Condoleezza Rice gives Trump administration “credit” for taking on foreign policy challenges


Gold Member
Jun 22, 2019
ME: I know she will never run, but she should. She would make a brilliant first woman president.

Condoleezza Rice gives Trump administration “credit” for taking on foreign policy challenges like…
Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice joins Margaret Brennan to discuss her new book, "To Build a Better World: Choices to End the Cold War and Create a Global Commonwealth.

She was part of a disastrous administration. Even trump agrees they were terrible. Who
Cares what she says?
She was part of a disastrous administration......

That's a lie.

She’s a disgrace.

That's a lie.

Anyone care to post something truthful and helpful to the conversation?

She help lie us into one of the worst strategic blunders this country has ever seen, the invasion and occupation of Iraq.

On CNN in September 2002, Condoleezza Rice claimed that aluminum tubes purchased by Iraq were "only really suited for nuclear weapons programs." This was precisely the opposite of what nuclear experts at the Energy Department were saying; they argue that not only was it very possible the tubes were for nonnuclear purposes but that it was very likely they were too. Even more dire assessments about the tubes from other agencies were exaggerated by administration officials — and in any case, the claim that they’re "only really suited" for nuclear weapons is just false.

No, really, George W. Bush lied about WMDs

But she is a very smart women who delivered the talking points of the administration with precision.
She was part of a disastrous administration......

That's a lie.

She’s a disgrace.

That's a lie.

Anyone care to post something truthful and helpful to the conversation?
She helped lead us into two terrible wars, one we are still in. Complete disaster.

Both wars are still going on. The damage done by them when they invaded Iraq has not ended. Everything that took place in Syria is directly attributable to our invasion of Iraq.

If Iraq were still a regional threat to Iran they would not be taking tankers and maybe bombing oil refining stations.

Our invasion of Iraq will go down as one of the worst decisions in the history of the planet.
ME: I know she will never run, but she should. She would make a brilliant first woman president.

Condoleezza Rice gives Trump administration “credit” for taking on foreign policy challenges like…
Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice joins Margaret Brennan to discuss her new book, "To Build a Better World: Choices to End the Cold War and Create a Global Commonwealth.

She never did apologize for those mushroom clouds
She helped lead us into two terrible wars.......

We went to Afghanistan because 9/11 was launched from there. What you are saying is like saying that FDR led us into terrible WWII, like it was his fault and not the Japanese.

Grow up and lay off the childish stupid propaganda.
She help lie us into one of the worst strategic blunders this country has ever seen, the invasion and occupation of Iraq.

If we had invaded Germany in 1937, all of WWII and the Holocaust and the destruction of Europe and the following cold war would have been avoided at a miniscule tiny cost. Of course, I don't expect shallow socialist propagandists like you to think so deeply, but Bush did.

Saddam was every bit as evil as Hitler in his behavior. He demonstrated a willingness to invade neighbors. He WAS developing nukes, which the Israelis destroyed in the 80's. He DID use WMD's on his neighbors the Kurds, killing millions.

Again, I do not expect thoughtless shallow trolls like you to think this stuff through.

George Bush likely saved millions and millions of lies preventing whatever holocausts Saddam was dreaming of.

But you go right ahead and stick with your little CNN KoolAid analysis of what happened. Its suits your low IQ
She helped lead us into two terrible wars.......

We went to Afghanistan because 9/11 was launched from there. What you are saying is like saying that FDR led us into terrible WWII, like it was his fault and not the Japanese.

Grow up and lay off the childish stupid propaganda.

15 of the 19 animals that slammed into our country were saudi. why was that the first overseas nation trump visited after he was installed?

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If we had invaded Germany in 1937

Germany still had many supporters in the US at that time.

Saddam was every bit as evil as Hitler

I guess it was pretty stupid of RayGun to take Saddam's government off the Nations who support Terrorist list and approved the sale of US technology and duel use technology huh? How about that 4 billion dollars of tax payer money he gave Saddam. Dumb or what?

Did Iraq ever recover from the Iran war or getting expelled from Kuwait? Nope.

The Memory Hole > 2001: Powell & Rice Declare Iraq Has No WMD and Is Not a Threat

They were not a threat to the worlds remaining super power in 2003.

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