Confederate flag-flying man in truck hits 4-year-old boy, gets beaten by crowd

I couldn't view the videos for some reason, so I don't know if the boy lived. Hope he's okay. I hope the guy gets charged and convicted if he was driving recklessly.
Stupid and venal to provoke people the way he did.

Treated and released at the hospital. Apparently no serious injury or they would have kept him at least for observation.
If someone was going to get beaten it should have been the parent who let their kid play in the street.
Right because drivers bear no responsibility for speeding down residential streets...

I kinda think the fact that those "residents" had attacked his truck in the past and were yelling at him might have given him some incentive to speed. Assault &battery, child neglect, speeding; speeding is the most serious? I don't think so.
Your honesty leaves much to be desired.
The residents confronted him on numerous occasions about speeding down the residential street, in one of those instances someone yanked the flag from the truck.
If I continually warn you to stop speeding down the street were my children play and you strike them with your vehicle a ass whipping may be the least of your worries.
The asshole was speeding because he thought it was fun to antagonize those people.
Strange how some excuse the lawless behavior of the adult and try to lay it at the feet of the child.
Guess color trumps right or wrong for some people...
"Guess color trumps right or wrong for some people..."

Guess so. Some even use it to excuse assault and battery.

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