Computer scientists urge Clinton campaign to challenge election results

Computer "scientists". Almost as good as Mexican intellectuals.

There will be no investigation, Hillary and Soros won't allow it, since it would expose how they rigged the system to get that many votes.

Tin hat theories... Another Trump supporter...

And claim that voting machines in WI, PA and MI are hacked are what... facts?

"The computer scientists believe they have found evidence that vote totals in the three states could have been manipulated or hacked ...

The scientists, among them J. Alex Halderman, the director of the University of Michigan Center for Computer Security and Society, told the Clinton campaign they believe there is a questionable trend of Clinton performing worse in counties that relied on electronic voting machines compared to paper ballots and optical scanners, according to the source."

"The academics presented findings showing that in Wisconsin, Clinton received 7 percent fewer votes in counties that relied on electronic-voting machines compared with counties that used optical scanners and paper ballots. Based on this statistical analysis, Clinton may have been denied as many as 30,000 votes; she lost Wisconsin by 27,000. While it’s important to note the group has not found proof of hacking or manipulation, they are arguing to the campaign that the suspicious pattern merits an independent review — especially in light of the fact that the Obama White House has accused the Russian government of hacking the Democratic National Committee."

Experts Urge Clinton Campaign to Challenge Election Results in 3 Swing States

That is the evidence... I am saying it should be investigated independently for Trump's legitimacy as well... Very dangerious ground letting hackers effect results if you like it or not...

I wrote this in another thread, and reposting here...

Even it there is voter fraud, Hillary's team know damned well that vote fraud would be in her favor. Otherwise they would be demanding recounts for the last two weeks. They for sure don't want to go that way and open that can of worms.

I don't think these news stories are about landing more votes for Hillary, to me looks more about further enraging her violent leftist base.

Beside your article also says... "important to note the group has not found proof of hacking or manipulation". Does that explain anything?

There is voting irregularities, do you agreed to an investigation? You don't need proof for an investigation, that is what the investigation provides.

As for your voting fraud theories, lets investigate them too... I am up for accuracy, are you?

If there are irregularities, I am all for investigation.

However, I don't see irregularities, just conspiracies by buthurt leftist who lost election.

Again, from your article: "important to note the group has not found proof of hacking or manipulation".

Edit: By the way... they are claiming that Michigan votes were remotely rigged by hackers, or Russians, or whoever. I guess no one told these protesters that Michigan uses paper ballots.

That might be sufficient to call for a recount. But don't bury the lead with this Russian Boogeyman hacker bullshit. Maybe these faggots should visit the 'flyover' states before they start diagnosing what the 'problem' is from San Francisco.
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Computer scientists urge Clinton campaign to challenge election results -

This isn't a crackpot story, multiple sources and the basis is science...

Considering the numerous hacking going on before hand this should be investigated.. Considering Comey practically tried to gift wrap the Election to Trump for Emails which Trump now admits aren't even worth investigating any more...
As long as we are considering, lets consider how the left lost their damn minds when Trump refused to say he would accept the election results regardless of what went on. After all that crying and talk about how Trump was going to destroy the country by not accepting the results, I would have to imagine that the upstanding and patriotic left would never consider doing what they claimed would taint this nations elections for the rest of eternity.

So you are a vote to not investigate, stick your head in the sand and let any irregularities go unchecked...

This could be a possible crime which should be investigated independently, no matter if one accepts or rejects the result.. Clinton has accepted the results of the election as they stand...

Whats you problem with and investigation if there is evidence?
Funny I don't recall you wanting to investigate the districts where Obama received over 100% of the vote in 2008.

Could you point out these Districts?

I can point out a bogus viral email that you may have fallen for.
Voting Conspiracies
Look it up yourself, it's been in the news many times. I'm not gonna do your work for you.
Computer scientists urge Clinton campaign to challenge election results -

This isn't a crackpot story, multiple sources and the basis is science...

Considering the numerous hacking going on before hand this should be investigated.. Considering Comey practically tried to gift wrap the Election to Trump for Emails which Trump now admits aren't even worth investigating any more...
As long as we are considering, lets consider how the left lost their damn minds when Trump refused to say he would accept the election results regardless of what went on. After all that crying and talk about how Trump was going to destroy the country by not accepting the results, I would have to imagine that the upstanding and patriotic left would never consider doing what they claimed would taint this nations elections for the rest of eternity.

So you are a vote to not investigate, stick your head in the sand and let any irregularities go unchecked...

This could be a possible crime which should be investigated independently, no matter if one accepts or rejects the result.. Clinton has accepted the results of the election as they stand...

Whats you problem with and investigation if there is evidence?
Funny I don't recall you wanting to investigate the districts where Obama received over 100% of the vote in 2008.

Could you point out these Districts?

I can point out a bogus viral email that you may have fallen for.
Voting Conspiracies
Look it up yourself, it's been in the news many times. I'm not gonna do your work for you.

Computers don't skew the data but programmers and I/O devices can. If I know the architecture of bootstrap memory then I can make the computer do what ever I want it to do bypassing the executive (operational) program.
As long as we are considering, lets consider how the left lost their damn minds when Trump refused to say he would accept the election results regardless of what went on. After all that crying and talk about how Trump was going to destroy the country by not accepting the results, I would have to imagine that the upstanding and patriotic left would never consider doing what they claimed would taint this nations elections for the rest of eternity.

So you are a vote to not investigate, stick your head in the sand and let any irregularities go unchecked...

This could be a possible crime which should be investigated independently, no matter if one accepts or rejects the result.. Clinton has accepted the results of the election as they stand...

Whats you problem with and investigation if there is evidence?
Funny I don't recall you wanting to investigate the districts where Obama received over 100% of the vote in 2008.

Could you point out these Districts?

I can point out a bogus viral email that you may have fallen for.
Voting Conspiracies
Look it up yourself, it's been in the news many times. I'm not gonna do your work for you.

Computers don't skew the data but programmers and I/O devices can. If I know the architecture of bootstrap memory then I can make the computer do what ever I want it to do bypassing the executive (operational) program.
That's all fine and good but it was you folks on the left who laughed and joked at the prospect of voter fraud when people were reporting that machines were switching their vote from Trump to Clinton. You guys swore up and down there was no voter fraud but now that your candidate lost, you want an investigation. If Hillary had won would you be asking for one? We know the answer to that, don't we?
That's all fine and good but it was you folks on the left who laughed and joked at the prospect of voter fraud when people were reporting that machines were switching their vote from Trump to Clinton. You guys swore up and down there was no voter fraud but now that your candidate lost, you want an investigation. If Hillary had won would you be asking for one? We know the answer to that, don't we?


How about the investigation on some states that Hillary won? Stats show 5 damn states were stolen by Hillary with illegal voting. Test it?

Also, remember how esteemed "computer scientists" claimed that Trump's email server had a nefarious secret communication with a Russian bank? LMAO, These leftist retards just won't give up.
So you are a vote to not investigate, stick your head in the sand and let any irregularities go unchecked...

This could be a possible crime which should be investigated independently, no matter if one accepts or rejects the result.. Clinton has accepted the results of the election as they stand...

Whats you problem with and investigation if there is evidence?
Funny I don't recall you wanting to investigate the districts where Obama received over 100% of the vote in 2008.

Could you point out these Districts?

I can point out a bogus viral email that you may have fallen for.
Voting Conspiracies
Look it up yourself, it's been in the news many times. I'm not gonna do your work for you.

Computers don't skew the data but programmers and I/O devices can. If I know the architecture of bootstrap memory then I can make the computer do what ever I want it to do bypassing the executive (operational) program.
That's all fine and good but it was you folks on the left who laughed and joked at the prospect of voter fraud when people were reporting that machines were switching their vote from Trump to Clinton. You guys swore up and down there was no voter fraud but now that your candidate lost, you want an investigation. If Hillary had won would you be asking for one? We know the answer to that, don't we?

I was only commenting using my limited knowledge of a full frame general purpose digital computer. Did the dirty Ruskies have their grimy hands in it?
So you are a vote to not investigate, stick your head in the sand and let any irregularities go unchecked...

This could be a possible crime which should be investigated independently, no matter if one accepts or rejects the result.. Clinton has accepted the results of the election as they stand...

Whats you problem with and investigation if there is evidence?
Funny I don't recall you wanting to investigate the districts where Obama received over 100% of the vote in 2008.

Could you point out these Districts?

I can point out a bogus viral email that you may have fallen for.
Voting Conspiracies
Look it up yourself, it's been in the news many times. I'm not gonna do your work for you.

Computers don't skew the data but programmers and I/O devices can. If I know the architecture of bootstrap memory then I can make the computer do what ever I want it to do bypassing the executive (operational) program.
That's all fine and good but it was you folks on the left who laughed and joked at the prospect of voter fraud when people were reporting that machines were switching their vote from Trump to Clinton. You guys swore up and down there was no voter fraud but now that your candidate lost, you want an investigation. If Hillary had won would you be asking for one? We know the answer to that, don't we?

It doesn't take a genius to understand what would have happened if the tables were turned. If there is voter fraud there is voter fraud. Anonymous? The Russians? Who knows.

No matter what side you are on, you should have the moral capacity to WANT a fair election whether things are leaning in favor of your candidate or not. I hate Trump. I despise Clinton. There are only two scenarios that could happen to make me happy, and none of them are going to happen. They find no wrong doing, Trump still wins, he gets into office and they find out he does have ties with the Russians and he resigns leaving it up Pence. They do find wrong doing they do a re-vote in the three states and Clinton wins, then they find new evidence about the Clinton Foundation or child human trafficking and she gets thrown in jail making Kaine the President.
It doesn't take a genius to understand what would have happened if the tables were turned. If there is voter fraud there is voter fraud. Anonymous? The Russians? Who knows.

No matter what side you are on, you should have the moral capacity to WANT a fair election whether things are leaning in favor of your candidate or not. I hate Trump. I despise Clinton. There are only two scenarios that could happen to make me happy, and none of them are going to happen. They find no wrong doing, Trump still wins, he gets into office and they find out he does have ties with the Russians and he resigns leaving it up Pence. They do find wrong doing they do a re-vote in the three states and Clinton wins, then they find new evidence about the Clinton Foundation or child human trafficking and she gets thrown in jail making Kaine the President.

One more time:

These "computer scientists" evidence is that "correlation could be causation! Trump did slightly better in areas that used electronic voting, so there must be something amiss!" Literal retards.

The article spins it like some electoral college voters have defected and Clinton "has a chance". This is false. The "defectors" are in Washington and Colorado... states that already did not go for Trump. They aren't changing anything. They will not go against the will of the voters and cause a civil war that leftist are hoping for.

"Computer scientists" admit there is no evidence of hacking. The FBI has gone on record saying that the booths are basically hackproof, particularly on a wide scale. Interference on a large scale in regards to electronic voting was basically impossible.

So in short, leftist are whining because they lost. That's what leftists do. They can fuck right off.
Funny I don't recall you wanting to investigate the districts where Obama received over 100% of the vote in 2008.

Could you point out these Districts?

I can point out a bogus viral email that you may have fallen for.
Voting Conspiracies
Look it up yourself, it's been in the news many times. I'm not gonna do your work for you.

Computers don't skew the data but programmers and I/O devices can. If I know the architecture of bootstrap memory then I can make the computer do what ever I want it to do bypassing the executive (operational) program.
That's all fine and good but it was you folks on the left who laughed and joked at the prospect of voter fraud when people were reporting that machines were switching their vote from Trump to Clinton. You guys swore up and down there was no voter fraud but now that your candidate lost, you want an investigation. If Hillary had won would you be asking for one? We know the answer to that, don't we?

I was only commenting using my limited knowledge of a full frame general purpose digital computer. Did the dirty Ruskies have their grimy hands in it?
Fine, but you still weren't commenting on it when there was evidence of machines helping Hillary. It was funny then.
Funny I don't recall you wanting to investigate the districts where Obama received over 100% of the vote in 2008.

Could you point out these Districts?

I can point out a bogus viral email that you may have fallen for.
Voting Conspiracies
Look it up yourself, it's been in the news many times. I'm not gonna do your work for you.

Computers don't skew the data but programmers and I/O devices can. If I know the architecture of bootstrap memory then I can make the computer do what ever I want it to do bypassing the executive (operational) program.
That's all fine and good but it was you folks on the left who laughed and joked at the prospect of voter fraud when people were reporting that machines were switching their vote from Trump to Clinton. You guys swore up and down there was no voter fraud but now that your candidate lost, you want an investigation. If Hillary had won would you be asking for one? We know the answer to that, don't we?

It doesn't take a genius to understand what would have happened if the tables were turned. If there is voter fraud there is voter fraud. Anonymous? The Russians? Who knows.

No matter what side you are on, you should have the moral capacity to WANT a fair election whether things are leaning in favor of your candidate or not. I hate Trump. I despise Clinton. There are only two scenarios that could happen to make me happy, and none of them are going to happen. They find no wrong doing, Trump still wins, he gets into office and they find out he does have ties with the Russians and he resigns leaving it up Pence. They do find wrong doing they do a re-vote in the three states and Clinton wins, then they find new evidence about the Clinton Foundation or child human trafficking and she gets thrown in jail making Kaine the President.

You got all of the bases covered and should be in business. Find your niche and exploit it for your head is screwed on right.
Computer scientists urge Clinton campaign to challenge election results -

This isn't a crackpot story, multiple sources and the basis is science...

Considering the numerous hacking going on before hand this should be investigated.. Considering Comey practically tried to gift wrap the Election to Trump for Emails which Trump now admits aren't even worth investigating any more...

The current rules are what they are. We should have changed them while we had the chance, after having survived the disaster that was the Bush administration, but we didn't.

Now we need to play our cards right over the next 4 years, and abolish the electoral college when we get the chance. The overwhelming majority of the country is on our side. We mustn't forget that.
Well, you have to change the amendment and that takes a lot of cooperation which is not going to happen.
Small rural states might as will not even participate in the popular vote if there's no electoral college... fact
Newsflash, Hillary already conceded the election. You poor libs you really are losing your minds. :itsok:

I don't think it matters that she conceded if there is a proof of fraud. But there isn't clear one. Leftist are crying about "fake news" and at the same time praising them when posted by their butthurt media.

Problem is that they are in the denial phase again. Can we at least get back to anger? Leftists have a long way to go before depression and acceptance. Honestly, I can hardly wait...
Computer scientists urge Clinton campaign to challenge election results -

This isn't a crackpot story, multiple sources and the basis is science...

Considering the numerous hacking going on before hand this should be investigated.. Considering Comey practically tried to gift wrap the Election to Trump for Emails which Trump now admits aren't even worth investigating any more...

The current rules are what they are. We should have changed them while we had the chance, after having survived the disaster that was the Bush administration, but we didn't.

Now we need to play our cards right over the next 4 years, and abolish the electoral college when we get the chance. The overwhelming majority of the country is on our side. We mustn't forget that.
Well, you have to change the amendment and that takes a lot of cooperation which is not going to happen.
Small rural states might as will not even participate in the popular vote if there's no electoral college... fact

Hillary is FUBAR (fucked up beyond all recognition) and Trump is SNAFU (situation normal all fucked up). America needs a middle of the road President.
Computer scientists urge Clinton campaign to challenge election results -

This isn't a crackpot story, multiple sources and the basis is science...

Considering the numerous hacking going on before hand this should be investigated.. Considering Comey practically tried to gift wrap the Election to Trump for Emails which Trump now admits aren't even worth investigating any more...

The current rules are what they are. We should have changed them while we had the chance, after having survived the disaster that was the Bush administration, but we didn't.

Now we need to play our cards right over the next 4 years, and abolish the electoral college when we get the chance. The overwhelming majority of the country is on our side. We mustn't forget that.
Well, you have to change the amendment and that takes a lot of cooperation which is not going to happen.
Small rural states might as will not even participate in the popular vote if there's no electoral college... fact
Sounds like a personal problem. You all should figure out how to contribute a little more since your vote is worth more than people who live in parts of the country that actually fund and support the country.
It doesn't take a genius to understand what would have happened if the tables were turned. If there is voter fraud there is voter fraud. Anonymous? The Russians? Who knows.

No matter what side you are on, you should have the moral capacity to WANT a fair election whether things are leaning in favor of your candidate or not. I hate Trump. I despise Clinton. There are only two scenarios that could happen to make me happy, and none of them are going to happen. They find no wrong doing, Trump still wins, he gets into office and they find out he does have ties with the Russians and he resigns leaving it up Pence. They do find wrong doing they do a re-vote in the three states and Clinton wins, then they find new evidence about the Clinton Foundation or child human trafficking and she gets thrown in jail making Kaine the President.

One more time:

These "computer scientists" evidence is that "correlation could be causation! Trump did slightly better in areas that used electronic voting, so there must be something amiss!" Literal retards.

The article spins it like some electoral college voters have defected and Clinton "has a chance". This is false. The "defectors" are in Washington and Colorado... states that already did not go for Trump. They aren't changing anything. They will not go against the will of the voters and cause a civil war that leftist are hoping for.

"Computer scientists" admit there is no evidence of hacking. The FBI has gone on record saying that the booths are basically hackproof, particularly on a wide scale. Interference on a large scale in regards to electronic voting was basically impossible.

So in short, leftist are whining because they lost. That's what leftists do. They can fuck right off.

Look, you believe whatever the fuck you want. Whether that's nothing is wrong, or that the Sun revolves around the Earth... whatever.

But these guys believe in it enough that they are putting their reputations on the line to go public and try to get the message to Hillary to get things checked out.
Computer scientists urge Clinton campaign to challenge election results -

This isn't a crackpot story, multiple sources and the basis is science...

Considering the numerous hacking going on before hand this should be investigated.. Considering Comey practically tried to gift wrap the Election to Trump for Emails which Trump now admits aren't even worth investigating any more...

The current rules are what they are. We should have changed them while we had the chance, after having survived the disaster that was the Bush administration, but we didn't.

Now we need to play our cards right over the next 4 years, and abolish the electoral college when we get the chance. The overwhelming majority of the country is on our side. We mustn't forget that.
Well, you have to change the amendment and that takes a lot of cooperation which is not going to happen.
Small rural states might as will not even participate in the popular vote if there's no electoral college... fact

Hillary is FUBAR (fucked up beyond all recognition) and Trump is SNAFU (situation normal all fucked up). America needs a middle of the road President.

I disagree. Middle of the road, or moderate will get us nowhere.

We had leftist/progressive/socialist for 8 years and it's time to pull in completely opposite direction. Staying in the middle would still lean us to the left. You can call it fucked up, I call it necessary
It doesn't take a genius to understand what would have happened if the tables were turned. If there is voter fraud there is voter fraud. Anonymous? The Russians? Who knows.

No matter what side you are on, you should have the moral capacity to WANT a fair election whether things are leaning in favor of your candidate or not. I hate Trump. I despise Clinton. There are only two scenarios that could happen to make me happy, and none of them are going to happen. They find no wrong doing, Trump still wins, he gets into office and they find out he does have ties with the Russians and he resigns leaving it up Pence. They do find wrong doing they do a re-vote in the three states and Clinton wins, then they find new evidence about the Clinton Foundation or child human trafficking and she gets thrown in jail making Kaine the President.

One more time:

These "computer scientists" evidence is that "correlation could be causation! Trump did slightly better in areas that used electronic voting, so there must be something amiss!" Literal retards.

The article spins it like some electoral college voters have defected and Clinton "has a chance". This is false. The "defectors" are in Washington and Colorado... states that already did not go for Trump. They aren't changing anything. They will not go against the will of the voters and cause a civil war that leftist are hoping for.

"Computer scientists" admit there is no evidence of hacking. The FBI has gone on record saying that the booths are basically hackproof, particularly on a wide scale. Interference on a large scale in regards to electronic voting was basically impossible.

So in short, leftist are whining because they lost. That's what leftists do. They can fuck right off.

Look, you believe whatever the fuck you want. Whether that's nothing is wrong, or that the Sun revolves around the Earth... whatever.

But these guys believe in it enough that they are putting their reputations on the line to go public and try to get the message to Hillary to get things checked out.

In your own words... just as I do, they can believe whatever fuck they want.

Speaking of leftist reputation? LMAO.

Oh, you do know that Michigan uses paper ballots. I got photo of mine on my phone, wanna see it?

So, when "scientists" claim that Hillary received 7 percent of votes less where electronic machines are used, and in the same sentence mention Michigan where paper ballots are used, I don't have to believe... I simply know that what they're claiming is a load of crap. But it's leftist crap, and you love it...

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