Confirmed: Captain Marvel "Big Feminist Movie"...

This is what we like to call "over-analysing the situation"

It figures you try to impart ivory tower social paradigms onto reality. It's the progressive way.

And more balkanization, another progressive trope.
Your reply is what we call "word salad." Are you or are you not a supporter of patriarchy and male supremacy? If you are, you seek to demean the other half of humanity, and, therefore, heterosexuality itself.

It's ridiculous that so many men who hate LGBTs also demean and dismiss their heterosexual partners, like the proponents of patriarchy and male supremacy. No decent person does this.

The patriarchy is a made up construct these days. And male supremacy is something that simply doesn't exist, it's a boogeyman.

Meanwhile progressives can actively hate on the last great boogeyman, white heterosxual males, without fear of punishment.

Are you ever in denial! Patriarchy and male supremacy are being pushed by many cults in the U.S. and in other countries. I, myself saw an interview with one of these Southern Baptist "pastors," in which he bragged openly that the fact that he is male means that he wins all arguments in his household because his wife is a trained submit-chick. There is a lot of this "submit to your penis" thing going around in "Christian" circles, directed at girls and women.

Who is hating "white heterosexual males" just because they are white males who are straight? The only people of this description who are being called out are those who practice identity politics. Why would anyone hate their partners, their children, and their male relatives?

At the Women's March in DC, there was an enormous amount of white heterosexual males marching with their female partners, and many with their children in tow or in strollers.

As usual, everything is based on conduct.

And when that becomes the law of the land, then you can bitch about the "patriarchy"

Those guys at the women's march are progressive cucks.

What is a "progressive cuck"? This sounds like it's straight out of some right-wing white-nationalist rant. It sounds like a synonym for "decent people" used by folks who hate decent people. You do realize that you just insulted white, heterosexual males, don't you?

Patriarchy has been a highly destructive social custom for centuries, which has infected our legal system from the beginning, and the sicko cults obviously have been promoting it here.

Keep trying to poison heterosexual relationships. I prefer to see happy, healthy couples, regardless of sexual orientation.

I insulted lefty progressive wussie bois.

Keep using made up concepts to blather on about your own political beliefs.
This is what we like to call "over-analysing the situation"

It figures you try to impart ivory tower social paradigms onto reality. It's the progressive way.

And more balkanization, another progressive trope.
Your reply is what we call "word salad." Are you or are you not a supporter of patriarchy and male supremacy? If you are, you seek to demean the other half of humanity, and, therefore, heterosexuality itself.

It's ridiculous that so many men who hate LGBTs also demean and dismiss their heterosexual partners, like the proponents of patriarchy and male supremacy. No decent person does this.

The patriarchy is a made up construct these days. And male supremacy is something that simply doesn't exist, it's a boogeyman.

Meanwhile progressives can actively hate on the last great boogeyman, white heterosxual males, without fear of punishment.

Are you ever in denial! Patriarchy and male supremacy are being pushed by many cults in the U.S. and in other countries. I, myself saw an interview with one of these Southern Baptist "pastors," in which he bragged openly that the fact that he is male means that he wins all arguments in his household because his wife is a trained submit-chick. There is a lot of this "submit to your penis" thing going around in "Christian" circles, directed at girls and women.

Who is hating "white heterosexual males" just because they are white males who are straight? The only people of this description who are being called out are those who practice identity politics. Why would anyone hate their partners, their children, and their male relatives?

At the Women's March in DC, there was an enormous amount of white heterosexual males marching with their female partners, and many with their children in tow or in strollers.

As usual, everything is based on conduct.

And when that becomes the law of the land, then you can bitch about the "patriarchy"

Those guys at the women's march are progressive cucks.

What is a "progressive cuck"? This sounds like it's straight out of some right-wing white-nationalist rant. It sounds like a synonym for "decent people" used by folks who hate decent people. You do realize that you just insulted white, heterosexual males, don't you?

Patriarchy has been a highly destructive social custom for centuries, which has infected our legal system from the beginning, and the sicko cults obviously have been promoting it here.

Keep trying to poison heterosexual relationships. I prefer to see happy, healthy couples, regardless of sexual orientation.

1. It is obvious what he meant by "progressive cuck". Don't be an ass and pretend not to know.

2. He did not insult "white heterosexual males". He insulted a small group of "white heterosexual males". And he obviously knew that. WTF kind of point were you trying to make?

3. Your incoherent whining about the "Patriarchy" is noted and dismissed.
Your reply is what we call "word salad." Are you or are you not a supporter of patriarchy and male supremacy? If you are, you seek to demean the other half of humanity, and, therefore, heterosexuality itself.

It's ridiculous that so many men who hate LGBTs also demean and dismiss their heterosexual partners, like the proponents of patriarchy and male supremacy. No decent person does this.

The patriarchy is a made up construct these days. And male supremacy is something that simply doesn't exist, it's a boogeyman.

Meanwhile progressives can actively hate on the last great boogeyman, white heterosxual males, without fear of punishment.

Are you ever in denial! Patriarchy and male supremacy are being pushed by many cults in the U.S. and in other countries. I, myself saw an interview with one of these Southern Baptist "pastors," in which he bragged openly that the fact that he is male means that he wins all arguments in his household because his wife is a trained submit-chick. There is a lot of this "submit to your penis" thing going around in "Christian" circles, directed at girls and women.

Who is hating "white heterosexual males" just because they are white males who are straight? The only people of this description who are being called out are those who practice identity politics. Why would anyone hate their partners, their children, and their male relatives?

At the Women's March in DC, there was an enormous amount of white heterosexual males marching with their female partners, and many with their children in tow or in strollers.

As usual, everything is based on conduct.

And when that becomes the law of the land, then you can bitch about the "patriarchy"

Those guys at the women's march are progressive cucks.

What is a "progressive cuck"? This sounds like it's straight out of some right-wing white-nationalist rant. It sounds like a synonym for "decent people" used by folks who hate decent people. You do realize that you just insulted white, heterosexual males, don't you?

Patriarchy has been a highly destructive social custom for centuries, which has infected our legal system from the beginning, and the sicko cults obviously have been promoting it here.

Keep trying to poison heterosexual relationships. I prefer to see happy, healthy couples, regardless of sexual orientation.

1. It is obvious what he meant by "progressive cuck". Don't be an ass and pretend not to know.

2. He did not insult "white heterosexual males". He insulted a small group of "white heterosexual males". And he obviously knew that. WTF kind of point were you trying to make?

3. Your incoherent whining about the "Patriarchy" is noted and dismissed.

Then I am correct that "progressive cuck" is the term used by little RWNJ boys. You and Marty both imply that white heterosexual males are incapable of making their own decisions. That's pretty insulting.

So you are in denial that the "patriarchy" fraud even exists. Do some research. Start with the monkey "preachers" and their "purity culture," which aims to groom little girls and prevent them from having a future.

Grow up, kids.
The patriarchy is a made up construct these days. And male supremacy is something that simply doesn't exist, it's a boogeyman.

Meanwhile progressives can actively hate on the last great boogeyman, white heterosxual males, without fear of punishment.

Are you ever in denial! Patriarchy and male supremacy are being pushed by many cults in the U.S. and in other countries. I, myself saw an interview with one of these Southern Baptist "pastors," in which he bragged openly that the fact that he is male means that he wins all arguments in his household because his wife is a trained submit-chick. There is a lot of this "submit to your penis" thing going around in "Christian" circles, directed at girls and women.

Who is hating "white heterosexual males" just because they are white males who are straight? The only people of this description who are being called out are those who practice identity politics. Why would anyone hate their partners, their children, and their male relatives?

At the Women's March in DC, there was an enormous amount of white heterosexual males marching with their female partners, and many with their children in tow or in strollers.

As usual, everything is based on conduct.

And when that becomes the law of the land, then you can bitch about the "patriarchy"

Those guys at the women's march are progressive cucks.

What is a "progressive cuck"? This sounds like it's straight out of some right-wing white-nationalist rant. It sounds like a synonym for "decent people" used by folks who hate decent people. You do realize that you just insulted white, heterosexual males, don't you?

Patriarchy has been a highly destructive social custom for centuries, which has infected our legal system from the beginning, and the sicko cults obviously have been promoting it here.

Keep trying to poison heterosexual relationships. I prefer to see happy, healthy couples, regardless of sexual orientation.

1. It is obvious what he meant by "progressive cuck". Don't be an ass and pretend not to know.

2. He did not insult "white heterosexual males". He insulted a small group of "white heterosexual males". And he obviously knew that. WTF kind of point were you trying to make?

3. Your incoherent whining about the "Patriarchy" is noted and dismissed.

Then I am correct that "progressive cuck" is the term used by little RWNJ boys. You and Marty both imply that white heterosexual males are incapable of making their own decisions. That's pretty insulting.

So you are in denial that the "patriarchy" fraud even exists. Do some research. Start with the monkey "preachers" and their "purity culture," which aims to groom little girls and prevent them from having a future.

Grow up, kids.

1. You can shove your belittling slurs, up your ass.

2. Neither of us imply that "white heterosexual males" are incapable of making their own decisions. You are a dishonest ass.

3. It is not credible that you are so stupid, that you cannot understand that making a comment about one group of "heterosexual white males" is not the same as making a comment about all "heterosexual white males". So stop with the stupid shit.

4. "Progessive cucks" make the choice to be pathetic cucks. The point is not that they cannot make their own decisions, but that they choose to be pathetic.

5. YOu want to support your hysteria about the Patriarchy, do so. Telling me to google something is not it.
Brie Larson confirmed Marvel approached her to make Captain Marvel a “big feminist movie.”

Speaking with Entertainment Tonight during a set visit last May, Brie Larson confirmed Marvel approached her about making Captain Marvel a feminist movie.

"I had a meeting with Marvel and what we discussed is they wanted to make a big feminist movie.”

Brie Larson Confirms Marvel Wants to Make Captain Marvel a "Big Feminist Movie" - Bounding Into Comics

If you want to pay to watch SJW Hollywood NPCs preach to you for two hours, more power to ya. I'll wait it out and watch this one on Netflix.

I remember that her name was Mrs Marvel. But there was two Captain Marvel.


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