Consequences of a Shrinking Global Population

No I didn't want kids because there's a lot more in my life I want to do than raise kids.....

Yeah, right.

Just because you can't get past your get married have kids programming doesn't mean everyone is a drone like you

Your pain is palpable.

You really can't understand that people don't have to have kids can you?

“Have to”? Did someone tell you that you had to?

You seem to think people who don't have kids are suffering somehow

But then again you are like most people who just accepted the get married have kids programming
The American population is growing at a rate of 2m people per year without immigration.

we need to have a 10-year moratorium on immigration. Zero it out for 10 years.

Ridiculously myopic.
Yeah, right.

Just because you can't get past your get married have kids programming doesn't mean everyone is a drone like you

Your pain is palpable.

You really can't understand that people don't have to have kids can you?

“Have to”? Did someone tell you that you had to?

You seem to think people who don't have kids are suffering somehow

But then again you are like most people who just accepted the get married have kids programming

I'm sorry for your obvious pain.
Just because you can't get past your get married have kids programming doesn't mean everyone is a drone like you

Your pain is palpable.

You really can't understand that people don't have to have kids can you?

“Have to”? Did someone tell you that you had to?

You seem to think people who don't have kids are suffering somehow

But then again you are like most people who just accepted the get married have kids programming

I'm sorry for your obvious pain.

See what I mean

You're too locked into your mindless behavior to realize anything else is possible
The American population is growing at a rate of 2m people per year without immigration.

we need to have a 10-year moratorium on immigration. Zero it out for 10 years.

Zero immigration is a terrible idea. One of the good ideas that Trump is pushing is moving our immigration system to one that is more centered on merit than the system we have now.

We need immigration - it is key to taking talent from other nations and getting it here. The problem is that we need to reform our immigration system from one that produces cheap labor for cheap products to one that is centered around making our nation the most innovative out there. You can only do this by drawing that talent from everywhere else.

Personally I think that we should be increasing immigration quite a bit but crack down on who we are letting in.
Faced with the reality of a future with more old people living longer and fewer young people being born to keep societies afloat, a number of choices will have to be made by most countries. Among these are allowing (if not recruiting) immigrants, particularly those with skills or who are willing to provide services in demand.

The World Can't Afford to Cheat Care Workers

The reasons why there is a shrinking population is because the Left Wingers have convinced generations of women that marriage, motherhood and families are gender oppression, and it is the reason why western civilization is dying.

That's very true, but economic factors are also contributing. Quality of life expectation have skyrocketed, while worker wages and salaries have been suppressed. Employer expectation for employee's education and job skills have also skyrocketed.

The result is that young people can not afford to have children. They wait until they're older and have fewer children.

Sure, the attitude of most women since the 'sexual revolution' has been horrendous - but it's the economic factors that are underscoring these attitudes.
Your pain is palpable.

You really can't understand that people don't have to have kids can you?

“Have to”? Did someone tell you that you had to?

You seem to think people who don't have kids are suffering somehow

But then again you are like most people who just accepted the get married have kids programming

I'm sorry for your obvious pain.

See what I mean

You're too locked into your mindless behavior to realize anything else is possible

Lots of things are possible. That doesn’t obscure your pain.
The American population is growing at a rate of 2m people per year without immigration.

we need to have a 10-year moratorium on immigration. Zero it out for 10 years.

Zero immigration is a terrible idea. One of the good ideas that Trump is pushing is moving our immigration system to one that is more centered on merit than the system we have now.

We need immigration - it is key to taking talent from other nations and getting it here. The problem is that we need to reform our immigration system from one that produces cheap labor for cheap products to one that is centered around making our nation the most innovative out there. You can only do this by drawing that talent from everywhere else.

Personally I think that we should be increasing immigration quite a bit but crack down on who we are letting in.

Why do we need immigration? Please don't say we're a nation of immigrants. That has no bearing on the need for immigration right now.

Our population is growing at a rate of 2m people a year without immigration. Our infrastructure and government services are already stretched to the breaking point. Our bridges are not designed for the massive amount of wear and tear that a geometrically growing population places on it. The same can be said of other aspects of our infrastructure like roads, buildings, schools, and public parks. Our social services are os overrun that it cannot keep up and our social safety net now has holes in it from lack to resources. Resources that are being spent on immigrants. The population explosion to our country is unsustainable at current immigration levels and we need a moratorium of at least ten years to provide even a minor correction to this.

In case you haven't seen this, I'll invite you to look at what a 1m per year immigration policy will do to our population down the road.

We should be promoting more and more contraception in america. Less unwanted pregnancies and less win for everyone involved. As people have to make more and more money to scrape by less people will be having kids. Not a huge deal really.
We should be promoting more and more contraception in america. Less unwanted pregnancies and less win for everyone involved. As people have to make more and more money to scrape by less people will be having kids. Not a huge deal really.

A very huge deal.
The US fell below replacement level in 1971, and 2017 saw the lowest birthrate in 30 years. You have to be pretty stupid not to see what’s going on.

More and more old, less and less young, and sooner or later the shit hits the fan.
The American population is growing at a rate of 2m people per year without immigration.

we need to have a 10-year moratorium on immigration. Zero it out for 10 years.

Zero immigration is a terrible idea. One of the good ideas that Trump is pushing is moving our immigration system to one that is more centered on merit than the system we have now.

We need immigration - it is key to taking talent from other nations and getting it here. The problem is that we need to reform our immigration system from one that produces cheap labor for cheap products to one that is centered around making our nation the most innovative out there. You can only do this by drawing that talent from everywhere else.

Personally I think that we should be increasing immigration quite a bit but crack down on who we are letting in.

Why do we need immigration? Please don't say we're a nation of immigrants. That has no bearing on the need for immigration right now.

Our population is growing at a rate of 2m people a year without immigration. Our infrastructure and government services are already stretched to the breaking point. Our bridges are not designed for the massive amount of wear and tear that a geometrically growing population places on it. The same can be said of other aspects of our infrastructure like roads, buildings, schools, and public parks. Our social services are os overrun that it cannot keep up and our social safety net now has holes in it from lack to resources. Resources that are being spent on immigrants. The population explosion to our country is unsustainable at current immigration levels and we need a moratorium of at least ten years to provide even a minor correction to this.

In case you haven't seen this, I'll invite you to look at what a 1m per year immigration policy will do to our population down the road.

Because the entire world is in competition for the best people. You do not remain the most innovative, advanced and central world power without attracting that talent here and TAKING IT AWAY from our 'competition.'

There is no problem with an expanding population, even a rapidly one, if those expanding it are productive. Hence why I said Trump was on the right track by trying to change our system to a more merit based system. Lottery immigration is utterly insane. Immigration by diversity is equally insane. We just need a simple system that is merit based and far more efficient. First and second generation immigrants that immigrate here legally are already the most productive, innovative and successful people in the nation. If you ask me if we need more or less of those people here I am going to say hell yes we need more of them. We need fewer whinny entitled Americans more than we need fewer legal immigrants.
You can get more of them in one bed ?
The American population is growing at a rate of 2m people per year without immigration.

we need to have a 10-year moratorium on immigration. Zero it out for 10 years.

Zero immigration is a terrible idea. One of the good ideas that Trump is pushing is moving our immigration system to one that is more centered on merit than the system we have now.

We need immigration - it is key to taking talent from other nations and getting it here. The problem is that we need to reform our immigration system from one that produces cheap labor for cheap products to one that is centered around making our nation the most innovative out there. You can only do this by drawing that talent from everywhere else.

Personally I think that we should be increasing immigration quite a bit but crack down on who we are letting in.

Why do we need immigration? Please don't say we're a nation of immigrants. That has no bearing on the need for immigration right now.

Our population is growing at a rate of 2m people a year without immigration. Our infrastructure and government services are already stretched to the breaking point. Our bridges are not designed for the massive amount of wear and tear that a geometrically growing population places on it. The same can be said of other aspects of our infrastructure like roads, buildings, schools, and public parks. Our social services are os overrun that it cannot keep up and our social safety net now has holes in it from lack to resources. Resources that are being spent on immigrants. The population explosion to our country is unsustainable at current immigration levels and we need a moratorium of at least ten years to provide even a minor correction to this.

In case you haven't seen this, I'll invite you to look at what a 1m per year immigration policy will do to our population down the road.

Because the entire world is in competition for the best people. You do not remain the most innovative, advanced and central world power without attracting that talent here and TAKING IT AWAY from our 'competition.'

There is no problem with an expanding population, even a rapidly one, if those expanding it are productive. Hence why I said Trump was on the right track by trying to change our system to a more merit based system. Lottery immigration is utterly insane. Immigration by diversity is equally insane. We just need a simple system that is merit based and far more efficient. First and second generation immigrants that immigrate here legally are already the most productive, innovative and successful people in the nation. If you ask me if we need more or less of those people here I am going to say hell yes we need more of them. We need fewer whinny entitled Americans more than we need fewer legal immigrants.

No, I disagree. America can match any nation for talent and if we are not wasting our funds on immigration, those dollars can be put to good use training our own talent.

No, we need a moritorium on immigration.
The American population is growing at a rate of 2m people per year without immigration.

we need to have a 10-year moratorium on immigration. Zero it out for 10 years.

Zero immigration is a terrible idea. One of the good ideas that Trump is pushing is moving our immigration system to one that is more centered on merit than the system we have now.

We need immigration - it is key to taking talent from other nations and getting it here. The problem is that we need to reform our immigration system from one that produces cheap labor for cheap products to one that is centered around making our nation the most innovative out there. You can only do this by drawing that talent from everywhere else.

Personally I think that we should be increasing immigration quite a bit but crack down on who we are letting in.

Why do we need immigration? Please don't say we're a nation of immigrants. That has no bearing on the need for immigration right now.

Our population is growing at a rate of 2m people a year without immigration. Our infrastructure and government services are already stretched to the breaking point. Our bridges are not designed for the massive amount of wear and tear that a geometrically growing population places on it. The same can be said of other aspects of our infrastructure like roads, buildings, schools, and public parks. Our social services are os overrun that it cannot keep up and our social safety net now has holes in it from lack to resources. Resources that are being spent on immigrants. The population explosion to our country is unsustainable at current immigration levels and we need a moratorium of at least ten years to provide even a minor correction to this.

In case you haven't seen this, I'll invite you to look at what a 1m per year immigration policy will do to our population down the road.

Because the entire world is in competition for the best people. You do not remain the most innovative, advanced and central world power without attracting that talent here and TAKING IT AWAY from our 'competition.'

There is no problem with an expanding population, even a rapidly one, if those expanding it are productive. Hence why I said Trump was on the right track by trying to change our system to a more merit based system. Lottery immigration is utterly insane. Immigration by diversity is equally insane. We just need a simple system that is merit based and far more efficient. First and second generation immigrants that immigrate here legally are already the most productive, innovative and successful people in the nation. If you ask me if we need more or less of those people here I am going to say hell yes we need more of them. We need fewer whinny entitled Americans more than we need fewer legal immigrants.

No, I disagree. America can match any nation for talent and if we are not wasting our funds on immigration, those dollars can be put to good use training our own talent.

No, we need a moritorium on immigration.

You’re not getting one.
The American population is growing at a rate of 2m people per year without immigration.

we need to have a 10-year moratorium on immigration. Zero it out for 10 years.

Zero immigration is a terrible idea. One of the good ideas that Trump is pushing is moving our immigration system to one that is more centered on merit than the system we have now.

We need immigration - it is key to taking talent from other nations and getting it here. The problem is that we need to reform our immigration system from one that produces cheap labor for cheap products to one that is centered around making our nation the most innovative out there. You can only do this by drawing that talent from everywhere else.

Personally I think that we should be increasing immigration quite a bit but crack down on who we are letting in.

Why do we need immigration? Please don't say we're a nation of immigrants. That has no bearing on the need for immigration right now.

Our population is growing at a rate of 2m people a year without immigration. Our infrastructure and government services are already stretched to the breaking point. Our bridges are not designed for the massive amount of wear and tear that a geometrically growing population places on it. The same can be said of other aspects of our infrastructure like roads, buildings, schools, and public parks. Our social services are os overrun that it cannot keep up and our social safety net now has holes in it from lack to resources. Resources that are being spent on immigrants. The population explosion to our country is unsustainable at current immigration levels and we need a moratorium of at least ten years to provide even a minor correction to this.

In case you haven't seen this, I'll invite you to look at what a 1m per year immigration policy will do to our population down the road.

Because the entire world is in competition for the best people. You do not remain the most innovative, advanced and central world power without attracting that talent here and TAKING IT AWAY from our 'competition.'

There is no problem with an expanding population, even a rapidly one, if those expanding it are productive. Hence why I said Trump was on the right track by trying to change our system to a more merit based system. Lottery immigration is utterly insane. Immigration by diversity is equally insane. We just need a simple system that is merit based and far more efficient. First and second generation immigrants that immigrate here legally are already the most productive, innovative and successful people in the nation. If you ask me if we need more or less of those people here I am going to say hell yes we need more of them. We need fewer whinny entitled Americans more than we need fewer legal immigrants.

No, I disagree. America can match any nation for talent and if we are not wasting our funds on immigration, those dollars can be put to good use training our own talent.

No, we need a moritorium on immigration.

Based on?

There is literally no reason whatsoever to avoid attracting the best and brightest in the world. Being born here is NOT what makes a great American.
Seriously though, why would anyone want kids? ESPECIALLY women?

Millennials don't want kids. Good thing too, since we can't afford them. The rest of society is just gonna have to deal with that.

Millennials are selfish, lazy, and irresponsible, and their thought corrupted by liberal propaganda. They don't invest into the future. Instead they buy $12 beers and play on their gadgets.
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The American population is growing at a rate of 2m people per year without immigration.

we need to have a 10-year moratorium on immigration. Zero it out for 10 years.
I have a friend who’s a 29 year old engineer making $65 k a year and has $60k left in student loans.

Guys like him aren’t ready to buy a home, get married or have a child. So white collar men in their 30s are deciding not to have kids.

Republican economics turned this country brown. Only the poor and rich can afford to have kids. Bye middle class

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