why, you move on to the next game.

Yanno.............that's exactly what the Dems want to hear. The GOP failed miserably at reading the electorate, but the Dems read it right.

If you want to keep losing elections GOP, follow the advice of OKTexas and ignore why you lost this election.

This is why the GOP was blindsided by their losses. At Fox News they are all winners all the time. As long as Fox stays top rated in viewership the GOP will remain flummoxed and lied to....and will keep losing elections.

Which is great! Nice to know that when such losers aren't congregating here they can be found collectively ignoring reality watching FNC. Luser Herd Mentality.

Regards from Rosie
just dumb

the struggle is explaining how Obama won with his record..

oh well
By Sabrina Siddiqui

WASHINGTON -- Republicans across the country were shellshocked as President Barack Obama defeated Mitt Romney in Tuesday’s presidential election, finishing the race with 332 electoral votes and winning every battleground state except for North Carolina. The blame game began almost immediately, as Republicans looked to determine how a vulnerable incumbent like Obama had found a pathway to reelection.

The evidence behind the president’s victory points toward a stronger appeal to middle-class Americans, one of the most formidable ground games in the history of politics, and serious failures within the GOP to attract Latino and women voters. But a faction of conservatives were having none of it -- offering up instead a series of explanations for their nominee’s loss, rounded up below:

The Good Stuff: Conservatives Struggle To Explain How Mitt Romney Lost 2012 Presidential Election

How is it a struggle to explain? those who live within the entitlement system vote. Here's an example.
"When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." Benjamin Franklin

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