CDZ Comparing Presidential Scandals


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Looking back over the post WW2 years, I have noticed a qualitative difference between Republican and Democratic Presidential scandals: In almost every case, Republican scandals involved ideological motives, whereas most Democratic scandals involved personal or political gain.

For example, Reagan's Iran-Contra scandal involved trying to assist the Nicaraguan Contras rather than the President himself. Nixon's Watergate scandal was the worst, although his impeachment offenses seem almost laughable by today"s standards. (The back story on the break in itself was to search for alleged campaign contributions from Cuba.) Obstruction of Justice is now the norm at the Attorney General's office.

By contrast, almost every Democratic scandal involved personal or political gain for the President himself: JFK's vote fraud, Clinton's foreign campaign contributions, cattle commodities payola and pay-for-pardon, and Obama's IRS manipulations and Benghazi coverup prior to his reelection.

Given her involvement in many of these (and her own) scandals, should I be astonished that Hillary Clinton is still considered a viable Presidential candidate?
35% of Americans are Democratic sycophants. 35% of Americans are Republican sycophants. Of the remaining 30%, most get their news from mainstream media (NBC, CBS, ABC) which will ignore much of Clinton's past.

She's gonna be President (unless O'Malley upsets her)
Looking back over the post WW2 years, I have noticed a qualitative difference between Republican and Democratic Presidential scandals: In almost every case, Republican scandals involved ideological motives, whereas most Democratic scandals involved personal or political gain.

For example, Reagan's Iran-Contra scandal involved trying to assist the Nicaraguan Contras rather than the President himself. Nixon's Watergate scandal was the worst, although his impeachment offenses seem almost laughable by today"s standards. (The back story on the break in itself was to search for alleged campaign contributions from Cuba.) Obstruction of Justice is now the norm at the Attorney General's office.

By contrast, almost every Democratic scandal involved personal or political gain for the President himself: JFK's vote fraud, Clinton's foreign campaign contributions, cattle commodities payola and pay-for-pardon, and Obama's IRS manipulations and Benghazi coverup prior to his reelection.

Given her involvement in many of these (and her own) scandals, should I be astonished that Hillary Clinton is still considered a viable Presidential candidate?

Funny values you attach to presidential scandals.

Reagan's illegal aid to the Contras caused thousands of unnecessary deaths in Central America and are the cause of many of today's immigration problems. His deal with the Iranians probably kept the hostages in captivity much longer.

W's lies about Iraq have killed how many? Millions? And still counting.

Benghazi is B.S. There is no scandal there. Same as the IRS blather.

I'm not saying this to defend Democrats. I'm not one myself. But let's not perpetuate right wing fantasy.

Reagan and Nixon should have gone to jail
Bush lied to start a war

The so called Democratic "scandals" are trivial and unproven
Reagan and Nixon should have gone to jail
Bush lied to start a war

The so called Democratic "scandals" are trivial and unproven

Don't forget LBJ and the Gulf of Tonkin deception. That one almost got me killed.
LBJ was wrong about Vietnam, but he did so many other great things for the people. Republican's only ideal motives are how to cut taxes for the very wealthy.
LBJ was wrong about Vietnam, but he did so many other great things for the people. Republican's only ideal motives are how to cut taxes for the very wealthy.
As much as he is reviled, LBJ had a bipolar Presidency

Civil Rights, Poverty Programs, Medicare ...he was a groundbreaking President

VietNam? He kept doubling down on a losing bet

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