Conservatives for Kerry


Jun 29, 2004
For Immediate Release
October 13, 2004

Kerry Wins Third Debate

ABC Who won the debate?
Among Democrats – Kerry: 81%
Among Republicans – Bush: 73%

CBS Poll uncommitted voters:
Who won the debate:
Kerry-Edwards: 39
Bush-Cheney: 25
Tie: 36

CBS POLL, Kerry has clear positions on issues:
Before: 29%
After: 60%
CNN Poll:
Kerry 52%
Bush 39%

MSNBC Keith Oberman:
12 Rounds Kerry
4 Rounds Bush
MSNBC Online poll:

Who won the debate?
Kerry 75, Bush 25%

Of the 566 People Polled (38% Were Republican, 30% Democrat, 28% Independent) Kerry Won 42%-415
Kerry In Control And Winner

Bob Novak: “Kerry seems to be overpowering Bush.” (, 10/13/04)

Candy Crowley: “If what you’re looking for in a candidate is the best debater, I mean, that is definitely John Kerry. He has a quick command of the facts, he is very articulate, and I think the poll reflects that.” (CNN, 10/13/04)

Ron Reagan: “I will predict that the polls tomorrow, just as they have in the two previous presidential debates, will say that Kerry won.” (MSNBC, 10/13/04)

Pat Buchanan: “Kerry was, I thought, very much at the top of his game and I thought toward the end, when you saw Kerry, you saw more of the humanity of the man in some of those questions, which was very helpful to them; talking about the daughters and things. I thought he had some excellent moments.” (MSNBC, 10/13/04)

John Roberts: “I would probably have to give it to John Kerry. He seemed a little bit more poised.” (CBS, John Roberts, 10/13/04)

Joe Scarborough: “It gave Democrats a reason to be excited about John Kerry.” (MSNBC, 10/13/04)

Jon Meacham, Newsweek: “John Kerry took the populist war straight to the President.” (MSNBC, 10/13/04)

Tavis Smiley: “I think, Peter, that you have to shore up your bases…I think Mr. Kerry did that with people of color on the left.” (ABC, 10/13/04)

Bill Schneider: “Well this was a decisive win for John Kerry. It was just about as decisive as his win in the first debate, which everyone agreed was a blowout. His, the first debate he won by 16 points; this debate, Kerry won by 13 points. According to the views of the viewers polled immediately after the debate so they had no chance really to be influenced by the spin.” (CNN, 10/13/04)

Andrea Mitchell: “Kerry says, well we all, you know, married above ourselves and some would say, me more than most – joking about Teresa Heinz and her extraordinary fortune and I thought that was actually showing a lot of self confidence of John Kerry to joke about that disparity.” (MSNBC, 10/13/04

Kerry’s Momentum Grew And Grows

David Gergen: "John Kerry, Sen. Kerry gained strength as the debate went on and I thought he became much more effective and if anything I thought the last part of the debate was his." (PBS, 10/13/04)

Carlos Watson: “As we went along, as we talked about social security, as we talked about immigration, as we talked even about the Supreme Court, I thought John Kerry ultimately found his voice. And when all is said and done I think Kerry will be proclaimed the winner, which I think will be significant because I think he will be viewed as having won all three debates.” (CNN, 10/13/04)

Dean Reynolds: “I think the candidate whose numbers have been moving in the right direction for the last 10 days has been Senator John Kerry, this debate did nothing to stop that, and I think from the Kerry point of view they’ll be happy about the results tonight.” (ABC, 10/13/04)

Anthony Mason: “Dan, the uncommitted voters in our survey have given the edge in this debate, to this final debate, to John Kerry.” (CBS, 10/13/04)

Kerry Appealed To Voters

David Gergen: "What I thought John Kerry did very effectively tonight was reach out to women voters and they've become critical to his election Charlie, its the bigggest change that's taken place since these debates started. And tonight, I would imagine with the Yankees and Red Sox on, there were probably a lot of women in that audience tonight." (PBS, 10/13/04)

"After viewing two presidential debates, a group of local independent voters has decided whom to support - and will use tonight's face-off simply to make sure they've got it right. Currently, Kerry is the pick of the majority. The Denver Post gathered the five panelists last month to view the debates. At the time, none of them had decided." (Denver Post, 10/13/04)

Seniors Weigh In For Kerry. AARP hosted a debate watch party in Las Vegas they were asked: Which presidential candidate best addressed the issues important to you? 76.2% for John Kerry, 15.1% George W. Bush, 8.7 Draw

Kerry More Presidential

Bill Schneider: “Well I think he did appear more presidential than the president, which is exactly why he won the first debate and why he won this debate.” (CNN, 10/13/04)

Richard Wolfe: “John Kerry has looked more presidential and more personable as these debates have gone on.” (CNN, 10/13/04)

Perry Bacon, Time Magazine: “And still, Kerry came out looking more presidential…” (CNN, 10/13/04)

Kerry Clear On Issues

Andrea Mitchell: “I think Kerry cleared up any confusion that might have existed about how he as a Catholic was dealing with this very complex issue (abortion).” (MSNBC, 10/13/04)

George Stephanopoulos: “I thought Senator Kerry was most effective on talking about jobs, minimum wage, healthcare and social security.” (ABC, 10/13/04)

"Kerry's answer on health-care costs may be his best yet. He lays out the case against the administration logically and clearly." (Kit Seeyle, New York Times online, 10/13/04)

"In response to the flu vaccine, Bush narrowly focuses on the question and tells people not to get a flu shot. Kerry smartly takes the topic back to health care." (Kit Seeyle, New York Times online, 10/13/04)

Chris Wallace: "I thought perhaps because of the subject matter that John Kerry did better in the second half on subjects like minimum wage which the president seemed somewhat uncomfortable on." (Fox News, 10/13/04)

Mark Shields: “I thought Kerry's best answer by far was on the assault weapons. When the President begged off, it was Bob Schieffer's question to him Jim, why didn't you, you said you'd sign it, why didn't you lift a finger to do it, he said well they told me in Congress they didn't have the votes to do it and he said I would have gone to Tom Delay, and said we're going to have a fight, we'll go to the country on this. I thought that was probably Kerry's best answer. (PBS, 10/13/04)

Chris Matthews: “Senator Kerry tonight was able to score on the class issue.” (MSNBC, 10/13/04)

Tom Brokaw: “I think that they were seeing on the war issue that John Kerry had tapped into something out there in America. That there were doubts even among the president’s supporters on the Republican side of the agenda and especially in a lot of those traditionally red states where they have a lot of people overseas and beginning to wonder if this was going well or not. So they had to move it; move the agenda, if you will, off the war and harder onto the social issues.” (MSNBC, 10/13/04)

Bush Fell, Kerry Cleaned-Up

Ron Reagan: “George Bush made a mistake. Kerry quoted him accurately as it turns out in saying he’s not really worried about Osama bin Laden and Bush came back and said, well I don’t recall ever saying anything like that, we’ll you’ll see the clip of him saying exactly that tomorrow.” (MSNBC 10:32 pm)

Mark Shields: “I think Kerry is far more factual.” (PBS, 10/13/04)

Brian Williams: “We heard the name Osama Bin Laden mentioned again tonight and tonight our fact checkers found the President in a major contradiction. Here is what the President said on stage tonight in response to a charge by Sen. Kerry (Bush clip, exaggerations). But here is what the President said about Bin Laden in March of 2002 (Bush clip saying he is not concerned about Bin Laden). (NBC, 10/13/04)

Chris Jansing: “He painted the president as some one who led us to a misguided war, who has put Americans at risk because they don't have health insurance, who has lost more jobs than any president.” (MSNBC, 10/13/04)

Bush Mission To Win Debate: NOT ACCOMPLISHED

George Stephanopoulos: Most Americans believe we’re going in the wrong direction right now. (ABC, 10/13/04)

Jeff Greenfield: “I think to the extent that the Republicans were looking for the president to lay the heavy lumber on John Kerry, that did not happen. And so if we’ve gone this last ten days with Kerry slowly moving up on Bush, I don’t see anything in this debate that will change that.” (CNN, 10/13/04)

John King: “I do think Republicans will agree that the president was perhaps not emphatic or focused enough in doing as much as he wanted to do to calling the Senate record into play and put the liberal label on Senator Kerry.” (CNN, 10/13/04)

Bob Novak: “Bush looks wishy-washy on the assault-weapons ban.” (, 10/13/04)

Richard Wolfe: “John Kerry, I thought, took this one by points. The president really needed to get a big victory tonight and he fell short of that. You know, he beat himself in the previous debates, but that really wasn’t good enough.” (CNN, 10/13/04)

Bush’s Expressions Showed His Weakness

"Bush seems more on edge than Kerry. His voice is rising, almost to a shout. And he pounds his hand for emphasis. Kerry is trying to show he is cool, calm and collected." (Kit Seeyle, New York Times online, 10/13/04)

Bob Novak: “Bush's chuckles are not so good.” (, 10/13/04)

Chris Matthews: “I think the president had sort of an unhappy look but it was a very controlled and disciplined look. He was obviously told ‘they’re looking at you, don’t put on a show.’ But he didn’t look happy. He wasn’t used to this kind of brow-beating.” (MSNBC, 10/13/04)
That sure is a nice load of SHIT ya just posted...

It's funny how pea-brained libs have to tune into polls to see who won. Self-thinking Conservatives already knew who won right after the debate is over..
CBS and MSNBC internet polls? Please. Not worth the time.

The ABC "Republican Heavy" Poll (whatever) shows Kerry by 1%. And this is Kerry in control and the winner?

As far as your little quotes, we can pretty much disregard anything from CBS, Ron Reagan, George Stephanopoulos, and Chris Mattews. Kerry could have come out, picked his nose, and farted the French national anthem and they would say he won.

Joe Scarborough says, “It gave Democrats a reason to be excited about John Kerry.” Is that all he said? What was the context?

Kerry tells one self deprecating joke in over 12 months and Adnrea Mitchell decides it's a sign of self confidence? It's a sign that his people noticed that Bush's self deprecation was appealing to a lot of people if anything. Where was Kerry's self confidence when he was calling the secret service agent a son of a bitch.

And, of course, the glowing words from Chris Wallace that he thought Kerry "did better" in the second half of the debate. Wow. What an endorsement.

All the polls for these debates show me is that most Bush supporters are willing to admit when the President doesn't do well, like the first debate, and that Kerry supporters aren't willing to admit Kerry lost, like this debate.
If this was such a clear cut victory for Kerry, why was Terry McAuliffe spitting and sputtering on Hannity and Colmes trying to find some sense of spin before the poll results were given? Even he knew his guy got spanked.
Hey, MJ ?

Kerry got his ass kicked last night. In case you forgot, real people also watched the debate.
I've said it before - it was a colossal mistake for Bush to agree to debate kerry. If Bush loses the election, it will be because he let his ego get the better of him. There was absolutely no reason for Bush to agree to debate kerry.

P.T. Barnum certainly had it right when he said "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public". The same thing applies to elections. Those who watch these debates to determine the candidate for whom they will vote are either stupid or lazy or both. All politicians distort the truth. Some, like kerry, are outright liars. If you want to forecast what a politician will do once elected to office, you don't listen to his speeches or his debates, you look at his track record. You look at what he has voted for and against. You look at the bills he has sponsored.

If you assess kerry using that criteria, you can come to only one conclusion.

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