Conservatives Have Hearts


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
This is something liberals will instant attack. We suck up to greedy corporations and want to leave the poor without their rightful backup. Want more defense spending? We're warmongers. On and on it goes.

So, what does a conservative do to combat it – other than simply ignoring it?

This article - How to Make the Case to Liberals That Conservatives Have Hearts, Too @ Making the Case to Liberals That Conservatives Have Hearts Too provides some good tips.

Check out this video @

Making sure that welfare is a true hand up and not a hand-out is, in fact, the true compassionate stance.

As conservatives, we know that our policies help provide opportunity for all. But we can never assume others know that. It’s time to take “heart”—and make sure they do.

Originally published in the ED FEULNER Creating a case for conservatism - Washington Times
When people are hurting we all have a problem? 80% of the gains in the economy have gone to the top 10%? Oh yeah, that's gonna fly here...
We have a culture that says if you're getting some kind of assistance your a moocher, and that's wrong he says? Yep, the right-wingers here are going to love this guy alright.
This is something liberals will instant attack. We suck up to greedy corporations and want to leave the poor without their rightful backup. Want more defense spending? We're warmongers. On and on it goes.

So, what does a conservative do to combat it – other than simply ignoring it?

This article - How to Make the Case to Liberals That Conservatives Have Hearts, Too @ Making the Case to Liberals That Conservatives Have Hearts Too provides some good tips.

Check out this video @

Making sure that welfare is a true hand up and not a hand-out is, in fact, the true compassionate stance.

As conservatives, we know that our policies help provide opportunity for all. But we can never assume others know that. It’s time to take “heart”—and make sure they do.

Originally published in the ED FEULNER Creating a case for conservatism - Washington Times

The GOP and conservatives need a real policy on poverty? People have been left behind? Yeah, those are the ones you guys call parasites and losers.

You don't worry about the Libs attacking this. Your side is going to hang this guy from the nearest tree. Even I'd read his damn book...
The GOP and conservatives need a real policy on poverty? People have been left behind? Yeah, those are the ones you guys call parasites and losers.

You don't worry about the Libs attacking this. Your side is going to hang this guy from the nearest tree. Even I'd read his damn book...
The party line is kiss up and stab down, they are just not going to be able to change that.
I've noticed all the Conservatives rushing in here to say how right this guy is, that conservatives should have hearts, sound policies to alleviate poverty, concerns about so much wealth at the top, or not.

Typical that the I Got Mine So Fuck You crowd would ignore this guy, completely.
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This is something liberals will instant attack. We suck up to greedy corporations and want to leave the poor without their rightful backup. Want more defense spending? We're warmongers. On and on it goes.

So, what does a conservative do to combat it – other than simply ignoring it?

This article - How to Make the Case to Liberals That Conservatives Have Hearts, Too @ Making the Case to Liberals That Conservatives Have Hearts Too provides some good tips.

Check out this video @

Making sure that welfare is a true hand up and not a hand-out is, in fact, the true compassionate stance.

As conservatives, we know that our policies help provide opportunity for all. But we can never assume others know that. It’s time to take “heart”—and make sure they do.

Originally published in the ED FEULNER Creating a case for conservatism - Washington Times

Sorry, but the Republican Party is currently run by greedy hateful white dudes. And they're not 'Conservatives.' They have absolutely no problem with Government intervention if it benefits the wealthy elites they worship. But God forbid you propose helping out poor struggling Americans. They should be ashamed of themselves. Jesus is very disappointed in them.
Two hours and the number of posts supporting Conservatives having hearts is absolutely overwhelming. This is post #11, and half of them are mine.
Two hours and the number of posts supporting Conservatives having hearts is absolutely overwhelming. This is post #11, and half of them are mine.

I can defend 'Conservatives', but the greedy hateful white dudes running the Republican Party aren't Conservatives. They fully support Government intervention if it benefits the wealthy elites. But God forbid anyone propose helping poor struggling Americans out. They are heartless people. Sorry, but it is what it is.
This is something liberals will instant attack. We suck up to greedy corporations and want to leave the poor without their rightful backup. Want more defense spending? We're warmongers. On and on it goes.

So, what does a conservative do to combat it – other than simply ignoring it?

This article - How to Make the Case to Liberals That Conservatives Have Hearts, Too @ Making the Case to Liberals That Conservatives Have Hearts Too provides some good tips.

Check out this video @

Making sure that welfare is a true hand up and not a hand-out is, in fact, the true compassionate stance.

As conservatives, we know that our policies help provide opportunity for all. But we can never assume others know that. It’s time to take “heart”—and make sure they do.

Originally published in the ED FEULNER Creating a case for conservatism - Washington Times

Are you trying to convince others? Or yourself?
"Conservatives Have Hearts"

Along with lungs and livers - but few if any have any compassion or regard for those less fortunate.

Using "those less fortunate" as nothing more than political pawns, and doing every damn thing to make damn sure they remain less fortunate is not compassion, douche.
This is something liberals will instant attack. We suck up to greedy corporations and want to leave the poor without their rightful backup. Want more defense spending? We're warmongers. On and on it goes.

So, what does a conservative do to combat it – other than simply ignoring it?

This article - How to Make the Case to Liberals That Conservatives Have Hearts, Too @ Making the Case to Liberals That Conservatives Have Hearts Too provides some good tips.

Check out this video @

Making sure that welfare is a true hand up and not a hand-out is, in fact, the true compassionate stance.

As conservatives, we know that our policies help provide opportunity for all. But we can never assume others know that. It’s time to take “heart”—and make sure they do.

Originally published in the ED FEULNER Creating a case for conservatism - Washington Times

Why not be honest and admit we really don't want to take care of someone indefinitely? I don't know any parent who wants to take care of their child until they are in the grave and I would rather help,people who are not going to sponge off of me indefinitely. Call it being "selfish" but there is not one person who wants to pay their neighbors mortgage.
'My house shall be called a house of prayer; but you are making it a Robber's Den' - Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

That's what the greedy hateful white Republican dudes are doing to our Nation. But most of em actually believe they're 'Good Christians.' Boy are they lost.
This is something liberals will instant attack. We suck up to greedy corporations and want to leave the poor without their rightful backup. Want more defense spending? We're warmongers. On and on it goes.

So, what does a conservative do to combat it – other than simply ignoring it?

This article - How to Make the Case to Liberals That Conservatives Have Hearts, Too @ Making the Case to Liberals That Conservatives Have Hearts Too provides some good tips.

Check out this video @

Making sure that welfare is a true hand up and not a hand-out is, in fact, the true compassionate stance.

As conservatives, we know that our policies help provide opportunity for all. But we can never assume others know that. It’s time to take “heart”—and make sure they do.

Originally published in the ED FEULNER Creating a case for conservatism - Washington Times

Why not be honest and admit we really don't want to take care of someone indefinitely? I don't know any parent who wants to take care of their child until they are in the grave and I would rather help,people who are not going to sponge off of me indefinitely. Call it being "selfish" but there is not one person who wants to pay their neighbors mortgage.

That must be why people give houses, to disabled veterans. Damn parasite losers.
This is something liberals will instant attack. We suck up to greedy corporations and want to leave the poor without their rightful backup. Want more defense spending? We're warmongers. On and on it goes.

So, what does a conservative do to combat it – other than simply ignoring it?

This article - How to Make the Case to Liberals That Conservatives Have Hearts, Too @ Making the Case to Liberals That Conservatives Have Hearts Too provides some good tips.

Check out this video @

Making sure that welfare is a true hand up and not a hand-out is, in fact, the true compassionate stance.

As conservatives, we know that our policies help provide opportunity for all. But we can never assume others know that. It’s time to take “heart”—and make sure they do.

Originally published in the ED FEULNER Creating a case for conservatism - Washington Times

Sorry, but the Republican Party is currently run by greedy hateful white dudes. And they're not 'Conservatives.' They have absolutely no problem with Government intervention if it benefits the wealthy elites they worship. But God forbid you propose helping out poor struggling Americans. They should be ashamed of themselves. Jesus is very disappointed in them.

Whiteness equals capitalism, Jewishness equals capitalism, manliness equals capatalist. Whites are capatalist,Jews are capatalist, men are capatalist. I hate capatalist...they have to be eliminated. Whites must die, men must die, Jews have to be put in ovens.
'My house shall be called a house of prayer; but you are making it a Robber's Den' -Jesus Christ.

That's what the greedy hateful white Republican dudes are doing to our Nation. But most of em actually believe they're 'Good Christians.' Boy are they lost.
The money-changers will like the guy in the OP about as much as they did Jesus that day.

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