Illegal wielding gun at grade school arrested


U B U & I'll B Me 4 USA!
Jan 15, 2009
Mexican illegal alien point’s a gun at an elementary school guard is busted!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

In my opinion frankly I’m getting sick of these 3rd world illegal alien degenerates:

STANFIELD, ARIZONA -- Saul Martinez, 23 an illegal alien from Mexico was arrested and charged with possessing a firearm on school grounds, prohibited possessor of a firearm, aggravated assault, trespassing, threats and intimidation and disorderly conduct with a firearm.

The illegal aliens get more brazen by the day and this guy is no exception. He had been deported 3 times but that means nothing to these people. They don’t believe they have to obey the U.S. laws because they’re from Mexico. (They don’t obey their laws either.)

This POS Saul Martinez went to the Stanfield Elementary School most likely because he was horny. Luckily, the grade school had a security guard and the guard approached Martinez and challenged him. The illegal alien whips out a .40 caliber pistol from his waist band and points it at the guard and said, “Back Off.” Of course the guard did. If he pointed a gun at me he wouldn't even get a warning shot.

Martinez left to a nearby trailer and changed clothes. The guard immediately called 911 and then drove his truck to a nearby convenience store to wait for the police. Martinez saw where the guard was parked and walked up to the truck and demanded to know what his problem was “The guard told Martinez he just wanted to know who he was, since there had been break-ins and thefts at the school.”

While at the store Martinez stashed the gun behind a movie rental machine. When the Pima County Sheriff’s Office (PCSO) arrived they found the .40 caliber hand gun where he hid it and they also found bullets on Martinez’s person. He told the police it was his gun. The Deputies later found out that the hand gun was stolen from Casa Grande, Arizona. He probably robbed someone's house.

This law breaking piece of trash Saul Martinez age 23 has been deported three times once on February 18, 2009 and again on December 6, 2009, and on July 12, 2011 and if they should deport him again he'll just come back whenever he pleases. Being deported is just a game to people like him they brag about how many times they have been deported. It’s like a badge of honor to these people. They have no respect for human life or the American laws and they’re not to be trusted around young children!

"This illegal immigrant continues to break our laws, going as far as to threaten the life of an American citizen on a local school yard," Sheriff Paul Babeu said. "This is yet another example of what happens when we don't enforce all the laws."


Illegal deported 3 time points gun at school guard
PCSO: Illegal immigrant deported 3 times pointed stolen gun at school guard

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STANFIELD, ARIZONA -- Saul Martinez, 23 an illegal alien from Mexico was arrested and charged with possessing a firearm on school grounds, prohibited possessor of a firearm, aggravated assault, trespassing, threats and intimidation and disorderly conduct with a firearm.

I doubt all those charges are enough to get this Third Worlder deported under Obama's new ICE deportation "priority" guidelines.
In my opinion, The Obama Administration will probably give him a medal and say better luck next time. Saul will probably receive a free "Dreamer" college education since he’s shown such an interest in grade school children.

Most likely Saul Martinez was standing at the windows of the mobile home he was living in along with 20 other illegal aliens who lived there masturbating as they gazed out at the school yard during recess. Then they all decided to bring a child into the mobile home for them to play with. Saul was probably the youngest and best able to lure kids so they sent him. What other reason would he be on school property with a hand gun during school hours? It’s a good thing the school had a security guard.

FACT: There are over 2,000 kids a DAY that go missing in America and most of them are never found, link. These illegal alien scum bags like to abduct kids and have group sex with them. They keep their victim alive for weeks until they die and then they bury them in shallow graves across America. They have found out that they can keep kids around 11 – 12 years old alive longer than they can the smaller ones. This kind of stuff has been literally been going on for years, decades and is still happening today. Open Your Eyes America! Save our children and close the Southern Border write or call your politicians today!

In my view, the Liberals don’t care as long as it is someone else’s child that gets murdered they like the cheap labor. As long as the illegal aliens shows up to work on time and they’re productive and turn a huge profit it doesn’t bother them that innocent people get killed. They don’t care that the illegal alien goes home at night gets high, drunk and beats his wife and seduces his own children. That's for society to worry about and not the Lib. We need to crack down on the employers who hire the illegal aliens who cause so much havoc in our country.


The U.S. Department of Justice reports
Nearly 800,000 children younger than 18 are missing each year, or an average of 2,185 children reported missing each day.

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