Congress is exempt from vaccine mandate


Play your cards right, & you won't have to
be vaccinated either...
Meister said:
The Postal service has strong unions.

And what sense does that make. The USPS probably comes into contact with more people every day than anyone else.
When Biden rails against the 'unvaccinated' he does not differentiate between the truly unvaccinated who haven't gotten COVID-19 and those who now have natural immunity.

As those who have gotten the vaccine are nor protected from getting the virus but only that if they do get it they will have few symptoms, if any / won't die from it, who is more at risk, the unvaccinated or the vaccinated? If someone who has been vaccinated but who is not showing any symptoms mixes with unvaccinated people and gives it to them, the unvaccinated are at greater health risks, therefore the vaccinated are more of a threat to unvaccinated that vice versa.
Follow The Science?
- Follow The MONEY!


Postal Service Unions Spent Big on Biden. Now They’re Exempted From the Federal Vaccine Mandate

This story shows how easily Biden can be and has been BOUGHT.
Russian money laundering
CCP buying influence
Russia & CCP paid Biden during the election
The Unions, especially USPS, paid Biden
(How much did his handlers get?)


Should we be surprised?

The left are so gullible, it's just sad.
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Should we be surprised?

Where are the usual cast of lefties who always ride in to defend their betters?

Should we be surprised?
Well what would the legal basis for a mandate be? Your boss can mandate behavior, but the only consquence is your job or getting tested. Congress works for ... us. You think MTG or RandianAyn will get vaxed? LOL What happens when they don't? Fire em? Then you'll have blood coming out of your eyes and everywhere.
most of them got their shots already.....i bet its a small portion who dont have them....
That does not answer the question, does it? Why did Biden exempt Congress and their aides from getting their vaccines?

Small number? How many does not matter. Biden has demonized ALL un-vaccinated Americans, calling them selfish, evil bastards. So why doesn't that apply to Congress and their staff?
That does not answer the question, does it? Why did Biden exempt Congress and their aides from getting their vaccines?

Small number? How many does not matter. Biden has demonized ALL un-vaccinated Americans, calling them selfish, evil bastards. So why doesn't that apply to Congress and their staff?
i believe the PO stated that they will wait for the Dep. of Labor to give the order......basically their bosses....

Should we be surprised?
It’s how little Hitlers operate. It’s been the case with Covid all along. One set of rules for the rule makers and another set for us. Deep inside they know it’s a hoax so why go along with their own edicts?
That does not answer the question, does it? Why did Biden exempt Congress and their aides from getting their vaccines?

Small number? How many does not matter. Biden has demonized ALL un-vaccinated Americans, calling them selfish, evil bastards. So why doesn't that apply to Congress and their staff?
Well, to be fair, I don't think the executive branch can mandate things for the legislative branch. I think it may fall under separation of powers. I think it sends a bad message that Pelosi said she won't mandate vaccines in the house, but I don't believe Biden can force the legislative branch to do anything.
During his speech, Biden also declared that "all nursing home workers who treat patients on Medicare and Medicaid" and that "those who work in hospitals, home healthcare facilities, or other medical facilities" as well as "all executive branch federal employees" and "federal contractors" must get vaccinated.

So the OP was full of shit

White House staff are NOT exempted

Should we be surprised?

You can't risk upsetting people who will pass things you want them to pass.

The american people though? Fuck em, he was already elected and it will be over 3 years before he needs them again.

Should we be surprised?

The Executive Branch has no power to dictate what the Legislative Branch has their employees do
During his speech, Biden also declared that "all nursing home workers who treat patients on Medicare and Medicaid" and that "those who work in hospitals, home healthcare facilities, or other medical facilities" as well as "all executive branch federal employees" and "federal contractors" must get vaccinated.

So the OP was full of shit

White House staff are NOT exempted

No you are full of it. You're very good at spreading lies and propaganda though.


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