Congress set to vote about Puerto Rico Statehood


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
House Vote On Puerto Rico's Future Divides Hispanic Lawmakers -

Looks like the House is planning to vote on a resolution on whether Puerto Rico will have a vote on becoming the 51 state. The vote is happening on Thursday.

I think we should be welcoming more States in the Union if they choose. But something is fishy about the timing. Not exactly sure what but it just feels off. They have more important things to be focusing on.
The people there always reject being a state.

Its not going to happen.

Agreed. Puerto Rico has been offered Statehood before and they shot it's easier to receive billions in aid as a territory and pay no taxes than it is to be a State and let the President trample all of your rights into the ground. I think the motive, however, is potentially 2 million new votes, another 2 Senators and god knows how many House members.
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You have it right, as they are now they don't pay income taxes, why should they subject themselves to that and other things when they can ride teh gravey train for free?
I think we should be welcoming more States in the Union if they choose. ............

Why praytell? Just what would a shithole like PR add to the USA beyond two more communist Senators and five or so communist members of the House?

Just declare then independent and end the drain on the USA taxpayer.


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I think we should be welcoming more States in the Union if they choose. ............

Why praytell? Just what would a shithole like PR add to the USA beyond two more communist Senators and five or so communist members of the House?

Just declare then independent and end the drain on the USA taxpayer.

I agree.

Thats what I'd tell all the territories. If you don't want to be a State then your on your own chum. Not that I want them as a State. Gag me.

PR has voted on becoming a State more than once. They reject it every time. After all. Why becme a State? If your a State your citizens have to pay taxes. If your a territory you get all the gravy and it cost you nothing. What a deal. Why buy that pesky cow when your getting the milk and cream for free.

It is fishy but I don't think PR will vote themselves into Statehood. Why the hell should they?They will ride the gravy train for as long as they can.

Personally I'd kick all the territories to the curb. Get rid of em. Let em be their own country and take care of their own citizens with their own money. Works for me.
Hasn't Puerto Rico voted on this in the past?

They always vote it down
See you guys later.
I need to run to Bangledesh and set up a flag making factory.
That 51 star flag replacement project ought to be worth at least 30 billion with all of the flags you nitwits wave.
" I pledge allegiance to the flag".Now THAT'S a sign of a truly brainwashed asshole.:cuckoo:
58 states!! We're gonna need a bigger flag. Maybe the liberals could burn all the old ones - we know how much they love burning the symbol of freedom.

Yeah, and we know how much you guys like putting a swastika on the field of bars.

See, liberals can say untrue and stupid things about conservatives, also.

And, FYI, I have participated in the burning of many US flags;

USSSP: Ceremonies - Flag Retiring
I think we should be welcoming more States in the Union if they choose. ............

Why praytell? Just what would a shithole like PR add to the USA beyond two more communist Senators and five or so communist members of the House?

Just declare then independent and end the drain on the USA taxpayer.

I agree.

Thats what I'd tell all the territories. If you don't want to be a State then your on your own chum. Not that I want them as a State. Gag me.

PR has voted on becoming a State more than once. They reject it every time. After all. Why becme a State? If your a State your citizens have to pay taxes. If your a territory you get all the gravy and it cost you nothing. What a deal. Why buy that pesky cow when your getting the milk and cream for free.

It is fishy but I don't think PR will vote themselves into Statehood. Why the hell should they?They will ride the gravy train for as long as they can.

Personally I'd kick all the territories to the curb. Get rid of em. Let em be their own country and take care of their own citizens with their own money. Works for me.
The bill to be voted on tomorrow narrows their options.
In the past they have had three options, to maintain that status quo (present relationship), statehood, or independence. They have always voted the status quo. This bill will take that very one most popular option off the table

Watch this video for the whole narrative, this changes everything from the past:

YouTube - Puerto Rico Could Become 51st State If New Bill Passes

This time around, to oppose statehood for PR will be justificatioin for the label of RACISM.

This is good political timing, for the Illegal Immigration problem, and including Arizona huh?
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