

Platinum Member
Jun 9, 2016
Conservatism - A Rediscovery - Regnery Publishing

With this astonishing book, Yoram Hazony takes uncontestable leadership
of postliberal conservatism, becoming not only its most important public
intellectual, but also its passionate prophet. Conservatism: A Rediscovery is
the book we have long been waiting for: a compelling critique of where the
right went wrong and how it can create a vital new public philosophy by
reinvigorating old truths. An unusually compelling mix of history, political
science, cultural analysis, religious wisdom, and personal testimony,
Hazony’s instant classic is not just the voice of a new conservatism; it is also
the voice of an old civilization whose clarion call proclaims hope and sounds
the way out of the contemporary West’s dark wood.
— Rod Dreher, senior editor at "The American Conservative" and author of Live Not by Lies
Conservatism is a hard thing to define.

I prefer the term "collectivist" and those who oppose them who I define as being conservative.

A collectivist simply tries to attain power, secure power, and obtain more power.

By in large conservatism is there just to fight against it, because they know that power corrupts.

Everyone else, other than conservatives, has their heads up their ass.
This is the core of Conservatism as I see it.

Conservatism understands that the nature of man is not good, because the nature of man seeks power, which his always abused. History bears this out, which a collectivist ether attempt to hide or change to their liking, as they tear down every historical monument that they can get their hands on.

A collectivist, however, believes just the opposite. They believe that man is inherently good but is only corrupted by forces not controlled by them. But at an even deeper look into their soulless vacuum, they don't believe in good or evil, just power.

But for those who oppose conservativism, that is, those who fight against their all-encompassing power, conservatism is only racist and backward and really the only threat to humanity.
At its best conservatism is the belief that there is often wisdom in tradition.

At its worst conservatism is the belief that the rich should have more money and power.

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