Comprehensive Immigration Reform


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
1. Complete the Border Fence.

2. Create tamper proof ID cards.

3. Require all illegals to register within 6 months or be deported. Make return after deportation a felony.

4. Give those without criminal records temporary green cards.

5. Condition continued presence on self-support & no public services for adults.

6. Must pay income and social security taxes for 10 years* without accrued benefits.

7. After 10 years, permanent residency granted.

*Current law requires return to home country and 10 year waiting period before applying for a visa, so this is a beneficial alternative.
`Bout as many comin' as goin' back to Mexico...
Study: Mexican migration to US stabilizes
Oct 23,`12 -- A new report by U.S. and Mexican researchers suggests an uptick in the number of illegal migrants headed to the United States in the first half of 2012, and a slight decrease in migrants returning to Mexico.
The report by Mexico's Colegio de la Frontera Norte and the University of Southern California's Tomas Rivera Policy Institute says the U.S. Mexican migrant population appears to have stabilized and may be growing slightly.

It would be the first time net migration outflow from Mexico has increased since the 2007 economic downturn.

The report released Tuesday says that heightened U.S. anti-immigration efforts don't appear to have convinced migrants to leave.

The report is based on surveys done at Mexican border crossings, bus stations and airports, and on U.S. deportation, repatriation and demographics data.

1. Complete the Border Fence.

2. Create tamper proof ID cards.

3. Require all illegals to register within 6 months or be deported. Make return after deportation a felony.

4. Give those without criminal records temporary green cards.

5. Condition continued presence on self-support & no public services for adults.

6. Must pay income and social security taxes for 10 years* without accrued benefits.

7. After 10 years, permanent residency granted.

*Current law requires return to home country and 10 year waiting period before applying for a visa, so this is a beneficial alternative.

I strongly disagree with #s 1 and 6, but the rest I like. Wait - Number 3 - Everyone, including kids, should be registered immediately. I'm nervous about a felony charge, but I'll go with 1st degree misdemeanor up to maybe maybe a fourth degree felony
Americans are stupid.

The gov't allows illegal aliens to come here and drive down wages, destroy schools and neighborhoods. Then they want to reward those same lawbreakers with "Amnesty".

Americans are just plain stupid.
1 & 2,6- fine,3-Require all illegals to register within 6 months or be deported,Change"within 6 months" to immediately and "or" to and. Reentry already is a felony. Punishable to up 2 years imprisionment. Give them 10 years mandatory. Spay and neuter the breeders, deport them and their offsping.. 4- As soon as they register, they have a criminal record. Forget the green card. 5-and pups. 7-no, visa only. Also put the border patrol on the fucking border, not chasing their tails around the desert.
Deport them all. Drag them out of the schools, hospital, nursing homes, and deport them. Load them on buses, trains and planes. Give them a bottle of water and a bologna sandwich. Brand them across their foreheads as ILLEGAL so they can be immediately identified if they try it again.
1. Complete the Border Fence.
Our border problem is the influx of drugs and human trafficking into the US and the export of weapons out of the US. Forget the fence. Decriminalize drug use a la Portugal and sell, tax, and regulate cannabis like tobacco or alcohol. Without demand drug smuggling will dry up. Fix the employment visa quota system and the human trafficking will mostly dry up. Concentrate more enforcement on weapons running.

2. Create tamper proof ID cards.
Why stop at green cards? Isn't it time we had a universal identity card that was secure?

3. Require all illegals to register within 6 months or be deported. Make return after deportation a felony.

4. Give those without criminal records temporary green cards.

Don't announce a time limit. If caught before coming forward, violators are subject to deportation and/or jail. Those with criminal records will be screened to determine placement.

5. Condition continued presence on self-support & no public services for adults.

6. Must pay income and social security taxes for 10 years* without accrued benefits.

7. After 10 years, permanent residency granted.

Provide a three-year period of very limited benefits (no unemployment or retirement benefits food assistance, housing etc.) but keep survivors and disability benefits if employed, and public education through age 19 and emergency medical services. Follow the three-year period with an additional 7 years of qualification during which they must learn English, pass a modified citizenship test, and not commit any significant infraction. At the end of the ten years, they get permanent resident status and can apply for citizenship.
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How about we enforce what we have instead of our present administration suing states that do? We do not need reform on immigration. Send the SOBs back!
The thing with the south-of-the border immigrants is that they'll work for ridiculously low wages at temporary (agriculture) jobs, jobs that no American will do, or should do, for less than the minimum wage. Agriculture does not pay the minimum wage. So they will need asistance - as long as they're actually trying to work.

The fence is a joke. The drugs are coming in through tunnels under the fence.
1. Complete the Border Fence.

2. Create tamper proof ID cards.

3. Require all illegals to register within 6 months or be deported. Make return after deportation a felony.

4. Give those without criminal records temporary green cards.

5. Condition continued presence on self-support & no public services for adults.

6. Must pay income and social security taxes for 10 years* without accrued benefits.

7. After 10 years, permanent residency granted.

*Current law requires return to home country and 10 year waiting period before applying for a visa, so this is a beneficial alternative.

Nope... Enter America through proper immigration channels, or go back from where you came from. The moment an immigrant enters illegally, they have broken our Laws... If they don't respect our Laws from the start, we don't need them here.

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