Conservatives control DC, yet cannot repeal Obamacare

I think the problem is this. The media reports how repealing Obamacare would "cause 20 million to lose healthcare." Now what they aren't telling you is that most of these policies have sky high deductibles that the insured can't afford anyway, so while "on paper" they have insurance, they are insured in a way that's practically useless.

Repealing Obamacare would remove this useless insurance and offer something that might actually help them. Under Obamacare I had a policy that had a 6000 dollar deductible. I was unemployed, I couldn't afford that if I wanted to. It was a joke, but statistically, I had "insurance" so I was a stat the liberals used against the conservative idea of paying for your own insurance.

It's going to look bad if they would repeal Obamacare and the media would repeat the "20 million lost insurance" lie. So they're trying to figure out a way to look half decent and appease the handout-loving liberals.
Republicans are incapable of legislating let alone for all American citizens. They don't have a plan because like all on the right, they hate talking to non like minded people to find common ground and compromise. It's the confrontation and the possibility that their one liner oversimplified fantasy land political positions might be wrong.

It's good to have base high level conceptual values. It's not good to try to apply those directly as policy. The real world is ever changing and filled with bad or selfish people.

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No, the GOP controls Congress and the Oval office, not conservatives.

Annnnd, who voted for the GOP? Conservatives. Who represents the GOP? Conservatives. Conservatives and Republicans are a distinction without difference.

Did you see the last spending deal?

This government run by the GOP funded PP, sanctuary cities, and no wall to be built. Oh, and no real reduction in government spending.

They can't even repeal Obamacare.

As for the charge that conservatives voted for them, some did, so what? What else are they going to do, not vote? I imagine more will not vote next go round.

That should make you happy.
You are conflating republicans with conservatives, like an idiot.

They're the same thing, dude! You trying to redefine "Conservatism" now smacks of desperation. "Conservatism", as its policies fail, seems to have become a moving target now for those who want to still be Conservatives, but don't want to accept the failures that come along with it. So here we are, where we have ever-changing parameters of what "Conservative" is, based on the continued and repeated failures of Conservative policy.

Fact is, what you believe in just sucks. And you can't bring yourself to admit it.

YWe CAN repeal Obamacare. They just AREN'T. Because the Republicans (not the conservatives) refuse to act on the mandate they were given.

So you repeal Obamacare and replace it with what? It's been seven are you going to maintain coverage for the 24,000,000 who gained insurance thanks to the ACA without spiking costs? I'll save you the can't. You won't. You never will because you and your fellow Conservatives simply have no ideas. You spent the last 8 years screeching, and now that it's your turn, suddenly every policy failure is someone else's fault, not yours.

Get over yourself, poseur.
24 million who gained insurance they can't afford to use because they have 5000 and 6000 dollar deductibles? How is that helping a family of 4 living on minimum wage incomes?
Did you see the last spending deal?This government run by the GOP funded PP, sanctuary cities, and no wall to be built. Oh, and no real reduction in government spending.As for the charge that conservatives voted for them, some did, so what? What else are they going to do, not vote? I imagine more will not vote next go round. That should make you happy.

So when it comes to principles, you're basically admitting Conservatives have none.

Like I said, it's always someone else's fault, because you cannot come to terms with the fact that what you believe in is a joke.
Did you see the last spending deal?This government run by the GOP funded PP, sanctuary cities, and no wall to be built. Oh, and no real reduction in government spending.As for the charge that conservatives voted for them, some did, so what? What else are they going to do, not vote? I imagine more will not vote next go round. That should make you happy.

So when it comes to principles, you're basically admitting Conservatives have none.

Like I said, it's always someone else's fault, because you cannot come to terms with the fact that what you believe in is a joke.

You really are a dolt.
You seem to forget how many companies have opted out of Obamacare. Iowa is down to one provider of insurance for most of the state, and that company has announced that they are ready to pull out. That would leave tens of thousands without healthcare. Any answers?
24 million who gained insurance they can't afford to use because they have 5000 and 6000 dollar deductibles? How is that helping a family of 4 living on minimum wage incomes?

I thought Conservatives wanted patients to have "more skin in the game". That's what deductibles are. So now you're reversing that previous position for political purposes in an online debate.

Get over yourself.

And I have news for you; deductibles were high even before Obamacare. All Obamacare does is expose the fatal flaw of for-profit health insurance; that it does nothing to improve or enhance your care, and only costs you more.
You seem to forget how many companies have opted out of Obamacare. Iowa is down to one provider of insurance for most of the state, and that company has announced that they are ready to pull out. That would leave tens of thousands without healthcare. Any answers?

No, it wouldn't leave tens of thousands without health care because they can simply go on the exchanges and buy a different plan from a different insurer. You snowflakes seem incapable of being adults. What gives?

And this problem could have easily been mitigated had there been a Public Option. But you all opposed that. So it's hard to see how the problems we face aren't the direct result of your masturbatory actions.

Medicaid expansion would bridge the gap for many of those folks who cannot afford insurance or the deductibles. But you all oppose Medicaid expansion. So it's hard to see how your argument isn't masturbatory; in that, you complain about the very thing you caused to happen.

Let me ask liberals this......

Which type of coverage is better?

A. Coverage so expensive you can't afford it
B. Coverage so bad you can't afford to use it
For seven years all we heard from Conservatives was that they were going to "repeal and replace" Obamacare with someone so wonderful, they had to vote 60+ times in order to do it. Now that they have control of DC for the first time since 2003, their "replacement plan" is nowhere to be found. What the hell have they been doing for seven years? Where's this wonderful replacement plan? And furthermore, where are all their economic and jobs plans they said were so wonderful? It's been 8 years folks...if they don't have something by now, they never will.

we know that... because the tea tards want to screw as many people as they can (e.g. 25 million who are now receiving health coverage) but there are semi-sane repubs who know that's a) moronic; b) disgusting; and c) will get them tossed out of their jobs.

*THAT* why they can't get a deal. I'll also point out that saying no is a lot easier than actually doing anything....which rightwingnut pondscum are never able to do.
You seem to forget how many companies have opted out of Obamacare. Iowa is down to one provider of insurance for most of the state, and that company has announced that they are ready to pull out. That would leave tens of thousands without healthcare. Any answers?
The answer is what liberals have always wanted, single payer. Then everyone is covered but actual care is severely rationed.

And how many different plans does that provider offer? Because one provider could offer myriad different plans, giving consumers myriad different choices. Just because there are multiple insurers doesn't automatically translate to more choice. In fact, in many cases it will lead to less choice because those insurers fragment providers, causing your doctor to possibly become out of network. This was the case prior to the ACA and will be the case in perpetuity until the for-profit health insurance industry is abolished entirely. You all want free market solutions, only to the point where you feel comfortable.
A. Coverage so expensive you can't afford it
B. Coverage so bad you can't afford to use it

First of all, this is a false choice. The cost of the insurance premiums and deductibles isn't determined by Obamacare. It's determined by your state insurance commissioner. If your state insurance commissioner happens to be a Conservative, then chances are they will approve higher rates than if the state insurance commissioner was not a Conservative. So there's a perfect example of Conservatives deliberately undermining the law. So you talk about expensiveness, but completely fly over the fact that it's almost entirely on the insurance commissioner in your state who approves rate increases.

Secondly, the coverage is not bad. In fact, thanks to the ACA, coverage has been bolstered to where it is mandated to include things like mental health (which Conservatives should seriously start taking advantage of) and others. The other issue is that Conservatives simply don't know what insurance actually is. They've never known.
The answer is what liberals have always wanted, single payer. Then everyone is covered but actual care is severely rationed.

Why would care be rationed? Care is already rationed by insurance companies. A strongly-funded Medicare-for-all program would result in better coverage, not rationed coverage. That's why every single single payer nation beats us in nearly every health metric there is, from life expectancy to infant mortality to cost per patient.
The answer is what liberals have always wanted, single payer. Then everyone is covered but actual care is severely rationed.

Why would care be rationed? Care is already rationed by insurance companies. A strongly-funded Medicare-for-all program would result in better coverage, not rationed coverage. That's why every single single payer nation beats us in nearly every health metric there is, from life expectancy to infant mortality to cost per patient.

I agree.

As it is right now, ObamaCare is working in states where Repubs have not gutted it.

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For seven years all we heard from Conservatives was that they were going to "repeal and replace" Obamacare with someone so wonderful, they had to vote 60+ times in order to do it. Now that they have control of DC for the first time since 2003, their "replacement plan" is nowhere to be found. What the hell have they been doing for seven years? Where's this wonderful replacement plan? And furthermore, where are all their economic and jobs plans they said were so wonderful? It's been 8 years folks...if they don't have something by now, they never will.
It's almost like most of them were simply posturing for partisan reasons. Weird.
For seven years all we heard from Conservatives was that they were going to "repeal and replace" Obamacare with someone so wonderful, they had to vote 60+ times in order to do it. Now that they have control of DC for the first time since 2003, their "replacement plan" is nowhere to be found. What the hell have they been doing for seven years? Where's this wonderful replacement plan? And furthermore, where are all their economic and jobs plans they said were so wonderful? It's been 8 years folks...if they don't have something by now, they never will.

You're confusing Conservative and Republican; there's a difference
tomato tohmahto

Progressive, Communist, etc
May as well. You've been broad brushing us for years. Expect the same in return.

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