Cons say Poverty is caused by lack of marriages


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Aug 27, 2010
In order for poverty to disapear, the cons say lets give kids inducements to get married. How about $50,000. to every couple who gets married!!! That spark any response?? LOL! They want them married, having more children together as a family, and I don't see where they answer the job theory, but it must be there somewhere.

A report by the conservative Heritage Foundation on the same day as the census report cited millions of children living in poverty in single-parent households and asserted that the “principal cause is the absence of married fathers in the home.” The foundation report contends that government entitlement programs such as welfare, food stamps and income tax credits that mostly benefit unwed mothers and their children, keep families—especially those with black and Hispanic children—in poverty and are “disincentives to marriage because benefits are reduced as a family’s income rises.” The foundation also separately asserts that the average poor American is not as bad off as liberal activists, media and some politicians would have the public believe.

According to the census report, about 15.5 million children under 18, the majority of them black, were living in poverty in 2009 compared with 14.1 million in 2008. The poverty rate increased across all types of families. For married-couple families, it grew to 5.8 percent from 5.5 percent and for female-headed families to 29.9 percent from 28.7 percent.

Not all poor families qualify for all of the various assistance programs, and amounts they receive are relatively modest, enough to keep some from falling below the official poverty line of $21,954 for a family of four but not enough to move them far above it.

The foundation report concludes that government intervention could reduce childhood poverty by promoting and supporting policies that encourage marriage among low-income couples. The Urban Institute and other nonpartisan research organizations offer other practical approaches that rely less on value judgments and more on proven government interventions and increased support for struggling two-parent homes. They also call for larger tax subsidies for poor families similar to those that help middle-income families buy a home, save for retirement and pay for their children's education.

Conservatives Blame the Poor for Being Poor
Well, a family being raised by a married couple has more income than if the two weren't married, and the kid has a better foundation to become productive.

Look at neighborhoods where most kids are in single parent homes. Then at the ones that have most kids in married homes. Which ones are poorest? Don't blame clear evidence. Just go with it.
Well, a family being raised by a married couple has more income than if the two weren't married, and the kid has a better foundation to become productive.

Look at neighborhoods where most kids are in single parent homes. Then at the ones that have most kids in married homes. Which ones are poorest? Don't blame clear evidence. Just go with it.

A married couple has more debt than a single kid. There is no sign he will be more productive. Over 1 million kids flee abusive homes annually, and go to work supporting themselves. You might want to read the link I provided about the millions of people, families in poverty. But that alone doesn't adress the real simplest question.

If married is so damned good how come over 50% of marriages fail, and the other 50% are cheating on one another around their kids, or abusing the kids? Personally I think the Heritedge foundation is look for anything to blame poverty on besides massive borrowing and spending while cutting taxes needed to pay for it all.
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If 2 parents are better than 1 from a financial perspective, then 3 parents would be better than 2.

In an era when even the conventional family, as we know it, has 2 adults working and still
has difficulty making ends meet - perhaps the conservative Heritage Foundation might consider"polygamy" as a viable alternative!
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