Condi Beats 9/11 Commission

Hey psycho, too bad your cowardly, idiotic friend, STEVE isn't here to kick me off this forum.
I'd have hoped for some enlightenment, rtwngAvngr. But, as is common amongst those that accuse others of kneejerking or irradic thought processes etc., you just further enlighten anyone with critical thought ability that you have none. Tsk, tsk.

Got a light? I'll share with you!!!!!!
Originally posted by Psychoblues
I'd have hoped for some enlightenment, rtwngAvngr. But, as is common amongst those that accuse others of kneejerking or irradic thought processes etc., you just further enlighten anyone with critical thought ability that you have none. Tsk, tsk.

Got a light? I'll share with you!!!!!!

No, Psycho. I've made my point. Your criticism of Bush on this issues is akin to taking musical chairs seriously. It was just a matter of time wasn't it. What is your point? 9/11 was bush's fault? If that's your point, it sucks.

Tell us your point in one sentence. Can you express yourself concisely?
First off, I would never ask for or encourage anyone be kicked off this forum, but really? Who is Steve? Are you trying to accuse me of something that I'm not privy too? Although I'm not surprised, I don't think I know "Steve".
Originally posted by Psychoblues
First off, I would never ask for or encourage anyone be kicked off this forum, but really? Who is Steve? Are you trying to accuse me of something that I'm not privy too? Although I'm not surprised, I don't think I know "Steve".

OK forget it then. I though you were on flamebunker. maybe not.
I give ten to one that psychoblues never gives us a concise point.
I've posted a good amount of information earlier in this thread that would indicate a desire on my part for further enlightenment. So far, you've not commented on the substanse of the issues but merely exercised your right to "bash" as you like to put it. "Bashing" is a two-way and very unfortunate thing, don't you think?
Originally posted by Psychoblues
I've posted a good amount of information earlier in this thread that would indicate a desire on my part for further enlightenment. So far, you've not commented on the substanse of the issues but merely exercised your right to "bash" as you like to put it. "Bashing" is a two-way and very unfortunate thing, don't you think?

I'm addressing your issues. The cricisms of bush are all out of proportion from reality, especially from people who said nothing of clinton's ineffectiveness. That's called a double standard. Both administrations were inept, indicating a systemic problem. Who has proposed systemic solutions and new integration between systems, George Bush. There was a problem; it's being fixed. It's actually a campagin ad for Bush. But you guys twist it into shit with your lies.
Originally posted by Psychoblues
Choices are just that, jimnyc, choices. Condi made choices, GWB made choices, Clarke made choices, choices were made and acted upon from the very top but at some point some accountability must be assessed and assigned. I make the choice to come here to the USMB and post my ideolgy and obtain critisism whether it be fair or not. I find some of the critisism credible and some of it not worthy of recognition or comment. The most untrustworthy of that critisism comes from those that tend to assasinate the messenger rather than the message or the questioner rather than the question. But, that's a choice as well. Just not a very smart one, IMHO.

I think I'll have another toke, er, drink. I forgot, I gave up toking about 40 years ago. :rolleyes:

Psycho are you for holding Ted Kennedy accountable for manslaughter and Bubba Clinton accountable for lying under oath and accountable for 9/11 since he failed to bring OBL in when he was offered his head on a silver platter 3 times? Just trying to find out if you are impartial or not although i'm pretty sure I know the answer.
You just change the subject from something of substance to your miserable flailings against anyone or anything that you consider might threaten your own preconceived thoughts, rtwngAvenger. I've not critisised GWB once in this thread and in only a few of my other 450 or so posts here in the USMB. On the other hand, you are obsessed with nonsensicle attacks on "liberals" or whatever else you want to call opposition to your ideology.

What the heck, we may never know the truth. But it doesn't keep me from wondering.
Another demonstration of unthinking propensities of the unenlightened. Change the subject, maybe sooner or later it will come around to 2 plus 2 or abc or something else so simple that you know something about it.
Originally posted by Psychoblues
You just change the subject from something of substance to your miserable flailings against anyone or anything that you consider might threaten your own preconceived thoughts, rtwngAvenger. I've not critisised GWB once in this thread and in only a few of my other 450 or so posts here in the USMB. On the other hand, you are obsessed with nonsensicle attacks on "liberals" or whatever else you want to call opposition to your ideology.

What the heck, we may never know the truth. But it doesn't keep me from wondering.

Is during a war the proper time for your bemusements?
There you go again, rtwngAvngr. My purposes and aspirations here are certainly not "bemusements". And WAR TIME is certainly serious enough a time for critical analyses and action observation. Your continuing to badger me personally while ignoring subjects ripe for discussion just prove my earlier point to you. It's not our differences of opinion or perception that intrigue you. It's your insistense on just bashing me whether justified or not. But that is common amongst some circles but I've never been an active participant or an enabler of any of them. I really do desire some semblance of comprehensive oversight, critical analyses and proper accountablility.

That may be a little above your head, though.
Originally posted by Psychoblues
Another demonstration of unthinking propensities of the unenlightened. Change the subject, maybe sooner or later it will come around to 2 plus 2 or abc or something else so simple that you know something about it.

At some point psychoblues, you decided extreme arrogance would be a suitable substitute for thinking and reason.
Originally posted by Psychoblues
Another demonstration of unthinking propensities of the unenlightened. Change the subject, maybe sooner or later it will come around to 2 plus 2 or abc or something else so simple that you know something about it.

Didn't think you'd answer the question.

No surprise coming from an anti American, lying about military sevice, drugged out hippie sack of shit like you.
Originally posted by Psychoblues
There you go again, rtwngAvngr. My purposes and aspirations here are certainly not "bemusements". And WAR TIME is certainly serious enough a time for critical analyses and action observation.
Forward thinking analysis, yes. Not backward looking, blame oriented political hackery masquerading as analysis.
Your continuing to badger me personally while ignoring subjects ripe for discussion just prove my earlier point to you.
No I'm not. Actually you're doing it. Every one of your posts recently has started with an insult.
It's not our differences of opinion or perception that intrigue you. It's your insistense on just bashing me whether justified or not.
No. I AM justified. What intrigues me is your idiocy.
But that is common amongst some circles but I've never been an active participant or an enabler of any of them. I really do desire some semblance of comprehensive oversight, critical analyses and proper accountablility.

That may be a little above your head, though.

You know a lot of words, but you're still a fraud.
Originally posted by Psychoblues
:) Sorry to have rankled you so, rtwngAvngr. Have a good day!!!!!

I'm not wrankled. come and demonstrate your arrogance and stupidity for us all to laugh about any day. Thank you, come again.
Even though I'm not a wrankler, I see that you're still trying to get past your own inability to even comment on the facts I've presented above, our personal wrangling notwithstanding. True?
Originally posted by Psychoblues
Even though I'm not a wrankler, I see that you're still trying to get past your own inability to even comment on the facts I've presented above, our personal wrangling notwithstanding. True?

Weren't you leaving? I thought you had already given your flippant exit remark. Could you please give a one sentence of description of how your facts are relevant?

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