Conservatives celebrate! We won the battle of Madison!!!!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
We won the battle of Madison boys!!! Unions are going bye bye!! Wisconsin is the start. Many states will follow with this first step already having been taken by the courageous Gov. Walker, a man who will go down in history as one of the many political heroes who went up against the violent union thugs for the sake of the nations financial stability.

We won, and now, as unions diminish, so will the billions they flood into Democratic fundraising, setting the state for countless victories in the future for conservatives!!!


We havent won anything. The Democrats in the State Senate are still on the lamb. Just because the State House has voted on the measure doesnt mean we've won anything.
We havent won anything. The Democrats in the State Senate are still on the lamb. Just because the State House has voted on the measure doesnt mean we've won anything.

True, it isn't official yet. But really, whats gonna happen? The Dem's gonna stay gone forever? Are the Republicans gonna let their childish tactic work and give in?

No. The Reps have the momentum and support. They even have the sympathy of many for trying to balance a budget.

This is like a Super Bowl where one team is up 52-7, but there is still 5:00 on the clock. The result is settled, but the game isn't quite over. That is all.
You may win the battle in Wisconsin and lose the war

Republicans are firmly establishing themselves as anti-worker in a time when Amercans overwhelmingly support the right to collective bargaining

Even Chris Christie supports collective bargaining
What have the Koch brothers won?

"American politicians don't care much about voters with moderate incomes.

"Princeton political scientist Larry Bartels studied the voting behavior of US senators in the early '90s and discovered that they respond far more to the desires of high-income groups than to anyone else. By itself, that's not a surprise.

"He also found that Republicans don't respond at all to the desires of voters with modest incomes. Maybe that's not a surprise, either.

"But this should be: Bartels found that Democratic senators don't respond to the desires of these voters, either.

"At all."

Plutocracy Now:
You may win the battle in Wisconsin and lose the war

Republicans are firmly establishing themselves as anti-worker in a time when Amercans overwhelmingly support the right to collective bargaining

Even Chris Christie supports collective bargaining

Since when have unions ever done work?
You may win the battle in Wisconsin and lose the war

Republicans are firmly establishing themselves as anti-worker in a time when Amercans overwhelmingly support the right to collective bargaining

Even Chris Christie supports collective bargaining

Since when have unions ever done work?

It took quite a bit of work for unions to get the 40 hour workweek, child labor laws, workplace safety and hundreds of other worker rights that we now take for granted

Couldn't have done it without collective bargaining
We havent won anything. The Democrats in the State Senate are still on the lamb. Just because the State House has voted on the measure doesnt mean we've won anything.

Well, it is 1/2 of a victory and a certain defeat as soon as the Dems return.
You may win the battle in Wisconsin and lose the war

Republicans are firmly establishing themselves as anti-worker in a time when Amercans overwhelmingly support the right to collective bargaining

Even Chris Christie supports collective bargaining

Since when have unions ever done work?

It took quite a bit of work for unions to get the 40 hour workweek, child labor laws, workplace safety and hundreds of other worker rights that we now take for granted

Couldn't have done it without collective bargaining

i imagine that when 90% of the population is living on slave wages in a shanty and are forced to buy over priced goods at the company store and they all get black lung from working in the coal mines without any protection and their kids are forced to work 16 hours a day in ill-lit factories with rats running around and companies (to save a few dollars) go back to dumping toxic waste in oiur back yards conservatives will be REALLY HAPPY!
We havent won anything. The Democrats in the State Senate are still on the lamb. Just because the State House has voted on the measure doesnt mean we've won anything.

Well, it is 1/2 of a victory and a certain defeat as soon as the Dems return.

If the Democrats were certain of victory, they wouldn't have run away from their jobs.
You may win the battle in Wisconsin and lose the war

Republicans are firmly establishing themselves as anti-worker in a time when Amercans overwhelmingly support the right to collective bargaining

Even Chris Christie supports collective bargaining

Since when have unions ever done work?

It took quite a bit of work for unions to get the 40 hour workweek, child labor laws, workplace safety and hundreds of other worker rights that we now take for granted

Couldn't have done it without collective bargaining

Those will be more retard victories as they overturn those rights for the benefit of the Crotch Bros.
We havent won anything. The Democrats in the State Senate are still on the lamb. Just because the State House has voted on the measure doesnt mean we've won anything.

True, it isn't official yet. But really, whats gonna happen? The Dem's gonna stay gone forever? Are the Republicans gonna let their childish tactic work and give in?

No. The Reps have the momentum and support. They even have the sympathy of many for trying to balance a budget.

This is like a Super Bowl where one team is up 52-7, but there is still 5:00 on the clock. The result is settled, but the game isn't quite over. That is all.

I find this idiotic attitude about 'winning' to be mildly ridiculous. We are all Americans.
We havent won anything. The Democrats in the State Senate are still on the lamb. Just because the State House has voted on the measure doesnt mean we've won anything.

Well, it is 1/2 of a victory and a certain defeat as soon as the Dems return.

If the Democrats were certain of victory, they wouldn't have run away from their jobs.

I don't think they were certain of a victory. When you step in the ring with a guy twice your size, you already know you are going to get your ass kicked. The only question is how much damage can you inflict before your lights go out. Never surrender without the fght.
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Oh Brother! Why do libs go completely overboard with their comments .
No one is saying anything like that.
Union Bosses have gone a little to far on promises to workers that taxpayers can no longer afford and they need to have a little less in power in those promises
Nobody is going back to slave wages,or so on and so forth. Jezzzzzzz
It's a wonder anyone trusts the A.P. for news anymore. Here's their take on it: "republicans passed the measure before sleep deprived democrats realized what was happening". What a crock. Can you imagine the mainstream media ever making excuses for republicans that way?
You may win the battle in Wisconsin and lose the war

Republicans are firmly establishing themselves as anti-worker in a time when Amercans overwhelmingly support the right to collective bargaining

Even Chris Christie supports collective bargaining

Since when have unions ever done work?

That is an ignorant remark Avatar. Surprised to see that come from someone with intellect, who was prolly schooled by Union teachers. Sigh,...That ol Retarded short term memory syndrome has sure took it's toll on the reightys.
You may win the battle in Wisconsin and lose the war

Republicans are firmly establishing themselves as anti-worker in a time when Amercans overwhelmingly support the right to collective bargaining

Even Chris Christie supports collective bargaining

Since when have unions ever done work?

That is an ignorant remark Avatar. Surprised to see that come from someone with intellect, who was prolly schooled by Union teachers. Sigh,...That ol Retarded short term memory syndrome has sure took it's toll on the reightys.

How is it ignorant? Unions do less work than non-union and demand more pay for less productivity. Heck, some members get paid to do jack squat. You want verification? Just open your eyes.

As for my intellect, any knowledge I have is despite the public school system. See, unlike you I don't sit back and wait for people to give me information. I try to learn it for myself. I read. I think. I experiment. There is so much to learn in the world. I know I've only cracked a fraction of a percent of what is out there. If I sat around presuming that I was simply educated because i went to school and picked up a few degrees, id be as ignorant as you.
You may win the battle in Wisconsin and lose the war

Republicans are firmly establishing themselves as anti-worker in a time when Amercans overwhelmingly support the right to collective bargaining

Even Chris Christie supports collective bargaining and I agree on many, many things, but on this one I will have to respectfully disagree. What percentage of American belong to unions? Around 12% now, if I recall correctly. Those of us forced to employ union workers and see NO better worker than a non-union person despise unions and also despise union supporters. As an Obama voter, I am squarely on Walker's side on this one and I believe the Democrats would be fools to make this an issue in 2012.
You may win the battle in Wisconsin and lose the war

Republicans are firmly establishing themselves as anti-worker in a time when Amercans overwhelmingly support the right to collective bargaining

Even Chris Christie supports collective bargaining and I agree on many, many things, but on this one I will have to respectfully disagree. What percentage of American belong to unions? Around 12% now, if I recall correctly. Those of us forced to employ union workers and see NO better worker than a non-union person despise unions and also despise union supporters. As an Obama voter, I am squarely on Walker's side on this one and I believe the Democrats would be fools to make this an issue in 2012.

Hell has frozen over.

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