Compassionate and Caring Liberals Celebrate Breitbart's death

That is pathetic. Breitbart forced Weiner to take pictures of his cock and send them to his some of his female twitter and facebook followers? Breitbart forced Weiner to have online liasons with at least 6 different women? :lol:

Not even close. Anthony Weiner destroyed his own life.

Oh give it a rest.

Because no-one has affairs. That just never happens, right?

Because Breitbart just HAD to go and make it a national news story.

OK, you don't want to have any sympathy for Weiner, who's life was completely destroyed because Breitbart just had to pry into his sex life?

Fine, Shirley Sherrod.

Her life was destroyed? :lol: She must really hate him them, huh?

The news of Mr. Breitbart's death came as a surprise to me when I was informed of it this morning," Sherrod said in a statement sent to International Business Times by her attorney, Thomas Clare. "My prayers go out to Mr. Breitbart's family as they cope during this very difficult time. I do not intend to make any further comments.
apparently not.....
Shirley Sherrod on Andrew Breitbart: Death 'a Surprise' [VIDEOS] - International Business Times

So, because she had class it means her life wasn't destroyed?

My life is great and I'm utterly classless. I laughed at breitbart's death. It made my day.
Surely no one is surprised at liberals! I can't believe this comes as a shock to anyone. This is what they are like. It would be far more surprising if libs said anything else.

Of course if anyone told the truth about a lib icon like pointing out that Whitney Houston was a has-been crack ho, they get mad and start saying that Christians shouldn't speak ill of the dead.

And they kill white conservatives.
Wow, I'm shocked. The only think that the left has come up with is Weiner? Really? OMG, how lame. But that is what the geniuses are posting.
I have to admit, I went to the link and did a [control]-[F] and typed in one particular poster's name and all the other names I know her by.

Surely no one is surprised at liberals! I can't believe this comes as a shock to anyone. This is what they are like. It would be far more surprising if libs said anything else.

Of course if anyone told the truth about a lib icon like pointing out that Whitney Houston was a has-been crack ho, they get mad and start saying that Christians shouldn't speak ill of the dead.

And they kill white conservatives.

who is they?.....
Looks like Breitbart ruined Anthony Weiner's life again....
Andrew Breitbart, the conservative firebrand and new media pioneer who died suddenly at just 43, had told friends he was poised to take his jihad against the Left deeper into the mainstream media with a regular show on CNN.

Last weekend, Breitbart told friends he was in early talks with CNN about a Crossfire-style show in which he would argue from the Right alongside former US House representative Anthony Weiner taking him on from the Left.

Such a show could have been a blockbuster

Read more: Andrew Breitbart was 'in talks with CNN' over new show with Anthony Weiner | Mail Online
Wow, I'm shocked. The only think that the left has come up with is Weiner? Really? OMG, how lame. But that is what the geniuses are posting.

I already mentioned Ms Sherrod, but those are just the most high-profile of his victims.

There was Vivian Schiller, the NPR exec that Breitbart did a hatchet job on, costing him his career.

There were those two professors in Missouri, that Breitbart showed doctored video of, all because they dared to commit the crime of teaching classes about labor.

There's much, much more. But I'm not going to waste the whole night searching the internet for all the many incidents where Breitbart behaved like the slug that he was. There's just too damn much to cover.

But he built his career out of attacking his political opponents in any way he could. And when people he didn't like died, he wasn't afraid to talk VERY badly of them, so I can't imagine he'd expect anyone not to do the same.
Looks like Breitbart ruined Anthony Weiner's life again....
Andrew Breitbart, the conservative firebrand and new media pioneer who died suddenly at just 43, had told friends he was poised to take his jihad against the Left deeper into the mainstream media with a regular show on CNN.

Last weekend, Breitbart told friends he was in early talks with CNN about a Crossfire-style show in which he would argue from the Right alongside former US House representative Anthony Weiner taking him on from the Left.

Such a show could have been a blockbuster

Read more: Andrew Breitbart was 'in talks with CNN' over new show with Anthony Weiner | Mail Online

I'd love to see another "Crossfire" show come around. That was a doggone good program until Tucker Carlson came along. I just couldn't help but feel like he was a wuss who didn't have the backbone to fight for the right.

Here ya go! Compassionate and Caring "progressives" celebrating Andrew Breitbart's death.

Add me to the list.

I'm glad he died.
Send his family a card with your sentiment.


Surely no one is surprised at liberals! I can't believe this comes as a shock to anyone. This is what they are like. It would be far more surprising if libs said anything else.

Of course if anyone told the truth about a lib icon like pointing out that Whitney Houston was a has-been crack ho, they get mad and start saying that Christians shouldn't speak ill of the dead.

And they kill white conservatives.

who is they?.....
You're addressing Salt-Peter of a handful of USMB racist scumbags.
Ok so te right is mad a random people who tweet bad thugs about Andrew but they have nothing to say about how Andrew shitted on Kennedy hours after his death? Andrew had a huge platform these tweeters (one named dufus) has a twitter account.

I can see how those are the same.
Ok so te right is mad a random people who tweet bad thugs about Andrew but they have nothing to say about how Andrew shitted on Kennedy hours after his death? Andrew had a huge platform these tweeters (one named dufus) has a twitter account.

I can see how those are the same.

For the record, I'm not angry about any of this stuff, but there are other things that I am pissed off about. As as for AB's treatment of Senator Kennedy after his death, well, I did not and do not read anything at all from AB. Don't like his methods which happen to be used here all the time.

I don't know what he said about Senator Kennedy, so you might have to fill me in.

For the record, I'm not angry about any of this stuff, but there are other things that I am pissed off about. As as for AB's treatment of Senator Kennedy after his death, well, I did not and do not read anything at all from AB. Don't like his methods which happen to be used here all the time.

I don't know what he said about Senator Kennedy, so you might have to fill me in.


That's all I'm saying.

Frankly I don't care about Breitbart's politics.

There are a whole lot of people I like on the right.

It was his methods I have an issue with.

This is what he said about Kennedy:

Andrew Breitbart, a Washington Times columnist who oversees and, tapped into the anti-Kennedy vein in the hours after the senator’s death was announced, posting a series of Twitter messages in which he called Kennedy a “villain,” a “duplicitous bastard” and a “prick.”

"I'm more than willing to go off decorum to ensure THIS MAN is not beatified,” Breitbart wrote. “Sorry, he destroyed lives. And he knew it."

Source: Not all Kennedy critics hold fire - Michael Calderone -

I'd say that was pretty damn bad.
Ok so te right is mad a random people who tweet bad thugs about Andrew but they have nothing to say about how Andrew shitted on Kennedy hours after his death? Andrew had a huge platform these tweeters (one named dufus) has a twitter account.

I can see how those are the same.

For the record, I'm not angry about any of this stuff, but there are other things that I am pissed off about. As as for AB's treatment of Senator Kennedy after his death, well, I did not and do not read anything at all from AB. Don't like his methods which happen to be used here all the time.

I don't know what he said about Senator Kennedy, so you might have to fill me in.


According to Soros' Group 'Media Matters'? It was HORRIBLE If they are to be belived...:eek::eusa_whistle:
Oh I think that's just terrible to say such bad things about this person.
It wasn't that long ago that he apparently had some kind of "heart" problem
but when checked out by a doctor, the doctor couldn't find anything.

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