Conservatives argue; liberals educate

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
I've often noticed a tendency to frame discussions very differently between conservatives and liberals. Often, the conservative will take the other party as opponent and refer to a disagreement as an argument to be won or lost, while the liberal will adopt the position that the other party is simply too ignorant to know better and adopt the position of a teacher attempting to educate them. I've been trying to find a psychological explanation for this, but... well, it's almost impossible to find anything even attempting to be sort of free of bias towards the liberal viewpoint. Clearly the solution is to ask on here what these tendencies mean.
Too much conservative policy is based around religion and corporate profit, which stems from the historic "ruling classes" of nobility and clergy.

With that in mind any fact based discussion within a democracy will favor a liberal point of view. It's why virtually all other true democracies in the world have drifted more liberal than the USA.

Since fact based discussion favors the liberal, there's no reason to hype or vilify the opponent, you just stay on track with the truth. Some people with liberal views do hype and vilify of course, but really it's not needed.
And that is why when I argue crime, race and education I am the one with the stats, data and facts. That is what is called educating...

Be very careful with your stupid spin and bs...As it is hurting your imagine of being educators. lol
And that is why when I argue crime, race and education I am the one with the stats, data and facts. That is what is called educating...

Be very careful with your stupid spin and bs...As it is hurting your imagine of being educators. lol

Yes, great liberal educators like Guno, Deany and FranCo have provided me with a nonstop education
And that is why when I argue crime, race and education I am the one with the stats, data and facts. That is what is called educating...
It was about framing. Conservatives ultimately treat it as a total war between equals. Liberals ultimately treat it as deigning to educate an unruly and ignorant lesser being. It's just... weird... to see in action, and you can't not see it once you first notice. Most of both camps are typically unaware that the differences in ideology and practice come from fundamental differences in how each is hardwired to see the world, or that both perspectives are necessary for a stable society.

Be very careful with your stupid spin and bs...As it is hurting your imagine of being educators. lol
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I've often noticed a tendency to frame discussions very differently between conservatives and liberals. Often, the conservative will take the other party as opponent and refer to a disagreement as an argument to be won or lost, while the liberal will adopt the position that the other party is simply too ignorant to know better and adopt the position of a teacher attempting to educate them. I've been trying to find a psychological explanation for this, but... well, it's almost impossible to find anything even attempting to be sort of free of bias towards the liberal viewpoint. Clearly the solution is to ask on here what these tendencies mean.
It's easy. Conservatives will look at the point being made and explain why he or she is against it or for it. Maybe use examples or deduce what the likely outcome will be. Conservativism is based on performance and results. Kids are not conservatives, it is not inherent, it's a learned outlook that comes from observation and maturity.

Liberals never grew up. If you disagree with them you are evil. It is highly emotionally based and doesn't (can't) look down the road. If it feels good, it's good. If it feels bad, it's bad. Liberalism has all the rationale of a quick toss in the hay.
I've often noticed a tendency to frame discussions very differently between conservatives and liberals. Often, the conservative will take the other party as opponent and refer to a disagreement as an argument to be won or lost, while the liberal will adopt the position that the other party is simply too ignorant to know better and adopt the position of a teacher attempting to educate them. I've been trying to find a psychological explanation for this, but... well, it's almost impossible to find anything even attempting to be sort of free of bias towards the liberal viewpoint. Clearly the solution is to ask on here what these tendencies mean.
Rightwingers by and large do not understand the role of government. Their view of it is entirely too emotional rather than practical.
I've often noticed a tendency to frame discussions very differently between conservatives and liberals. Often, the conservative will take the other party as opponent and refer to a disagreement as an argument to be won or lost, while the liberal will adopt the position that the other party is simply too ignorant to know better and adopt the position of a teacher attempting to educate them. I've been trying to find a psychological explanation for this, but... well, it's almost impossible to find anything even attempting to be sort of free of bias towards the liberal viewpoint. Clearly the solution is to ask on here what these tendencies mean.

It's just your perspective. Libs like to pose as teachers and cons tend to find that pompous attitude to be offensive.
It's easy. Conservatives will look at the point being made and explain why he or she is against it or for it. Maybe use examples or deduce what the likely outcome will be. Conservativism is based on performance and results. Kids are not conservatives, it is not inherent, it's a learned outlook that comes from observation and maturity.

Liberals never grew up. If you disagree with them you are evil. It is highly emotionally based and doesn't (can't) look down the road. If it feels good, it's good. If it feels bad, it's bad. Liberalism has all the rationale of a quick toss in the hay.
Rightwingers by and large do not understand the role of government. Their view of it is entirely too emotional rather than practical.
That's interesting. Both sides see each other as the emotional ones?
It's easy. Conservatives will look at the point being made and explain why he or she is against it or for it. Maybe use examples or deduce what the likely outcome will be. Conservativism is based on performance and results. Kids are not conservatives, it is not inherent, it's a learned outlook that comes from observation and maturity.

Liberals never grew up. If you disagree with them you are evil. It is highly emotionally based and doesn't (can't) look down the road. If it feels good, it's good. If it feels bad, it's bad. Liberalism has all the rationale of a quick toss in the hay.
Rightwingers by and large do not understand the role of government. Their view of it is entirely too emotional rather than practical.
That's interesting. Both sides see each other as the emotional ones?
I think when it comes to certain views the leftwing is emotional. Many views however are based on practical and factual information. The Rightwing on the other hand is entirely emotional.
And that is why when I argue crime, race and education I am the one with the stats, data and facts. That is what is called educating...
It was about framing. Conservatives ultimately treat it as a total war between equals. Liberals ultimately treat it as deigning to educate an unruly and ignorant lesser being. It's just... weird... to see in action, and you can't not see it once you first notice. Most of both camps are typically unaware that the differences in ideology and practice come from fundamental differences in how each is hardwired to see the world, or that both perspectives are necessary for a stable society.

Be very careful with your stupid spin and bs...As it is hurting your imagine of being educators. lol

Too funny, methinks your narcissism is showing.
Its a simply matter of undeserved arrogance from people on both sides so many today look at any topic and see only one possible answer theirs they can not fathom the idea of any point of view other than theirs being the correct one.

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