Congratulations Michiganites. You now have the big boot of Labor lifted from your bac

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
You can now join other states who have moved into the current century and are attracting business and jobs at a much faster rate than states under the boot of union thugery.
This is actually huge.

Michigan will see the floodgates of jobs, just like neighboring Indiana. Ohio will want some of that.

Death blow for Big Labor.
Yeah, there's a guy I met recently who has moved here from Detroit to work on the new VA hospital... he doesn't paint a pretty picture of the scene in MI... he said it sucks.

He and his wife love it here, and they are contemplating staying.,
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Yep everything is fixed and jobs will roar!

Hardly. But we knew most democrats had no idea how to start the ball rolling on job creation. This is a step in the right direction.

Unions comprise only 9% of the workforce nation wide yet they weild the power of the majority. Well, not for much longer.
To her credit, former MI governor Jenny Granholm used to parade around the country begging various company's to choose our great state as the place for them to implement their expansion plans for factories and whatnot, but had very little success at it. And invariably in follow up stories you'd learn XYZ, Inc. selected a right-to-work state instead. So the new law should help the state a lot in attracting new businesses. And it's all because the voters told unions to shove it last November. Kudos to them!
You can now join other states who have moved into the current century and are attracting business and jobs at a much faster rate than states under the boot of union thugery.

Don't cut their food stamps. With those minimum wage jobs, they are going to need them.
You can now join other states who have moved into the current century and are attracting business and jobs at a much faster rate than states under the boot of union thugery.

Don't cut their food stamps. With those minimum wage jobs, they are going to need them.

Which of these companies pay minimum wages?:

'According to the Indiana Economic Development Corporation , since Indiana passed Right-to-Work legislation, 46 companies have told the group that right-to-work will factor into decision-making when deciding where to locate projects. 39 projects have progressed to the pipeline stage, and 12 companies have accepted an offer from the IEDC, bringing a projected 900 new jobs to Indiana.

The organization said five companies have said publicly that Right-to-Work was a factor in deciding where to do business.

The companies listed were Busche , bringing 100 new jobs to Albion; Android Industries , adding 66 new jobs to Fort Wayne; Steel Dynamics, Inc. , which plans to create about 50 new jobs in Pittsboro; SealCorpUSA , slated to create up to 35 new jobs in Evansville; and Whayne Supply , which expects to bring about 50 new jobs to Evansville.'

Senator: Right to Work bringing jobs | WLFI - Lafayette, Indiana
I suppose all the republicans here approve of how it was done. None of you have the right to complain about democrats "ramming" things through without discussion again. This thing was the worst case of a sneak attack I have ever heard of and there will be a price to pay for these republicans who know for a fact that they screwed their working class citizens.
Yup. More workers, lower wages, no benefits.

How right wing of you.

Most hi-tech jobs are non-union, and they are very highly paid with great benefits.

Nice try.


How about meat cutting jobs? How are those doing since the government/corporations crushed labor unions in America?

I don't want to argue the point, but everyone knows why the right wing wants to eliminate the few remaining remnants of organized labor in the U.S. They want to reduce the power of democracy by turning working Americans into pure, powerless debt slaves.

That's no secret at all--the right wing has always stood opposed to democracy and worker rights.
Come on right wingers. The obvious choice is fewer jobs with more pay. Take away unions and you do get more jobs, but with less pay and fewer benefits. You guys can't possibly be so stupid you don't know it. What kind of world do you guys live in?


MUNCIE, Ind.—Jerry D. Bumpus Sr. was a member of the United Auto Workers union for four decades and earned as much as $28 an hour at a General Motors Co. GM +0.02% car-parts plant before accepting a bonus to retire at age 60 five years ago.

On a recent Saturday morning, Mr. Bumpus, wearing a black jacket and clutching his résumé, was one of several thousand people lining up to apply for jobs at a new Caterpillar Inc. CAT +0.57% plant that makes train locomotives here. Those jobs start at as low as $12 an hour plus benefits, and there is no union representing the workers.

In Rust Belt, Caterpillar Finds Labor Can Be Cheap -
I suppose all the republicans here approve of how it was done. None of you have the right to complain about democrats "ramming" things through without discussion again. This thing was the worst case of a sneak attack I have ever heard of and there will be a price to pay for these republicans who know for a fact that they screwed their working class citizens.

Genie is out of the bottle, dude.

Michigan is a WONDERFUL state of industrious people (outside of Detroit) who will see a boom in new employment opportunity.
Yup. More workers, lower wages, no benefits.

How right wing of you.

Most hi-tech jobs are non-union, and they are very highly paid with great benefits.

Nice try.


How about meat cutting jobs? How are those doing since the government/corporations crushed labor unions in America?

I don't want to argue the point, but everyone knows why the right wing wants to eliminate the few remaining remnants of organized labor in the U.S. They want to reduce the power of democracy by turning working Americans into pure, powerless debt slaves.

That's no secret at all--the right wing has always stood opposed to democracy and worker rights.

Nonsense. Let me repeat....


I suppose the other 91% are living off of minimum wage?
Liberals need to dig deep into their fucked up minds and explain how unions were a good thing for Michigan and the auto industry.

Union workers have fallen from 40% of the state workforce down to 17% today.....explain that one. If unions were so great, then why did union workers go away in huge numbers?

Also, unions drove away jobs from Michigan....unemployment has gone up. Again, explain away that FACT.

Unions running the state has been the norm and the jobs left, so shut the fuck up about the other direction is going to be worse.
Yup. More workers, lower wages, no benefits.

How right wing of you.

Most hi-tech jobs are non-union, and they are very highly paid with great benefits.

Nice try.


Most hi-tech jobs require an education. Duh!

Not really. If you want to be an engineer, you need a college degree. But the vast number of hi-tech jobs are non-unionized technicians and field service engineers who receive their training on the job.

You can do very well in the hi-tech field with a two-year technical degree received at the community college level.

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