CONNECT THE DOTS: Obama's stranglegold on Treasury via COS Rahm Emanuel's dual role


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
It appears the dots are pointing straight back to Shitcago.

THE TARGETING PAPER TRAIL BEGINS: Soon as they occupied the WH, Obama and the Chicago con artists (a) took control of the US Census; (b) Obama placed his COS Rahm Emanuel in control of the US Dept of the Treasury (the IRS).

THE DOTS CONNECT Obama told voters "Tea Parties were a threat to democracy." His mouthpiece, Valerie Jarrett, said the O Team "would not forget" which Americans did not worship Obama.

BACKSTORY WSJ REPORT--On Jan 20, 2009 Timothy Geithner was appointed Obama's Secy of the Treasury. But within three weeks, the obama White House tightened its grip on Treasury. Obama put his COS, Rahm Emanuel, in charge of Treasury---Rahm Emanuel's dual role was an unusual move.

When he got to Treasury, COS Rahm Emanuel was so involved in the inner workings of the Treasury (and the White House) that the phrase "Rahm wants it" had become an unofficial mantra among subservient govt staffers prostrate in obeisance, scurrying to accede to Rahm's wishes, according to Treasury government officials. Reported by WSJ / 05/31/09​

At Treasury, Big White House Role -

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