Conservative Contempt & Hatred of the Democratic Process

Conservative Contempt & Hatred of the Democratic Process

I've known that for years. Every science and engineering magazine for both terms of the Bush administration wrote articles complaining that his administration tried to force scientists to change their data to match administration policy. That is like right out of Stalin's Russia.

The mess they made of the justice department. And the way they misrepresent. It's disgraceful.

The country that is closest to the Republican ideal of how a country should be run is actually, believe it or not, Iran. The clergy is in power. The clergy hand picks all presidential candidates.

When President Obama took office, he mistakenly thought that he could work with these people. Even when they openly called for his death, he believed it was just rhetoric.

I think that with the stall tactics on the health care bill, the partisan voting, the lies and smears, the name calling, the threats, he finally is beginning to understand that many in the Republicans party have become infected with a type of rabies. It's why they are foaming when they scream and rant. You have to fight back. They must be marginalized, otherwise, the contagion spreads and you have an even worse epidemic of religions and wacko right wing nut-balls.

The best way to fight back is to keep telling the truth and expose them for what they are. You have drag them kicking and screaming into the light so their lies and rhetoric are exposed for everyone to see. Death Panels, comfort to terrorists, kill Grandma. These people will say or do anything.

Worse, the infection has spread so far, many of them actually believe these deranged accusations.

and as long as "YOUR" side has guys like you and your brother Zona doing the cheerleading there wont be many new recruits going your keep up the rhetoric Dean....we in the middle appreciate it....
You got to be kidding me. Look at this piece of crap Health Care Bill. Understandably the GOP hates it and most of the Dems hate it. It will raise taxes now and the Bill doesn't kick in for at least 4 years. And the Dems are proud of this. This was done so the press and the Dems can praise Obama as the best President ever even though this bill is nonsense. The Dems could have had Health Care Reform instead they passed whatever this is that they passed. Can you say a crappy bill. Even the Senate Majority leader Harry Reid doesn't like it. When called upon to vote for this junk he first voted NO then someone pulled him aside and said hey stupid what are you doin? he responded "even I know this is a disaster,I can't vote for this and sleep at night". Well most of the last part I made up. But the truth is Harry Reid himself voted NO for this bill before he voted for it.

This seems to happen a lot in the Democrat party. Voting for something before voting against something. Or is it voting against something before voting for something. Isn't that right Senator Kerry?
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When did conservative hatred and contempt of the Democratic process become so acceptable?

Try convincing anyone with even an ounce of integrity and fairness that conservatives have shown respect for the democratic process.

When they were in power recently they would not even allow a bill sponsored by a Dem to reach the House Floor unless it had a few GOP cosponsors. They had come to power with W who promosed a bipartanship agenda...uniter not divider.

Then Obama and the Dems win everything and the conservatives use the GOP to block every little thing and even go so far as to question the elligibility of and citizenship status of the duly elected President of the United States of America.

If this isn't one example of contempt and hatred of the democratic process and the principles on which this nation was founded, I don't know what is.

Mitch McConnell was confronted with the fact that his party and he were complaining about things they themselves had been doing only a year ago and he laughed.

The list of shit goes on....

Conservative contempt has nothing to do with the democratic process. It has to do with fascists calling themselves democrats.

hmmmm, and fascists calling themselves Republicans too. I agree. There are elements of the far left who are fascist in nature....but they are not leading the DNC or the dialogue on the left as the con fascists are doing on the right.
Your apparent dishonesty here is quite telling. Conservatives don't hate the democratic process.....what they hate is the fact that it's been hijacked by a bunch of hyper partisan left wing loon progressives who want to remold our country in the European model. Simply blaming conservatives for everything is really quite stupid and naive on your part....and frankly getting a little boring. The way you and those like you have to have someone to blae for all that's wrong is really quite dishonest.
European model? Left wing loons? Sure the Bush fiscal guys Obama kept on and the Wall Street Gurus from the Clinton years all want a socialist economy.

Do you know how fucking nuts that makes you sound?

gawd, you better stop listening to shit and save up for a community college course in critical thinking. :lol:

Critical thinking my ass...that's what's got this country so fucked up right now is asses like you who apply bullshit left wing ideology to everything you dissect with your so-called "critical thinking" skills. So take your community college course and shove it.
My ideology is not left wing, it is liberal and seeing as you cannot even see the difference shows what lack of critical thinking skills you posses. Nothing wrong with community colleges. Many a moron here has a degree and even two from a 4 year school and graduate program. Still morons, but with educatio to reinforce their stupidity.

You simply are a partisan hack who likes to blame all your problems on someone else. Why don't you re-evaluate your life and stand up for yourself...then get an education...quit relying on the government to carry your fucking load in life. you see how really stupid and lazy you appear to be?

m NOT a partisan hack. I left the Democratic party over how I saw Hillary being treated. LEaving the Dems dd not leave me with the option of following lock step with fucking idjits like you.

have a crappy day
So you DO believe it will cost "trillions" to cover 10 million?

I believe the senate bill as passed will cost well over $1T in the next 10 years. Possibly many times that. And since there are only 10M who would otherwise not be covered, then that is the number that this bill specifically will cover who otherwise wouldn't be.
Do you disagree with any of this?

Don't you really feel secretly, deep down. When it comes to those who aren't covered, "screw 'em. Who cares?" Isn't that how Republicans feel?

Actually it is more accurate to say that for Democrats the mantra is "Screw them, who cares?" about people earning money and contributing to the economic life of this country.
I think that spending a trillion dollars to insure 10M when virtually any other way would be cheaper and more efficient makes this legislation a travesty.

Democrats are the party of "Fuck You." Fuck you to the businesses that employ people, fuck you to the people who pay their salaries, fuck you to the voters who elected them and are against this legislation, fuck you to this country whose freedoms they enjoy.
Vote Democrat, and Fuck You.
I believe the senate bill as passed will cost well over $1T in the next 10 years. Possibly many times that. And since there are only 10M who would otherwise not be covered, then that is the number that this bill specifically will cover who otherwise wouldn't be.
Do you disagree with any of this?

Don't you really feel secretly, deep down. When it comes to those who aren't covered, "screw 'em. Who cares?" Isn't that how Republicans feel?

Actually it is more accurate to say that for Democrats the mantra is "Screw them, who cares?" about people earning money and contributing to the economic life of this country.
I think that spending a trillion dollars to insure 10M when virtually any other way would be cheaper and more efficient makes this legislation a travesty.

Democrats are the party of "Fuck You." Fuck you to the businesses that employ people, fuck you to the people who pay their salaries, fuck you to the voters who elected them and are against this legislation, fuck you to this country whose freedoms they enjoy.
Vote Democrat, and Fuck You.

That's a joke right? Bush made 1.3 TRILLION dollars in tax cuts for the wealthy while waging two wars. Does that sound anywhere near "sane"? Does that sound like it's "helping" the US? If the taxes on the very rich are cut, who pays for the wars.

It's like Republicans are just, I don't know, just so, I want to say stupid, but the word isn't deep enough for what ails them. All the facts are RIGHT THERE and still, they don't get it.. It has to be some mental illness. Some defect of the mind. Some type of "determined idiocy".
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Don't you really feel secretly, deep down. When it comes to those who aren't covered, "screw 'em. Who cares?" Isn't that how Republicans feel?

Actually it is more accurate to say that for Democrats the mantra is "Screw them, who cares?" about people earning money and contributing to the economic life of this country.
I think that spending a trillion dollars to insure 10M when virtually any other way would be cheaper and more efficient makes this legislation a travesty.

Democrats are the party of "Fuck You." Fuck you to the businesses that employ people, fuck you to the people who pay their salaries, fuck you to the voters who elected them and are against this legislation, fuck you to this country whose freedoms they enjoy.
Vote Democrat, and Fuck You.

That's a joke right? Bush made 1.3 TRILLION dollars in tax cuts for the wealthy while waging two wars. Does that sound anywhere near "sane"? Does that sound like it's "helping" the US? If the taxes on the very rich are cut, who pays for the wars.

It's like Republicans are just, I don't know, just so, I want to say stupid, but the word isn't deep enough for what ails them. All the facts are RIGHT THERE and still, they don't get it.. It has to be some mental illness. Some defect of the mind. Some type of "determined idiocy".

Can you keep on topic at all? Bush hasn't been president in nearly a year. He had nothing to do with the abortion of a health care bill passed by the Democratic controlled Senate.
I think you are the one who is stupid. The facts are right there. The bill will cost way more than $1T. It will extend coverage only to 10M people. These are facts that you refuse to answer. Do you think it is right to throw people in jail for not buying a financial product? Is this the new Democratic Party?
It is; they are the party of Fuck You. You don't want to buy health insurance because you're a 20 year old chick in great health and struggling to pay your college loans? Well fuck you! You'll do it anyway. Because we bend over for the insurance companies. That's the Democratic Party way.
It's like Republicans are just, I don't know, just so, I want to say stupid, but the word isn't deep enough for what ails them. All the facts are RIGHT THERE and still, they don't get it.. It has to be some mental illness. Some defect of the mind. Some type of "determined idiocy".

so what the fuck is your excuse than?....your so fucking stupid you cant tell the difference between a FAR-Right person and just a person who leans to the lump everyone into the same that definatly shows intellect....guys like you and your Power Twin Zona are the best reasons not to be a keep it up ....your the best weapon the right has...
Don't you really feel secretly, deep down. When it comes to those who aren't covered, "screw 'em. Who cares?" Isn't that how Republicans feel?

Actually it is more accurate to say that for Democrats the mantra is "Screw them, who cares?" about people earning money and contributing to the economic life of this country.
I think that spending a trillion dollars to insure 10M when virtually any other way would be cheaper and more efficient makes this legislation a travesty.

Democrats are the party of "Fuck You." Fuck you to the businesses that employ people, fuck you to the people who pay their salaries, fuck you to the voters who elected them and are against this legislation, fuck you to this country whose freedoms they enjoy.
Vote Democrat, and Fuck You.

That's a joke right? Bush made 1.3 TRILLION dollars in tax cuts for the wealthy while waging two wars. Does that sound anywhere near "sane"? Does that sound like it's "helping" the US? If the taxes on the very rich are cut, who pays for the wars.

It's like Republicans are just, I don't know, just so, I want to say stupid, but the word isn't deep enough for what ails them. All the facts are RIGHT THERE and still, they don't get it.. It has to be some mental illness. Some defect of the mind. Some type of "determined idiocy".

Try actually looking at the income tax rates and the groups that actually pay the bulk of the income taxes here in this country.. you fucking moron

Bush's mistake was not reducing the tax burden of many tax brackets (not just the 'rich')... it was being a moderate/centrist twit and not cutting government spending
Actually it is more accurate to say that for Democrats the mantra is "Screw them, who cares?" about people earning money and contributing to the economic life of this country.
I think that spending a trillion dollars to insure 10M when virtually any other way would be cheaper and more efficient makes this legislation a travesty.

Democrats are the party of "Fuck You." Fuck you to the businesses that employ people, fuck you to the people who pay their salaries, fuck you to the voters who elected them and are against this legislation, fuck you to this country whose freedoms they enjoy.
Vote Democrat, and Fuck You.

That's a joke right? Bush made 1.3 TRILLION dollars in tax cuts for the wealthy while waging two wars. Does that sound anywhere near "sane"? Does that sound like it's "helping" the US? If the taxes on the very rich are cut, who pays for the wars.

It's like Republicans are just, I don't know, just so, I want to say stupid, but the word isn't deep enough for what ails them. All the facts are RIGHT THERE and still, they don't get it.. It has to be some mental illness. Some defect of the mind. Some type of "determined idiocy".

Try actually looking at the income tax rates and the groups that actually pay the bulk of the income taxes here in this country.. you fucking moron

Bush's mistake was not reducing the tax burden of many tax brackets (not just the 'rich')... it was being a moderate/centrist twit and not cutting government spending

Dave, don't call others a "fucking moron"; I've read your posts and your not even average. Every time you post, I pity you.
That's a joke right? Bush made 1.3 TRILLION dollars in tax cuts for the wealthy while waging two wars. Does that sound anywhere near "sane"? Does that sound like it's "helping" the US? If the taxes on the very rich are cut, who pays for the wars.

It's like Republicans are just, I don't know, just so, I want to say stupid, but the word isn't deep enough for what ails them. All the facts are RIGHT THERE and still, they don't get it.. It has to be some mental illness. Some defect of the mind. Some type of "determined idiocy".

Try actually looking at the income tax rates and the groups that actually pay the bulk of the income taxes here in this country.. you fucking moron

Bush's mistake was not reducing the tax burden of many tax brackets (not just the 'rich')... it was being a moderate/centrist twit and not cutting government spending

Dave, don't call others a "fucking moron"; I've read your posts and your not even average. Every time you post, I pity you.

Actually it is more accurate to say that for Democrats the mantra is "Screw them, who cares?" about people earning money and contributing to the economic life of this country.
I think that spending a trillion dollars to insure 10M when virtually any other way would be cheaper and more efficient makes this legislation a travesty.

Democrats are the party of "Fuck You." Fuck you to the businesses that employ people, fuck you to the people who pay their salaries, fuck you to the voters who elected them and are against this legislation, fuck you to this country whose freedoms they enjoy.
Vote Democrat, and Fuck You.

That's a joke right? Bush made 1.3 TRILLION dollars in tax cuts for the wealthy while waging two wars. Does that sound anywhere near "sane"? Does that sound like it's "helping" the US? If the taxes on the very rich are cut, who pays for the wars.

It's like Republicans are just, I don't know, just so, I want to say stupid, but the word isn't deep enough for what ails them. All the facts are RIGHT THERE and still, they don't get it.. It has to be some mental illness. Some defect of the mind. Some type of "determined idiocy".

Can you keep on topic at all? Bush hasn't been president in nearly a year. He had nothing to do with the abortion of a health care bill passed by the Democratic controlled Senate.
I think you are the one who is stupid. The facts are right there. The bill will cost way more than $1T. It will extend coverage only to 10M people. These are facts that you refuse to answer. Do you think it is right to throw people in jail for not buying a financial product? Is this the new Democratic Party?
It is; they are the party of Fuck You. You don't want to buy health insurance because you're a 20 year old chick in great health and struggling to pay your college loans? Well fuck you! You'll do it anyway. Because we bend over for the insurance companies. That's the Democratic Party way.

You're right. Eight of the last nine years, Republicans did NOTHING to help the American people even as they were getting ripped off left and right by insurance companies. And now, when Democrats try to do something for the American people, Republicans pull every dirty trick in the book to try to sink it. So naturally, the deal wasn't good.

And look at the STUPID thing you write. One trillion for 10 million? What is that? Like a hundred thousand per person? Does that even make sense? Did I get that right 100,000 dollars per person? That's a lie. Even 10 thousand would be too much.

No wonder you resort to swearing. It's what you know. Oh, sorry. It's ALL you know.
Try actually looking at the income tax rates and the groups that actually pay the bulk of the income taxes here in this country.. you fucking moron

Bush's mistake was not reducing the tax burden of many tax brackets (not just the 'rich')... it was being a moderate/centrist twit and not cutting government spending

Dave, don't call others a "fucking moron"; I've read your posts and your not even average. Every time you post, I pity you.


You forgot "replace pantyliner and spray FDS on my cookie."
That's a joke right? Bush made 1.3 TRILLION dollars in tax cuts for the wealthy while waging two wars. Does that sound anywhere near "sane"? Does that sound like it's "helping" the US? If the taxes on the very rich are cut, who pays for the wars.

It's like Republicans are just, I don't know, just so, I want to say stupid, but the word isn't deep enough for what ails them. All the facts are RIGHT THERE and still, they don't get it.. It has to be some mental illness. Some defect of the mind. Some type of "determined idiocy".

Can you keep on topic at all? Bush hasn't been president in nearly a year. He had nothing to do with the abortion of a health care bill passed by the Democratic controlled Senate.
I think you are the one who is stupid. The facts are right there. The bill will cost way more than $1T. It will extend coverage only to 10M people. These are facts that you refuse to answer. Do you think it is right to throw people in jail for not buying a financial product? Is this the new Democratic Party?
It is; they are the party of Fuck You. You don't want to buy health insurance because you're a 20 year old chick in great health and struggling to pay your college loans? Well fuck you! You'll do it anyway. Because we bend over for the insurance companies. That's the Democratic Party way.

You're right. Eight of the last nine years, Republicans did NOTHING to help the American people even as they were getting ripped off left and right by insurance companies. And now, when Democrats try to do something for the American people, Republicans pull every dirty trick in the book to try to sink it. So naturally, the deal wasn't good.

And look at the STUPID thing you write. One trillion for 10 million? What is that? Like a hundred thousand per person? Does that even make sense? Did I get that right 100,000 dollars per person? That's a lie. Even 10 thousand would be too much.

No wonder you resort to swearing. It's what you know. Oh, sorry. It's ALL you know.

Tell ya what...why don't you get off your fat fucking twinkie eating ass, get a job, pull your weight around the country you live in....and then you can bitch about everything.
When did conservative hatred and contempt of the Democratic process become so acceptable?

The Democrats have the WH and both houses of Congress and they are still complaining about those bad bad bad Republicans. Please tell me when you guys are going to stop whining about Bush and the Republicans and lead this country. You were crying about the last 8 years and how things sucked. Now you have the control and the power to lead and all you do is cry about the Republicans.

Love them or hate them the Republicans when in power lead. When in power the Democrats cry like babies about how the Republicans treated them.

You wanted the WH you got it now try leading and stop crying.
The GOP led alright...the GOP led America right to the brink of economic disaster and like always a Democrat adim will bring America back.

and btw, all the GOP did for 7 of 8 years was play to people's fears and the worst of humankind by appealing to anger and hate. The GOP CRIED for 7 years that we were in imminent danger and needed a Daddy State to restrict us and make the world safe.

bull shit!

And Obama is not much better than Bush, but at least he isn' scaring the shit out of people for political gain.
Actually it is more accurate to say that for Democrats the mantra is "Screw them, who cares?" about people earning money and contributing to the economic life of this country.
I think that spending a trillion dollars to insure 10M when virtually any other way would be cheaper and more efficient makes this legislation a travesty.

Democrats are the party of "Fuck You." Fuck you to the businesses that employ people, fuck you to the people who pay their salaries, fuck you to the voters who elected them and are against this legislation, fuck you to this country whose freedoms they enjoy.
Vote Democrat, and Fuck You.

That's a joke right? Bush made 1.3 TRILLION dollars in tax cuts for the wealthy while waging two wars. Does that sound anywhere near "sane"? Does that sound like it's "helping" the US? If the taxes on the very rich are cut, who pays for the wars.

It's like Republicans are just, I don't know, just so, I want to say stupid, but the word isn't deep enough for what ails them. All the facts are RIGHT THERE and still, they don't get it.. It has to be some mental illness. Some defect of the mind. Some type of "determined idiocy".

Try actually looking at the income tax rates and the groups that actually pay the bulk of the income taxes here in this country.. you fucking moron

Bush's mistake was not reducing the tax burden of many tax brackets (not just the 'rich')... it was being a moderate/centrist twit and not cutting government spending

Please don't tell me that was Bush's ONLY mistake.
When did conservative hatred and contempt of the Democratic process become so acceptable?

The Democrats have the WH and both houses of Congress and they are still complaining about those bad bad bad Republicans. Please tell me when you guys are going to stop whining about Bush and the Republicans and lead this country. You were crying about the last 8 years and how things sucked. Now you have the control and the power to lead and all you do is cry about the Republicans.

Love them or hate them the Republicans when in power lead. When in power the Democrats cry like babies about how the Republicans treated them.

You wanted the WH you got it now try leading and stop crying.
The GOP led alright...the GOP led America right to the brink of economic disaster and like always a Democrat adim will bring America back.

and btw, all the GOP did for 7 of 8 years was play to people's fears and the worst of humankind by appealing to anger and hate. The GOP CRIED for 7 years that we were in imminent danger and needed a Daddy State to restrict us and make the world safe.

bull shit!

And Obama is not much better than Bush, but at least he isn' scaring the shit out of people for political gain.

And the jury is still out on Obama because he's got 3-7 years left. I think he will accomplish a lot. Labor will benefit if right wingers aren't in the white house outsourcing jobs and creating tax break loopholes for the rich. And running up the debt on defense contracts. And yes, Obama is no better, but McCain/Bush are a blank check to the corporations. Obama won't give as much as the GOP will to "the man". Oil and Defense companies.

Obama spends money in America, the GOP spend it in Dubai, Iraq, Afgan, Switzerland & Caymen Islands.

Middle class Republicans are really the dumbest of voters. You sat and watched the GOP ruin America and you still stay the ocurse? :cuckoo:
Try actually looking at the income tax rates and the groups that actually pay the bulk of the income taxes here in this country.. you fucking moron

Bush's mistake was not reducing the tax burden of many tax brackets (not just the 'rich')... it was being a moderate/centrist twit and not cutting government spending

Dave, don't call others a "fucking moron"; I've read your posts and your not even average. Every time you post, I pity you.


This coming from 2 twit wingers.. laughable
That's a joke right? Bush made 1.3 TRILLION dollars in tax cuts for the wealthy while waging two wars. Does that sound anywhere near "sane"? Does that sound like it's "helping" the US? If the taxes on the very rich are cut, who pays for the wars.

It's like Republicans are just, I don't know, just so, I want to say stupid, but the word isn't deep enough for what ails them. All the facts are RIGHT THERE and still, they don't get it.. It has to be some mental illness. Some defect of the mind. Some type of "determined idiocy".

Try actually looking at the income tax rates and the groups that actually pay the bulk of the income taxes here in this country.. you fucking moron

Bush's mistake was not reducing the tax burden of many tax brackets (not just the 'rich')... it was being a moderate/centrist twit and not cutting government spending

Please don't tell me that was Bush's ONLY mistake.

Nice attempt at putting words into someone's mouth.. HARDLY Bush's ONLY mistake

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